Holy cow! how long has it been? 3 years? REALLY sorry guys, life has been..well like life, and I honestly didnt think I'd ever write anymore with this story. But for some reason I'm her now, writing this for you guys, so you better enjoy! lol. Might not be as funny as the last, but its still got some funny moments in it. I'd love to hear what you guys say, all I have to do is say Please PLEASE ignore any and all spelling errors you see in this story. I'm just too damn tired to fix them. kay? Now, enjoy the story and please review!

So after last months mix up, I decided I needed a break from these "fanfic's", 'more like my body needed a break from them, I cant keep getting my ass handed to me after reading every one of these stories'. No matter how much I tell myself these fanfic's arent real, I cant help but get pissed off every time I read something saying my sister (or brother for that matter) are pregnant, I just want to punch the ass hole who did that to them, but its not easy when said person can use your own shadows against you.

I just have one thing to say about Nara, "That guy is a pervert!" Seriously! If he's not with my sister, then he's with that other blond, or my brother...really? According to these stories, Nara's been with everyone in Leaf, including lady hokage-really dude? really? along with my brother and my sister, if not one then all at the same time..how he does it, I'm not sure, but that guy is a genious...right?

Anyways, all that put aside, I decided that someone else needed to read these stories with me, and since he was already here on a mission, I figured who else to read these with other than dog boy-now i know what you're thinking, 'You said you didnt like guys like that, Kankuro! you said you only want to be with girls!'. we'll your right, but that doesnt mean I cant be friends, or comrades with another guy. So this is not something for you to over thing, got that? good!

Now, as I was saying, I told dog boy about these sotries, and he said he wanted to read them also, or atleast see what the hell I was talking about, sinc ehe didnt believe half of what I was saying. All he could say was, 'thats not even possible!' and 'are they all crazy?'. So now here we are, sneaking back in my abusive sisters room, not as easy as last time I might add, but still made our way in there. Proud to say we only had a few scraps and only one broken bone, but still in her room!

"Alright Kankuro, where are the stories you were talking about?" Kiba asked watching as Temari's computer booted up.

"You'll see. But I have to say one thing, anything with the words "sandcest, lemon, au, or mpreg" we are not, and I repeat NOT reading it." I demanded, moving the mouse to the large blue E on her screen, ignoring the wallpaper on her desktop. "Those are 4 things I've learned to avoid when browsing through these things."

As I suspected Inuzuka looked at me as though I was crazy, "Lemon? Seriously? You're afraid of a fruit?"

"Its a long, yet short story. Just trust me on this one, your not going to want to read it" I assured him, bringing up the page I was looking for.

After scrolling through a few story summaries, I stopped at one of the summaries;
'I dont own anything' was all it said, nothing else. I knew right away this one had to have a catch to it, nothing was that simple. Obviously this person didn't own any of us, last I checked I didnt have a master, and I wasnt a slave.

"What're you waiting for! Click on it, so we can read it already!" Kiba shouted, getting impatient.

Just as I was about to scroll through more stories, that little bastard decided to click on the story, then grinned, as he began to read the story. I on the other hand, did NOT want to read this one, I had no intentions of reading some fucked up story. That didn't mean I didn't want to see the look on dog boys face when he read something even close to what I'd read. Sure it had been a month since I last read something, but the things I've read you just cant forget...no matter how many times you try. And trust me, I've tried alot. I've even sunk so low that I went to talk to this lady who ended up just writing on this scroll while I was trying to explain things to her. Greedy Bitch...thats all I got to say about her.

Anyways! The look on Kiba's face wasn't exactly what I was expecting, he didnt look disgusted, or mordified. No, he just looked confused, honestly confused as his eyes kept scrolling through the words, reading each sentence, almost like he was trying to make sense of a secret code that only the smartest person could figure out. After what seemed like an hour, he looked at me, an eyebrow raised, and asked, "Who the hell is Edward Elric, and what's 'Alchemy?'"

Once again, letting curiosity getting the best of me, I quickly turned my attention to the screen, and began reading, slowly figuring out why dog boy was so confused. Something in this story didn't make any sense-scratch that, everything in this story didnt make sense. At first, it wasnt that bad, just a regular day in Leaf, of course I was no where in site, but my sister was, and she was with-none other than the laziest ninja in the 5 great nations-Nara, both sitting on a hill, looking up at the clouds, until the sky went dark, the clouds turning read and then out of no where there was lightning that struck not far from where they sat, leaving behind a large dent in the earth and two figures lying in it.

Now first off, thats not even possible, if you get hit, or are even close to lightning then I highly doubt that you wouldnt have a single scratch on your body, or even be consious.

Puttng that aside, I contiuned to read on, suddenlly becoming more and more confused, one of the figured said his name was Edward Elric, and that he was searching for some rock, the the other, which clearly was NOT human, began to talk. This along would make even Nara confused, last I checked large trash cans couldn't talk, right? Well, the tincan said its name was Alphonse Elric, okay so the two had the same last name, thats not completely uncommon, but it wasnt that simple, it never is. The story continued with the two explaining who they were, and asking where they were now, except they didn't ask "where" they were, they asked "When" they were. Really?

As the two of us sat there in complete and utter silence, we got to the end of the chapter, then read what was labled as; "AN" which went on stating that this was its first try at a 'cross-over', but didn't even bother to explain what it was. Seriously, do none of these people believe in explinations! Sure no one was doing fruity things, and no one was pregnant, so to be fair this was a pretty tame story.

Shaking our heads, we decided we would read atleast one more chapter-BIG MISTAKE.

The story just got more confusing, all these random people started showing up in the story. Sure I finally appeared in the story, but only to be killed by some over-weighed mindless baffoon, who was able to outsmart me...ME of all people? I'm not some idiot who would go and just walk up to some stranger, and just stand there as it attacked me. I was seriously begginning to thing that these people didn't like me at all, as a matter of fact I think they liked seeing me in pain, why else would they write about my death, and go to ever little detail. From when the creatures teeth sank into my side, to the last piece of flesh he ate off my bones. Just thinking about it gave me the chills!

I was about to say something, when the cold metal of a Kunai was pressed against my throat.

"you're...dead!" Kiba shouted, pressing the kunai even deeper against my neck, drawing a strand of blood, "how did you survive that? it...ate you! How do I even know you're the you you're saying you are!"

Clearly the dog boy had read enough of this story to believe that I was really dead, but...I wasnt. I was sitting right here, live and deffitntly kicking-well not at this very moment, but I was alive.

"Idiot! These things aren't real! Only a real fool would believe them" I wasn't about to bring up the fact that I was in his position not long ago.

Kiba was about to shout something else, until there was a loud bang heard from the other side of the room, causing both Kiba and myself to look towards the noise, wanting to know what the cause was.

"What the FUCK are you two doing in MY room?"

'shit!, we're dead!' I thought, remembering exactly what my sister said when I told her why I thought she was pregnant.


"You take ONE more step in my room, and it WILL be the end of you!" Temari shouted, hitting me with her over sized fan once again, making sure her threat was heard, "Got that?"

I wasnt able to respond, due to the fact that I was in so much pain. The only thing I could do was nod slowly, then everything went black for me, and that was that.


This ended just the same way that did, except I wasnt the only one who ended up in pain and blacking out, all I have to say is, I do believe this will be the last, and I mean last time dog boy ever volenteered to come over and read a fanfic with me...Could I blame him? Not really, but was that going to stop me? Sadly, not.

AN: I got this idea from one of the reviewers of this story, so thanks! You rock for the idea, you know who you are!