Author's Note- I think I have an idea for a multi-chaptered stabby fic! Okay. This is it. As always please review because reviews equal happiness to me and umm... I'll pay you in the tons of muffins and cookies GPR has given me for reviewing on her stories so much.

Disclaimer- Well, it's called a disclaimer so you can guess what's coming next! Don't own and, regrettably never have.


It was exactly two weeks since Stephen had died. Not a single day was the same without him. Abby regretted so much now that he had gone: she regretted not forgiving him for his affair with Helen; she regretted not trusting him when he turned up with Helen; she regretted her last words to him; but, most of all, she regretted that she hadn't got to know him better and break through the solid brick wall he had built around his heart.

Abby sighed heavily and shivered as she trudged on through the graveyard. She knew her way like the back of her hand: after all, she had come here every day for the past fortnight. She stopped in front of the little wooden cross that read his name.

"Miss you." She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Mmm... Don't we all." A harsh voice stated and Abby knew who it was even before she spun round to come face to face with someone she had hoped she'd never see again. Helen Cutter.

"You... you killed him!" Abby stuttered.

"No I didn't." Helen perched on a small brick wall, "Why on earth would I do something like that?"

"Yes you did." Abby replied coldly, "If you had never roped him into your little plan, he'd still be alive."

"Well, if we're playing the blaming game, I could easily pin it on you." Helen sighed.

"How?" Abby felt her pulse quicken, but stared her out, her eyebrows raised in a mocking glare.

"Well, if you hadn't been so proud, if you had gone after him, you could have made him change your mind." Helen pointed out. Abby knew that that point had hardly anything to do with Stephen's death, but Helen had picked a sensitive spot that she had been arguing with herself and Connor about ever since.

"Yeah, like he'd have listened to me." The petite blonde told herself as well as Helen.

"He would." Helen insisted, "He would've done anything for you, Abby Maitland. He would've died for you. And he did."

"He died for everybody." Abby argued in what was barely a whisper as her eyes wandered back to the grave, "He's a hero." She smiled slightly, although she wished that he hadn't been a hero. If he hadn't, he'd still be alive. Helen laughed at her spitefully.

"Hero?" she scoffed, "Idiot, more like."

"Shut up!" Abby jumped to her friend's defence, "He was a hero. He was braver then you'll ever be."

"I'm not saying he wasn't." Helen always had to have the last word. There was a long pause between the two women as they left each other to their own thoughts. Then Helen spoke:

"What would you do if I said you could change all that?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Abby looked at her.

"What would you do if I said you could bring Stephen back from the dead?" Helen saw she had caught the girl's interest as the glimmer of hope appeared in her sea blue eyes and the expression of contemplation engulfed her face.

"That's impossible." She eventually sighed miserably, pushing away the idea. Helen could tell that she had desperately wanted it to be true.

"But it's not impossible." Said Helen. Abby glared at her, fresh hot tears staining her cheeks.

"You're taking this a little bit too far now." She said, "Please. Just leave me alone."

"It's true Abby," Helen continued, causing Abby to grit her teeth and look at the ground in annoyance, "God knows, I've tried hard enough." Helen muttered and Abby shot her a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" she enquired, now intrigued.

"I've tried to get him to come back, but he only wants one person." Helen explained, "One person who he thinks doesn't want him back."

"That's not true!" Abby cried.

"Tell him that yourself." Helen told her.

"Stop it! Just stop it!" Abby yelled, "You can't bring people back from the dead! You just can't!" her voice was hushed now, but Helen could see that she was weakening.

"An anomaly will appear in five days." She said to the blonde, ignoring her last comment, "If you want Stephen back, pack your bags and come and find me. I'll be waiting just on the other side of the anomaly. But don't tell anyone and don't give them time to follow you through." She finished and walked off before Abby had time to think. She watched Helen retreat until she could see her no more before looking down at Stephen's grave. Her heart ached to see him agin- just once so she could tell him how she really felt, but she couldn't help but feel that she was being pulled into one of Helen's crazy schemes. Stephen had trusted Helen and look where he was now. But she had that niggling feeling that Helen, for once, was telling the truth. If she was, Abby could see him in five days. If not... who knows? If she accepted, she could be dead. But if she didn't... she might be passing off the best second chance she'd ever been offered. She had five days to choose.


Right. What do you think? Please review and more will hopefully follow soon...