Sorry for not updating in like forever. I've been busy.

Thanks To My Fateful Reviewers.

I probably won't be updating as muck since I have school. But I will try to update as much as I can.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5

Bonding, Love and... a Little Bit of Training

Normal POV

With BB and Terra

Terra was standing next to the the cashier ready to go, while Beast Boy was drooling over shelves of new games. He wanted to get then all, but didn't want to spend to much money because he was planning on getting Terra an engagement ring. "Hurry up BB!" Terra called, from the counter. He snapped out of his dream- like state and grabbed the game he was looking for and walked toward the counter and handed the game to the cushier. "Will that be all, sir?" She said flirtatiously, winking. Beast Boy nodded. Terra growled at the cashier. After the game was paid for, Beast Boy walked outside, waiting for his girlfriend. " If youever flirt with my boyfriend again,-" Terra looked down at the name tag, "Brianna, it'll be the last person you'll everflirt with!" Terra said in a low voice, then paced toward the front exit, leaving a very scared cashier. "Let's go." Terra said as they walked home.

With Demetri and Starfire

Starfire had taken Demetri to Clare's, Sears, Hot Topic and other stores in Jump City Mall. They weren't even half way through before Demetri was about to collapse with all the bags he was carrying. "Let's go to the food court Starfire." Demetri suggested. "Very well, friend Demetri. "Starfire said, a little disappointed that she wasn't goingto go into one of her favorite toy stores,just then. Demetri saw this, "We'll go after we see what's in this store. "He said, smiling at Starfire. She smiled back and was instantly looking at the rows of toys inside the store. Demetri walked inside the store and found a chair, he sat down and put the 12 bags that he was holding on the floor. 'That girl can shop! She isn't even tired yet. I like that in a girl- beauty, optimistic, always happy, and supportive. *Sigh*'. "Friend Demetri! May I buy this for you please?" Starfire asked, holding up a witch plush doll. Demetri snapped out of his day dreaming and stared at Starfire, "Sure Star, I'd love that." he smiled. Starfire smiled back and flew to the cashier. After a few minutes, they headed toward the food court.

10 minutes later...

They had finally sat down with their food. They decided on Chinese. "So, how is your lunch Star?" Demetri asked, kindly. "Deliciously wonderful, friend Demetri! Thank you for purchasing such tasty foods." Starfirereplied. " Your welcome Star." He said smiling. 'I am har- vest- ing this 'smash' on friend Demetri, correct? Well, do Earthlings not tell echother how they feel? But.... how shall I tell friend Demetri how I feel?' Starfire thought, staring Demetri in the eyes. Demetri, hearing her think this, mentally cheered happily. (A.N. ~ Okay, I know what you're thinking. 'I didn't know Demetri invaded people's thought.' He didn't, okay? If he and someone makes strait eye contact, than his empathy powers will kick in automatically. He did not do that intentionally.) "Sorry!" Demetri stammered out. Starfire was confused. "What do you mean, friend Demetri?" She asked. "Um.... I sort of- well.... read your mind by accident!" He said this last quietly while blushing, but Starfirecaught this and blushed as well. "So you know my feelings toward you, but may I ask, what are your feelings toward me?" She asked. "I feel the same way Star." He said smiling. Starfire squealed. "Do you wish to be me friend of boy?" Starfire asked, hopefully. "I would love to be your boyfriend Starfire!" He said.

With Cyborg and Jade

After Beast Boy and Terra got back the game store, Jade had beaten Cyborg at Super Mega Racing, every round. Beast Boy sat down on the couch and started playing his new game he bought. Terra stormed out of the Main Room to her room, still angry about what happened at the store. When Cyborg and Jade arrived at the garage, Cyborg made a B line toward his tools and cleaning supplies for his 'baby'. Once he returned, he asked Jade. "Do you know how to use these tools to fix a car?" "Yup." Jade answered. "Okay, just be careful on my car Jade." Cyborg said seriously. Jade nodded.

30 minutes later...

They finished fixing up the T- car together. Jade had finally given in to her feelings for Cyborg. Cyborg knew that he had a crush on Jade from the first meeting. All that they needed to do now was tell eachotherhow they felt. For the T- car, they just had to wash it. Jade grabbed a sponge from the bucket and started scrubbing the roof of the car. Cyborg had gotten an idea. "Yo Jade, how do you like it here at Titans Tower so far?" He asked, pickingup the bucket of water and tip- toed behind Jade, not making any sound in the process. "It's oka- AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Cyborg had dumped the bucket of water over her head, so now she was drenched with water. Cyborg was rolling on the floor in fits of laughter. "Looks like you need a towel, Jade!" He said, while laughing. She glared at him, after she pushed her soaked hair back behind her ears and grinned evilly at him. The facet started spraying water at Cyborg. He stopped laughing and stared at Jade in shock. Now it was her turn to laugh. This caused Cyborg to laugh again. After a few minutes, the laughter subsided. "That was fun." Jade said. "Yea." Cyborg agreed. "Hey Jade- how do you feel about me?" He continued, without thinking. Jade blushed. "Well....... I think you're... handsome and strong." She said. "I feel the same. Wanna go out on a date with me tonight?" He asked. "Sure, but first lets go dry off first okay?" Jade said. "Okay." He agreed.

With Robin

It was 5:00 p.m. He had been in the Training Room for six and a half hours strait. He was tired but he didn't care. If Raven wasn't in his life, then his life had no meaning. He did a roundhouse kick, a combination of punches and another round of kicks. " Slade... will... pay... for what.... he.. did..!!!!" He muttered. "If you know that she's coming, then why do you still think your life has no meaning?" Someone said from behind him. Robin turned around to meet Terra. "How do you know this?" He asked sharply. "Oh please, everyone knows you loved her with all of your heart and you still do. Besides, Jade told me what you were thinking." Terra said. "Maybe you should get some rest, Robin." She continued. "No, I won't rest until Raven is finally with me!" His voice raised a little. "Then you're going to be VERY tired when we do bring Raven back! Is that what you want? For Raven to recover and then start to WORRY about YOU?!! She won't have any memory of what happened toher until we tell her. She'll think something badhappened to you after that fight!!! All I'm asking is to get some sleep!" Terra said, frustrated. Robin was about to say something back but stopped; he knew Terrs was right. He nodded and walked out of the room towards his own.

So how was that?

Review and tell me what you think.

Again, Sorry for the long wait.
