I only know a bit of Spanish so it might be wrong.


"Congratulations class of 2009" Everyone of the East high class of 2009 students were standing in front of Principal Matsui. Today was their graduation, Troy got player of the year award and Captain of the Basket ball team, Chad got Baseball team MVP, Zeke got New Mexico Baking award.

Sharpay got Drama Club excellence, because she had spent so much time in the drama club. Taylor got an award for the scholastic decathlon and been the captain for the winning team (they won in the last year as well.) Gabriella got a certificate for her drama and for been in the winning team, two years running.

They all waited for the signed that they would do the traditional hat toss, "Class of 2009, you have graduated East high." Everybody jumped up cheering and took their hats off their heads and threw them up into the air. Hundreds of hats flew into the air and slowly came back down raining in the overjoyed students, or should I say ex-students. Everybody was hugging their friends.

Gabriella felt so many emotions wash over her, So many people she had gotten used to seeing every day at school, and now she wouldn't see them. She was so glad that all of her friends were going to University of Albuquerque along with her, although they were all doing different things. Martha walked up the gang; she wasn't going the U of A.

"Hey guys," She said as she got over to them. "I can't believe we have graduated, I never thought it would actually end." She as everybody laughed and nodded with agreement. It was true with all the Exams and stress that ended the school year it didn't seem like they would ever actually Finnish school.

"I can't believe that you aren't coming to U of A with us." Sharpay said to the large built girl. "I am gonna miss you Babe," She said hugging the girl.

"I know, I keep thinking that I should have gone to U of A. I mean you have all been so nice and now I have to go and make new friends." Martha said a tear glistening in her eye.

"Hey don't worry, you are going to make friends so easily. Everyone there is going to be just as into music as you are and you will find new friends in a few days." Gabriella told her

"Yeah," Troy joined his girlfriend "You will wonder why you were friends with us within and week."

"I will never forget you guys and I will never wish that I hadn't known you. You are the best friends I have had." A single tear slipped down her face "Troy, Gabriella, I don't know what I would do without you. You taught me that I could stand up and show I am different." She looked towards the couple.

"You guy let me be your friend even when my old friends thought I was weird. You're the best friends I will ever have." Fresh tears poured down her face, they all stepped closer and pulled each other into a group hug.

Suddenly a flash went off dragging all the friends from the hug. They all looked up to see a row of parents all with camera's in their hands. They all smiled, The girls still had a few tears delicately glistening in their eyes.

"I am so proud of you hija." Gabriella's mom Imogene said to her daughter. She walked over to her daughter and gave her a hug, once again a flash went off but this time it was of someone else around them as everyone was talking to their parents.

"Ok everybody picture time," Charlotte said, all the ex-students gathered together. Everyone was either linking arms or had their arms around the person next to them; some of them had their hands entwined as well. They all had one thing in common, the huge smile on their faces.

All the parents took pictures from every angle. Eventually they all moved away into couple groups, Troy and Gabriella stood together they had their arms wrapped around each other, Gabriella looked up at Troy and Flash. Another picture had been taken. They then stood With Gabriella in front and their hands resting entwined by Gabriella's stomach.

This little photo shoot went one for a while, with each couple having pictures taking, and then they took pictures with the parents. They also had group shoots with just girls and just boys.

Everybody had so much fun and they were so glad to be spending their graduation with their friends and family.


I hope you like it. By the way, what rating do you want this story to be, K, K, T or M. If you feel that you don't want to write it in a review, then you can PM me. Don't worry I won't judge you whatever rating you want this to be.

Thank you. Lauren X