This is it, the last chapter. Wow, I can't believe it, this is my most popular story yet. Thank you everyone who has read the other chapters, I am honored how meny people are reading this. Anyway enough of my babling and on with the story!

The two lovers fell asleep shortly after everyoe left, or at least Knuckles did. For some reason Rouge couldn't sleep. Knuckles held her lovingly in his arms. Rouge was nuzzling the white crest on his chest, she loved how soft the fur was. (The cresent crest that Knuckles has is a marking of his clan of echidna, there are many different clans. And his spikes mark him as the gardian of the Master Emerald.)
What Knuckles had said to protect her kept running through her head over and over. "I'm not going to let you take Rouge away!" "Maybe you...didn't hear me...the first time; I'm not let you...take Rouge away!" got shot because of me...I love you too much to let you get hurt again. I will...leave Angel here for you to take care of. And I will leave Angel, forever; to be sure you won't get hurt because of me again. Rouge thought.
"Your thinking of leaving again, aren't you?" Knuckles said as Rouge began to squirm out of the enbrace that she realy didn't want to leave. "Knuckles!?" Rouge said, jumping from surprise, and somehow ended up on the ground, 10 feet away from Knuckles (even I don't know how she got out of the hold). "I'm right, aren't I?" Knuckles asked, getting up and walking over to Rouge. "You got hurt and it was entirely my fault! I...I can't stay here and put you in even more danger." Rouge said, tears again flowing rapidly down her face as she got up and began to take flight. Knuckles hand grabbed her wrist. Memories of Medor Herd suddenly came back to both of them. Rouge tried to pull her wrist from Knuckles grasp, failing miserably.
Before Rouge knew what was happening Knuckles pulled her closer to him and held her in his arms lovingly. "Sure, the bullets hurt. But the thought of losing you again hurts unbearably more. Rouge I can't live without you beside me, don't you understand that." Knuckles said, refusing to let his fear of losing Rouge for a second time get the better of him. The thought of losing her again made Knuckles hold her tighter in his arms. Knuckles...Rouge thought. "I will be fine as long as your beside me. I won't let anyone hurt you Rouge and I wont let anyone take you away." Knuckles said, tears slowly forming in his eyes. "But-" Rouge never got to finish her sentance since Knuckles pushed his lips against Rouge's in the most deep and passionate kiss he ever gave her. I won't survive without you. That was pretty much what this kiss was saying to her. Finally after what must have literally been twenty minutes Knuckles released his grip from Rouge as well as his kiss. Rouge was in a state of aw, she couldn't move or speak, she couldn't even think.
"I...I..." Rouge said. Tears flowed down Knuckles face; he was now sure she would leave the island. Knuckles turned toward the shrine, unable to face Rouge in his state. A smerk grew quickly across Rouge's face. "I'm staying." Rouge said suddenly. Knuckles stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide with happiness. "I will stay here on Angel Island to help you raise Angel and protect the Master Emerald." Rouge said happily. Knuckles ran up to her, holding her in his arms. "I will never leave you again Knuckles." Rouge said as her and Knuckles shared their final kiss of this story. And that my friends, is The End.

Even in the end she still tries to leave. Sigh, well at least she didn't. I'm thinking about making a sequil of sorts to this story. It has Angel and all the other kids that I've made up. The story is mainly based around Angel and it's an adventure story. I'll call it: The Life of an Angel. If you want this sequil please tell me in reviews. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of True, Undieing Love!