Well, here I am again, this time with another new story. Those of you who have read my previous story may be saying right now, "Wait a minute, why is he starting a new story? His other one isn't finished yet." That is very true, but I'm having a little bit of writer's block, and I needed to something else to get my creativity running again. Don't worry; I'm still going to work on my other story. I'm just going to be spending time on this one as well.

This is actually going to be the first of a series of stories. They don't have an overreaching story, but they are connected in that they all happen in the same timeline (which is not connected to any Godzilla timeline in particular), and they all feature a non-Toho monster as one of its major monsters. It is not connected to my last story in any way. All I know about Predators comes from the movies. I have never read any of the comic books so don't yell at me if I get a few things wrong.

Finally, this chapter is sort of a prologue, which is why it is so short.

Godzilla is owned by Toho, Aliens and Predators are owned by Warner Brothers (At least, I think that's who owns them. Tell me if I'm wrong.).


Godzilla vs. Aliens vs. Predators: The Ultimate Hunt

The Call

Transmission 6228 (translated to English). Hunter Shran to all Yuatja throughout the galaxy.

I do not send this message lightly. I have discovered something of monumental importance. During my time on the third planet in the Sol system (known to the native species as Earth), I have seen a multitude of worthy prey to hunt, as many of you who have also visited the planet can attest to. I, however, have recently seen something of a completely different magnitude. A mutation, a one of a kind creature the likes of which I have never seen before. The humans (the native species) have tried to kill it many times and failed. The power of this creature is so great that I have decided to invoke a sacred right that has not been used in over a thousand years. I invoke the right of The Call – The Call for the Ultimate Hunt. Yes, I believe that this creature to be worthy of The Call. So come, all that hear this message come. I will be waiting for you in sector 2814. Together, we shall overcome this great beast. I assure you that I do not use the word 'great' lightly. Even the name that the humans gave him seems to hold great power.

They call him Godzilla – King of the Monsters, and I assure you, he is the ultimate prey.

To be continued

I think that that is good enough for right now. I hope I've left you intrigued. Until next time.