AN: Thanks so much for the reviews and patient understanding guys. It really means a lot to me to have a lot of you being cool about the long time between updates. Been dealing with a little bit of writer's block, but am doing my best to power through it.

Also, I recently found out this story was nominated for The Indie Twific Awards for Best Characterization (non Edward/Bella) WIP category. To whomever nominated it, thanks so much! It warms my heart to know I've got lovely and kind readers who are so loyal and gracious even though I've been pretty neglectful to you guys these past few months.

Anyway, if you are interested in checking out the award, the website is http:// theindietwificawards [dot] com

Soooo, with all that said, I bring you the latest chapter of College Daze.


Bella opened each of her mother's emails. She figured they'd be the general updates of her and Phil's lives and asking for updates from Bella, with the later two emails demanding to know why Bella had yet to respond. Even still, she figured it'd be a good idea to read the emails first in case there were any things she needed to provide a specific response to. As it was, the emails were predictable and she was able to type up a response fairly quickly.

She feigned interest in her mother's latest hobby, African tribal dancing, offered her congratulations on Phil raising his batting average, and gave an overview of college so far. She gave a bit more elaboration than what she'd given to Charlie, only for the simple fact that Renee was a bit more intrusive than Charlie could ever be and would've insisted on knowing more in her next email. She wrote about the classes she had so far and hanging out with her nice roommate, Alice. She didn't write about the things she and Alice had talked about, or her feelings that Alice was hiding something. It wasn't her mother's place to know. Bella simply stated that she was getting along very well with her roommate and the two were becoming fast friends. After ending the email with a half hearted apology about not responding sooner, citing getting caught in the distraction the first few days of college provided as her excuse, she sent off the email.

Bella checked her watch and saw she had forty five minutes until she had to meet Alice. She decided to head over to the language building then. Opting to not carrying around her large school bag, Bella grabbed her denim bag and transferred her wallet to it before tossing in her cell phone, keys and a book to read while she waited for Alice. It was an uncharacteristically nice day outside and she didn't mind sitting on one of the benches outside the language building while she read.

Bella leisurely walked to the building and found an empty bench a few feet in front of the door. She settled down on the bench and pulled her book out. She opened it up and began to read for the remaining half hour until Alice's class was over. Ten minutes into her reading she heard people coming out of the building. The air was filled with chatter and footsteps as people passed by her. Bella checked her watch and saw there was still twenty minutes left so she continued reading. She heard some footsteps pass her but paid them no mind. At one point one pair of footsteps came to the bench and plopped down beside her. Bella didn't think much of it and continued reading. She heard what sounded like a carefully muffled giggle beside her but ignored it. For all she knew some dippy co-ed just got a cutesy text message from her main squeeze. Bella wasn't all that interested or curious to find out and simply turned the page in her book, her eye fell on her watch as she flipped the page and saw she still had fifteen minutes of waiting.

As Bella continued to read she felt more than heard, the person on the other side of the bench shift closer to her. Probably making room for some friend to sit down, Bella reasoned as she continued on reading. The person shifted until their hip bumped into Bella's. Bella sighed, rolling her eyes. She closed her book, sliding her thumb in it to momentarily hold her place, and looked up ready to address this person who obviously had no regard for personal space. She opened her mouth only to have her breath catch in her throat as she was met with Alice's grinning face. Bella blinked and gave her an odd look.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Alice giggled.

"Watching you read," she replied flippantly. Bella rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I got that. Why are you watching me read?" She asked. Alice chuckled and shrugged.

"It's funny. You're just like….so shut off from the world. It kind of reminds me of Edward," she said with a smile. Bella frowned slightly at being compared to Alice's snobbish brother but decided to let it slide. "I was actually wondering how long it'd take for you to notice I was here." Bella furrowed her brows and shook her head.

"You're a strange little person," she commented as she dog-eared the page she'd left off in her book and slipped it back into her bag. She looked back at her friend. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Isn't there like ten minutes left of your class?" She asked.

"We were let out early since it's the first day," she said. Bella nodded. It seemed like a lot of professors had adopted the "overview, hand out syllabus, dismissal" lesson plan for the day. "So, ready to embark on some shopping?" Alice asked, a bright smile lighting her already iridescent aura. Bella smiled.

"You're excited about going to the campus bookstore?" She asked. Alice giggled and shrugged.

"Shopping is always exciting," she said as the two rose to their feet and made their way in the direction of the bookstore, "even if it's just for school necessities," she concluded. Bella laughed out loud. She couldn't help but notice how free she felt with Alice. Not to say she never laughed with her other friends, actually, on the contrary, she always found herself laughing freely with Jacob. But female friends were a different story.

Even with her closeness with Angela, she realized that a part of her was sometimes on guard, wondering if Angela's association with Jessica and Lauren caused anything for Bella to be careful over. She knew Angela was nothing like Jessica and Lauren but it was sometimes hard not to subconsciously group her with the other girls she'd met in Forks High and wonder if they all had something in common. Alice was different.

Bella wasn't sure what about Alice made her different, but she could feel it. She didn't know if it was the fact that Alice wasn't from Forks, if it was the wonder and magic that seemed to surround this pixie like girl and her impressive New York life, or if it was something else; something intangible that could not be named. A part of Bella felt that this secret of Alice's, whatever it was, made her unlike girls like Lauren and Jessica. Not to mention it lit up an intense sense of protection inside of Bella whenever she saw Alice sinking into the memories of whatever this secret of hers was.

The two girls found themselves in the crowded campus bookstore in no time. It was clear everyone wanted to get their books right away as well. Under any other circumstance, both girls would've found the need to constantly say "excuse me" while shuffling through the aisles or the long lines to the registers to be similar to what hell must've been like, but the girls endured it. It didn't hurt that they were together. Standing together in the long line and having people bump into their shoulders as they squeezed past them felt like nothing as they conversed. It even made them not think about the heavy shopping baskets hanging from their arms.

Bella was able to find used and therefore less expensive copies of all her books, save for one of the textbooks she needed for English, as it was a just released edition. She had made sure that all the used books weren't too worn out or damaged, which required in depth searching in the History texts. One copy she picked up had previously belonged to someone who'd gone a little too highlighter happy, with whole pages being marked. Bella knew this would've been too distracting when she tried to read and make her own notes. She then found a book that had belonged to an immature student who doodled inappropriate caricatures in the margins (well endowed stick figures? Was this person really a college student?) and made stupid comments under some of the images. She was finally able to find a used book that had previously belonged to a more responsible person who had made more conservative notes and underlined a few passages, all in pencil and easily erasable.

Alice had sprung for new copies in all her texts, down to the brand spanking new plastic wrap on all of them. As she picked up her books, Alice commented she liked being the first to open up these books. She giggled and said "yeah, I'm just weird like that". Bella smiled. She felt touched at Alice's attempt to brush off the obvious difference in their financial status and how one could splurge on brand new books while the other could not. Anyone else would've ignored it or even flaunt it—Bella was sure someone like Lauren would take pleasure in such an act—but Alice was quick to portray how meaningless it was.

After the two of them paid for their books, they trudged back to their dorm, heavy bags in tow. When they reached the door of their building they ran into Rosalie who was just getting back from her last class. She insisted on helping the girls with their things, taking one of Alice's bags in one hand and the smaller of Bella's bags in the other. The three girls casually conversed about their day as they made their way up the stairs. Once they reached their floor Alice begged Rosalie to come in so they could get a start on their girl's night. Rosalie declined, saying she wanted to get some reading done first, but that she'd be back in an hour or two. Alice replied with an exaggerated sigh, saying "oh, fine" with a grin to show she was just playing with her blonde friend.

Bella and Alice spent their time organizing their books into their spaces and starting on some reading of their own. Just as Bella was about to crack open her English text, her phone rang. She gave Alice a quick apology about any disturbance to her studying this might have caused, which Alice replied with a dismissive wave, before answering her phone.

"Hello?" Bella said, flipping open the device.

"Huh, so Collegian Bells sounds a lot like regular old Bells," came the response. Bella grinned.

"Hey Jacob," she replied. "Didn't realize college life was supposed to change me so quickly," she said. This was met with a quick laugh from Jacob.

"Well, you never know," he said. "So, how's life in Seattle so far?" He asked. "Missing good old Forks….or surrounding areas…yet?" He asked. Bella chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I'm really missing Port Angeles," she replied.

"So not what I meant," Jacob grumbled. Bella laughed.

"Anyway, how are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm alright," he replied. The two spent the next few minutes talking, with Bella giving a brief report of school and mentioning her new friends, which led to Alice beaming at the mention of her name, and Jacob talking about going to First Beach with his friends. Bella giggled furiously when Jacob told her about Claire, one of the little girls in La Push and Emily Young's niece, throwing little rocks at Quil, who had become the little one's protector/babysitter/surrogate big brother, since the girl's family was often too busy to spend time with her.

"I hope Quil's okay," Bella chuckled. Jacob laughed.

"I think his ego was more bruised than his head over being taken down by a three year old."

"How are the wedding plans going by the way?" Bella asked, which was met with a groan from Jacob. Sam, one of the boys from the reservation, was finally getting married to his fiancée Emily. There was some talk about it becoming a double wedding as Paul had proposed to Jacob's older sister, Rachel, over the summer. It all came down to whether or not the newly engaged couple wanted a long engagement or a speedy one.

"Well, let's see," Jacob sighed. "All the girls are flocking around Em to help with things,"

"Even Leah?" Bella asked, skeptically.

"Ha, funny," Jacob remarked. Bella sighed. Leah was Emily's cousin, not to mention Sam's previous girlfriend. Bella wasn't sure what had happened exactly, since most of it had gone on before she had come to Forks, but it seemed like Sam and Leah were complete high school sweethearts. Many even thought Sam would propose to her someday, and not Emily, but something happened to change their plans.

Emily had been in a drunk driving accident that left her horribly scarred and depressed. Leah, wanting to be there for her cousin, spent a lot of time with her as she recovered and even encouraged Sam to spend time with her and try to set her up with one of the other boys in La Push to prove to Emily that though her face was scarred, she was still the same beautiful Emily she had been before the accident. This plan, unfortunately for Leah, worked a little too well. Sam himself saw the beauty in Emily, and as much as he tried to stay loyal to Leah, he couldn't deny the pull he felt to Emily. He left Leah for Emily and the two were soon engaged. The hurt Leah felt over this could be seen all throughout the reservation, mainly because Leah didn't let the happy couple, or anyone else for that matter, forget the betrayal inflicted upon her.

"Leah's taken to hanging around here most of the time and bitching to yours truly," Jacob said.

"Jake," Bella reprimanded.

"Yeah, yeah," Jacob sighed. "And don't even get me started on how Emily making Rach her maid of honor affected things."

"Ah, so no double wedding, I take it?" Bella asked. Jacob laughed.

"Yeah, as if dad would let Paul into the family that easily or quickly," he replied. Bella chuckled. "You're going to be here for the festivities, right?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, it's during my spring break," Bella replied. "Why?" Jacob was quiet for a moment. "Jake?"

"Well….I was thinking maybe you'd be my date," Jacob replied. Bella's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Alice caught Bella's change in expression and sent her a quiet 'what's wrong?'.

"Oh," Bella breathed out after a moment. "Um…Jake…I…"

"Come on, Bells," Jacob sighed. "Even Quil's got a date. Don't make me be the only stag there," he pleaded.

"Quil's got a date? Who? Don't tell me Cla-"

"God, no!" Jacob laughed. "What do you think this is, La Pedophilia Push?" He asked. "Boy's got himself a sweet deal though---one of Emily's other cousin's fallen for the, and I quote, sweet guy spending all his time with little Claire." Bella laughed. "So, come on…It seems like all the girls are getting grabbed up early."

"Well, there's always Le-"

"Bella, come on!" Jacob begged. Bella sighed.

"Fine," she said. "I guess….if you can't find anyone else to go with…..okay."

"Okay?" Jacob asked, making sure he heard her correctly. "Okay? Yes! Bells, I promise, you won't regret this, I-"

"As friends, Jacob," Bella reminded him. That seemed to quickly mute his celebration. Bella sighed. "Ja-"

"That's cool," he quickly said, forcing his previous excitement back in his voice. "I'm just glad I won't be set up with one of the guys' creepy cousins or something." Bella rolled her eyes.

"Glad I could help," she said. "Listen Jake, I've got to study. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Sounds good," Jacob said. The two said their goodbyes and hung up. Bella groaned and fell back in her bed, covering her eyes with her forearm.

"Everything okay?" Alice asked as she crawled off her bed and sat down on the floor beside Bella's bed. Bella nodded.

"Yeah," she said. "Just some stuff back home."

"I heard," Alice said. "Not that I was eavesdropping, just…"

"It's okay," Bella said, pulling her arm off her eyes and giving her friend and understanding look.

"So, my guess is, this guy Jacob isn't the-"

"Jasper to my Alice?" Bella teased, which caused Alice to blush and look away. "Don't get me wrong, Jacob's a great guy and we're close….but he's kind of young," she said. Alice nodded.

"Yeah, I get it," Alice replied. She gave Bella a smile. "Well, that's the great thing about being in college. All the guys here are so not young….well, maybe emotionally…" Alice joked. Bella laughed.

"True," she nodded. Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," both chorused. The door opened to reveal a dressed down Rosalie, who had changed into sweatpants and a tank top, indicating it was now time for girls' night. Alice and Bella decided to follow Rosalie's example of comfort. Alice excused herself to the restroom with pajamas in hand. Bella decided to keep Rose's company and simply shed her self conscious feelings as she turned her back on Rosalie and kept up conversation while changing.

"So," Rosalie said once Alice was out of the room, "I wasn't sure if this was….um….okay to mention to Alice, but……Someone called me earlier," Rosalie said from her spot on Bella's bed.

"Oh?" Bella asked as she pulled on a tank top and maneuvered her bra off from under it.

"Yeah…." Rosalie said, her voice trailing off. "Someone on their way back to New York with his parents…." Rosalie said self consciously. Bella sat on the edge of her bed as she pulled off her jeans, grateful that Rosalie gave her privacy by facing the other direction.

"I see," Bella said as she caught on to what Rosalie meant.

"Yeah," Rosalie sighed. Bella pulled on a pair of cotton pants and turned to Rosalie now fully changed. Rosalie, feeling Bella shift on the bed, figured it was safe to face her now.

"Was it a good conversation?" Bella asked with a one shoulder shrug indicating she wasn't sure how else to respond. Rosalie smiled.

"Yeah," she said. "It was really great, actually." She giggled. "Emmett's really funny." Bella gave her a smile and nodded. Rosalie sighed as her smile faded. "There's just one problem," she said. "Alice."

"What about Alice?" Bella asked, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the conversation.

"I sort of got the feeling the other night she wasn't too keen with me and her brother doing….whatever," she said, shrugging as she didn't even know what she and Emmett were doing. "And….with the whole….sorority thing yesterday, I really don't need another reason for her not to like me."

"But you like him," Bella theorized, feeling that in this conundrum, Rosalie wasn't exactly willing to simply stop talking to Alice's eldest brother. Rosalie blushed. It stuck Bella as odd. Rosalie was a total knock out that exuded confidence. The nervous and self conscious stain on her cheeks seemed out of place on her perfect face.

"And therein lies the problem," Rosalie said. Bella nodded. "Do I tell Alice and risk her hating me…..or….keep it to myself and take things as they come?" Bella bit her lip, unsure what to make of this. She was a little confused by having Rosalie and her confidence, not to mention her being older than Bella, come to her for advice. She raked her teeth over her lower lip for a moment as she considered Rosalie's plight.

"Well, I…guess…." She muttered, unsure what to say for a moment. "I guess you should talk to Alice."

"You do?" Rosalie asked, dubious about this.

"Well, would you rather keep it to yourself and let Alice find out on her own?" Bella asked. She remembered the conversation she had had with Alice earlier that morning. Alice was not a fan of deception, and it was clear if Alice were to find out Rosalie had lied about whatever sort of relationship she was having with Emmett, it wouldn't be pretty.

"You're right," Rosalie said. "That could probably just make things worse." Bella nodded. "Now the questions is….when do I have this conversation with Alice?"

"Soon?" Bella figured. Rosalie quirked an eyebrow at her younger friend.

"And you don't think I should…prepare for this or something?" She asked, skepticism etching her tone.

"Well, would you rather we hung out tonight and she finds out from Emmett the next time she talks to him on the phone, ergo finding out you spent tonight lying?" Rosalie scrunched up her face at that.

"What if I told Emmett to…"

"Lie to his sister?" Bella asked. "Do you really want to be that girl?" Rosalie's face scrunching increased.

"Okay, good point there," she said. She sighed. The door opened as Alice returned to the room. She had changed into her pajamas and washed off her makeup. She gave her friends a passing smile as she dumped the day's clothes into the hamper she had by her bed.

"You guys ready for some mani-pedi fun?" She asked, grinning to Bella and Rosalie. The two chuckled as Alice went to retrieve her case of nail polishes and skin treatments. Bella cast a look towards Rosalie and tilted her head in Alice's direction. Rosalie pursed her lips and shook her head. She mouthed a quick 'later' to Bella before looking back at Alice. Bella gave a quiet sigh. She hoped, for Rosalie's sake, that Alice would be okay with whatever interactions were going on between Emmett and Rosalie.

Bella's attention was caught by the sound of Alice sliding out a big case, much like the ones that she pulled out with her DVDs the night before, from under her bed.

"Wow, that's a lot of polish," Rosalie remarked with a chuckle as she slid off of Bella's bed to get a closer look at Alice's things. Alice grinned and gave her a little shrug.

"I like having a lot of options," she said. Bella smiled and got off her bed to join the two of them. The three girls sat cross-legged around the case. The room was filled with the soft clinking of the tiny nail polish bottles hitting one another as they looked through the array. Bella initially went for a clear color, only to have it plucked from her fingers by Alice who slid a powder blue shade in her hand in its place. Rosalie giggled at the face Bella made as she chose a cherry red color for herself.

"Alright, Bella, hand over your footsies," Alice playfully commanded as she pulled out a smaller velvet case and set it down in front of her. She opened it up to reveal a pristine manicure and pedicure set, equipped with every nail care tool one might need: emery boards, nail files, cuticle sticks, clippers, and some others that Bella herself wasn't familiar with. Bella took a deep breath, suddenly fearing what she'd gotten herself into.


AN: Hope this was enough to sort of fill the CD void for now. I wanted to write more but figured since I'd made you guys wait this long I'd better get this chapter up ASAP, lol. I'm going to try to get the next chapter written before the end of this week since next week I start summer class *and* will also be working a temp job that week so won't be able to write much. So, if the new chapter isn't up by the end of this week, expect it sometime during the week of the 20th.