Alright, I know it's forever late…but when Kataang week was going on I didn't have a computer and I couldn't participate. I saw someone else had entered a late version and so I decided to do my own. You wouldn't be here if you didn't think Aang and Katara weren't just the cutest, so I'm sure you don't mind.

For the finale, I figured I'd serve up a healthy dose of fluff. I picture them being 17 & 18 when this event takes place. Enjoi!

Prompt 7. Comatose

The night air carried a biting chill, the winter sky alight with a million twinkling stars overhead. The newly engaged couple lie next to one another in the snow, admiring their soft light. Her head was tucked in the crook of his left arm, which draped over her shoulder. She held his hand with her left; the index finger of her right absentmindedly tracing the intricate etching in the silver pendant of her betrothal necklace.

Their fire crackled nearby, but the warmth they were feeling came not from its flames. They lie in silence, breathing in unison, beneath a veil of contentment and tranquility. The peace was broken when Katara caught sight of a star streaking blue-white across the sky and gasped, pointing in its direction.

"You have to make a wish," Aang said, squeezing her hand.

Katara bit her bottom lip. She turned onto her side propping herself up on her elbow, placing her left hand on his chest. She pursed her lips together as she studied his face, moving closer as her eyes met his.

"The star's a little late. I already have what I've wished for." She smiled slightly and kissed his lips. He placed his right hand to her cheek, brushing over it to play his fingers in her hair beneath the hood of her parka. Their kiss deepened as he wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her up slightly so her body was half on top of his. They lost themselves in each other, only breaking apart because of Aang's uncontrollable grin. Katara continued to pepper light kisses on his lips, his cheeks, his jaw, before he rolled them over. He looked at her, smoothing her hair from her face, admiring her.

"I can't express in words how happy I am right now." His expression was serious, but intense love for her shone through his eyes. He brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers, then traced his thumb lightly over her full lips. Her eyes fluttered shut, reveling in his touch, and she pulled him closer.

"Then don't use words." Her eyes reflected the same emotion present in his. Aang felt his cheeks flush as he lowered his lips to hers, showing instead through action the passion she stirred in him. Their hold on each other tightened, the breath through their noses warming their cheeks, the two not bothering to relinquish their connection to breathe. When they parted, and after several more feathery kisses, he raised up slightly to look at her. A content smile spread over her lips, and she framed his face with her hands.

"This feels like a dream. I can't help but feel like I'm going to wake up from a deep sleep, and none of this will be real." She traced his brow with her index and middle fingers, down to his cheekbone, then traced her fingers along his jaw line to cup his face; all the while keeping her eyes trained on his. "But it's not a dream is it?" He lightly shook his head in response.

"What we have is pure, and very real. It certainly surpasses any dream I've ever had," he said with a slight smile. He touched his forehead to hers, brushing her lips with his. "When I was in that coma…a few years ago--you remember?"

Katara nodded, "how could I forget?"

He lifted his head to look in her eyes. "I dreamed of you. I haven't quite sorted out which ones were visions and which ones were just dreams…but I think I've cleared up one of them tonight." He touched his finger to her necklace, running it over the carving. She grabbed his hand and looked at him with wide eyes.

"You saw this? You knew back then that this night would take place?"

He nodded at her with his trademark half grin. "Yeah. Well, sort of. Like I said, I wasn't sure if it was a dream or a vision. When I saw it then, I didn't know when or where it was taking place. I just saw the necklace and your reaction."

"So you knew I would say yes."

"I hoped you would."

Katara smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well I guess that explains your persistence."

Aang laughed lightly as she nuzzled her nose against his and placed a swift kiss to his lips. A voice called out in the stillness, immediately catching their attention. They both looked in the direction of the voice, then at one another.

"Sokka," they said in unison. They sat up and waited for him to appear over the hill.

"Hey! There you guys are. Dad is looking for you both. He said something about an announcement." He bounded down the snow bank toward them as they were standing and brushing the snow from their coats.

"What are you doing out here anyway? We haven't seen you since the bonfire started."

Aang and Katara looked at each other with a smirk. He grabbed her hand and they started to walk past Sokka without saying a word. Sokka stuck his bottom lip out making his lower jaw protrude as he does when he's suspicious. He tugged on Katara's parka making her turn to face him. She turned toward him with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Something's up. I can't quite put my finger on it, but…" he looked at Aang, his eyes narrowed. "What did you do?"

Aang smiled, "let's just go see what Dad has to say, alright?" He and Katara started walking again and Sokka went to their fire to kick snow over it, mumbling to himself. His eyes suddenly widened in realization.

"Dad?!" Sokka ran to catch up to the couple. "You called my dad, Dad!"

The couple just giggled as they made their way back to the city's center to allow Hakoda to announce their engagement to the rest of the family and tribe, with Sokka following behind complaining that Aang didn't ask his permission.

I love Sokka, he's so awesome and fun to write. I need to add a Sokka-centric chapter in my multi-chap story. Anyways, hope you enjoyed my Kataang (which took more than a week) week entry. *hint hint* this particular one-shot may make a cameo in A New Beginning, just thought you'd like to know. I appreciate your reviews and support!