Carly's POV

I went back to my dorm. Sam and Freddie? Ew. I mean they hate each other. Nothing could change that. Right? Yeah totally. I erased the thought from my head. I shook my head like an Etch-a-Sketch trying to erase all the bad thoughts.

I heard my cell ring "Leave it all to me just leave it all to-"

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Carly it's James," James said.

"Oh hey," I giggled. "What's up?"

"Uh I just wanted to ask you out," he said.

"Oh sure you know if you like me," I smiled.

"I did just ask you out right?" he asked.

"Uh yeah," I mumbled.

"Then yeah I like you," James laughed.

"Okay Campus Theater tonight?" I asked him.

"Totally 7?"

"Sure bye James," I said.

"Bye Carls."

Sam's POV

I went back to my dorm.

"Hey Quinn," I chirped.

"Hey," she let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Logan broke up with me," she weeped.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know he was hot and I was nerdy," she mumbled. "I guess things happen for a reason right? Now I can ask Freddie out!"


"Uh Freddie doesn't wanna date he loves being single," I lied. "Gotta be single to mingle Quinn!"

"Oh OK yeah whatever," she sighed again.

"Just get back together with that Mark dork and he'll get jealous," I reasoned.

"Great idea," Quinn smiled.

"I know," I answered oh-so-modestly.

Carly's POV

"Hey James," I said, meeting him at the theater.

"Hey babe," he said putting his arm around me.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked.

"I dunno whatever you want," he smiled.

"Uh Hotel For Dogs," I decided.

"Cool so who are your roomies?" he asked me.

Uh should I tell him. Nah.. He'd be heartbroken. But he'll wonder who they are. What the??

"Lola and Zoey," I said softly.

"Oh Zoey's your roomie?" he said looking down at the floor.

Damn it! Carly Shay you made your boyfriend sad! Yeah your boyfriend's looking at the ground cuz someone mentioned his ex! Eh-chem! Fix it!

"It's okay James you deserve way much better," I assured him.

"Like who?" he asked. "Is it really that hard to find someone who likes you for who you are. Not for how hot you are?"

"Not if you look deep down inside people," I told him.

"You're right," he said as we strolled down to the theater. "I gotta dig deep. Got a shovel Carly?"

We laughed as his dumb joke as we were watching the previews.

We we're told to shut up. But am I a good girl? No sir or ma'am.

(A/N: yay i updated. sorry it took so long.. well here it is, i did update it!! at least two reviews or on hiatus!!)