Heya. Well, this is my first attempt at writing something like this on fanfiction, so please review and let me know what you think! Enjoy!


I woke up freezing.

Shivering, I rolled over in the bed, only to see that Emmett had stolen all the covers during the night, as per usual. Scowling, I grabbed the edge of the duvet and tugged it away from him, wrapping myself up in it. It was warm from Emmett's body heat, and I clutched onto it.

It was the same old familiar routine. I was forever waking up cold. Emmett was a restless sleeper, always tossing and turning. Meanwhile, I just conked out and didn't move until I was woken again. And it was usually below subzero temperatures in our house in the mornings, which was always the reason for me waking earlier than I normally should.

Emmett made a growling noise and rolled over, stealing the duvet from me again. The blast of freezing air chilled me instantly, and my arm shot out to grab the covers back again. I yanked them back over me, this time taking the entire duvet, and bundled myself up in it.

This woke Emmett up, and he rolled onto his back, his arms reaching blindly for the covers. I held onto them tightly when he tried to tug them back.

"Rosalie. Fuck. Sake."

"Emmett. Piss. Off."

Goosebumps had erupted across his bare chest, but I felt no pity. I wasn't a morning person, at all. I didn't appreciate having my covers stolen from me.

"Rose, I'm cold," he whined, blearily throwing me his puppy dog eyes. They didn't work on me this early in the morning.

"Now you know how I feel when I wake up," I snapped, clutching to the duvet tighter. Emmett was as strong as hell, and I knew if he really wanted to he could snatch them back. I think he just liked arguing with me.

"Wear fucking cotton pyjamas or something, then," he said, exasperatedly.

"You won't let me! I tried once before and you complained and ended up taking them off me!" I said, irritated. I normally wore lingerie to bed, which Emmett much preferred to my old fleecy pyjamas that I still had in my wardrobe. The lingerie didn't exactly work against the icy morning air, though.

"I don't know why you can't just ignore me. I'm only your husband, after all."

I snorted at his joke, pulling the duvet up and over my head, stretching out under it luxuriously. I heard him sigh loudly. Without any prior warning, he yanked on the duvet, breaking through my grip, and then he was suddenly underneath it with me.

I narrowed my eyes at him when he made a big show of teeth chattering, putting his arms around my waist and pulling me over to him. I jumped at his touch; his hands were freezing.

"Emmett!" I hissed, torn between irritation and amusement. I could never stay annoyed at him for long, even when he stole all the covers every morning and rendered me an ice cube.

"Rosalie!" he said, mimicking my tone. He pulled me until I was right next to him, my semi-heated body against his chilled one.

"Hi," I grinned. "What's up?"

He grinned wickedly back, and my heart began to speed up. I knew that grin.

"I'll just have to show you, won't I?" he said, and kissed me. I melted in his arms, any remaining irritation at his cover-stealing completely fading away. He rolled us over so that he was on top of me, pressing his lower half into me. He continued to kiss me, hot and slow until I felt him long and hard between my legs. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, barely able to breathe, barely able to think.

I don't know what he did to me, but whatever it was it turned me into a horny, breathless, quivering mess of what used to resemble Rosalie.

Emmett made quick work of my underwear and his boxers, as was his special talent. He had been famous back in high school for being able to completely strip a person, no matter how many clothes they were wearing, in under twenty seconds. But of course, he had been the school man-whore, so it wasn't surprising. I was just glad I hadn't been one of his conquests back then.

Although, I probably should have been. Emmett had been the captain of the football team, and I had been the blonde bitch, the queen bee. It was the ultimate high school cliché. We had hated each other in high school, though. I grinned as Emmett kissed his way down my neck; we had still turned into a cliché, falling in love soon after leaving school, years after nothing but hatred for each other.

Emmett thrust into me then, and every thought abruptly left my head. He pushed into me, filling me completely in seconds. My eyes rolled into the back of my head.

"Fuck, Rose," he growled, and I moaned loudly when he started to move. He started pounding into me, his thrusts quick and intense, and I couldn't think about anything more than the feeling of his hard cock driving into me ruthlessly, harder and harder with each thrust.

A wicked pressure built within me, hitching my breath, leaving me gasping for air. My body was no longer in any way cold - it was alive with the heat that rushed through me, leaving me dizzy, light headed.

My fingers tangled themselves in Emmett's curly hair, gripping it tightly. The only sounds were our skin slapping against skin, and our random gasping and groaning, as we both felt the impeding explosion. As Emmett neared his climax, his thrusts became more erratic, but harder and faster still. I could barely breathe, barely think, barely move… the force he was using knocked the breath out of me, and my whole body started to tremble.

"Oh, God," I said, my voice strangled, and then I clamped around him, my vision exploding into white stars. I arched my back into him, my hands gripping the sheets on the bed and almost tearing through them. With one last thrust that sank deep into my depths, Emmett came too, pulsing within me, shuddering with ecstasy.

He pulled out of me and rolled half off me, and we just lay there with our arms around each other, exhausted, waiting for our breathing to slow. I was still dazed after my orgasm; sex with Emmett had always been the best. No one before him had ever compared.

Emmett started to snore softly in my ear, and I was just drifting off myself, when our alarm went off.

That hateful, annoying buzzing.

Emmett growled and rolled over, reaching for it. He grabbed it with one hand and tossed it across the room, where it clattered off the opposite wall and immediately stopped buzzing. I didn't even flinch at the noise. Every morning, I hoped Emmett would throw it hard enough to actually break the thing. But no. Whenever I went to pick it up, it was still working, and only dented slightly. It just didn't want to die.

"Fucking thing," Emmett muttered into my shoulder, putting his arms back around me.

I sighed, not wanting to get up. Getting up meant Emmett had to go to work, and not seeing him for the rest of the day. Getting up meant me going to work, and having to stare at that bloody computer for the majority of the day. I really fancied just spending the day in bed with Emmett.

"I really don't want to get up," Emmett said, speaking his thoughts as usual. It was always funny to me how similar our thoughts were sometimes.

"Neither do I."

"I'm still horny."

"We don't have time."

"We could do it in the shower."

"But I won't have time to wash my hair."

Emmett sighed loudly. "I'm starting to get very jealous, you know. You lavish more attention on your hair than you do on me."

"You poor neglected husband," I said, rolling my eyes at his playful sulk.

"See? You even admit it…" he said triumphantly, and stretched. He cracked his knuckles and chuckled when I winced at the sound; he knew I hated when he did that.

"How late are you working until today?" I asked him, and he made a face. He was an intern at the hospital with his brother, Edward, but he hated it. His father had forced him into medicine, and he went along with it, not wanting to disappoint. He was in his second year of working there, and he often came home complaining that Edward was in his first year and he already knew more than Emmett. I knew my Emmett was brilliant though; he acted stupid a lot, but when he put his mind to it he was amazingly intelligent. His heart just wasn't in medicine.

"Well, I'm totally not staying in there the whole day. It's not worth it, for what I'm getting paid," Emmett said, grumbling to himself.

"Don't you get into trouble when you duck out on your shifts?" I asked, grinning. Like Emmett cared.

"Like I care," Emmett snorted. "Daddy dearest will give me another chat on applying myself, and speak to the chief resident so she'll stop throwing me evils, and then it's business as usual."

I nodded, even though I already knew this. I had heard from Bella, Edward's fiancée, of his long working hours and how he sometimes crawled into bed at five in the morning, only to get up at seven again. I didn't know how she could stand it; I hated being away from Emmett for even an entire day. I was hopelessly devoted to him.

Emmett growled loudly at the ceiling, and threw the covers off himself. I watched his perfect ass retreat into our en-suite bathroom, and then I sighed. I listened to the shower start up, and wondered what Nickelback song Emmett would decide to whistle to while showering.

Follow You Home, it turned out. Nickelback were Emmett's favourite band, and I only knew their songs because he constantly played them. I was more into Rihanna, myself. The heavy guitars and scratchy vocals weren't really my thing, but it hadn't stopped me surprising Emmett with tickets to their concert for one of his birthdays. I smiled at the memories. I had really gotten rewarded for that when we got home.

Emmett and I had been together for five years now. Five totally amazing years. I could never get over how lucky I had been to find him. And the really scary thought was that I had actually hated him first, and I could have gone my whole life without knowing what an incredible guy he is.

We both graduated from high school at eighteen. Nothing major had happened during high school for either of us; we had both lost our virginity to people who weren't worth it. He spent the majority of the time calling me 'Regina George', because he knew it pissed me off. I mean, OK - I was blonde and pretty and bitchy and my friends used to follow my around and copy what I did - but that was high school. I had grown up a lot since then. I cringed whenever I was reminded of how immature and clichéd I had been.

My nickname for Emmett had been 'Retarded Asshole'.

I didn't see him again for about a year. I took the year off to decide if I really wanted to go to college or not, much to the disappointment of my parents, who wanted me to become something along the lines of a professor or a lawyer. As if. I spent my time travelling to modelling auditions, getting work posing for catalogues and the like. I loved modelling, and I still wish I had tried to pursue it further. I gave it up when it looked like I was going nowhere, took a computer course and applied for secretary job positions. Worst decision I ever made.

The money was shit, and I started looking for work in clubs and bars, just so I could pay my rent. I managed to get a job serving behind the bar in a nightclub, quickly learning that I always got more tips if I wore a low cut top. Then Emmett staggered in one night.

It was clear he had been badly beaten, and any animosity I still had towards him completely faded. I rushed over to him immediately, asking him frantically if he was OK. He looked up at me, one of his eyes badly blackened, and grinned.

"Hey, Regina. Did you get a tit job?"

I wanted to kill him. But he looked so hurt, and something in me wanted to take care of him. I did struggle with myself, because I had hated him for years and it didn't make sense to me. But I took him to hospital, and gave him my number and told him to ring me when they gave him the OK. He did, and texted me soon after that, and things just went from there. We went from mutual dislike to complete adoration in the space of a few weeks.

We married after a year together. My parents were pretty pissed about that, but I didn't care. I loved him, and wanted to be with him forever, and I still feel that way. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. He was all I needed.

"Baby, are you getting out of bed?" Emmett was in the doorway, a towel around his waist. He was towelling his hair with another, one that looked suspiciously like mine.

"Eh," I replied, shrugging. I really was too comfortable.

He grinned at me, and swaggered over to his dresser in search of clothes. He tripped over something on the way and spun around dramatically.

"What the fuck…?" he exclaimed, and then growled. He bent down and picked the alarm clock up off the floor. It didn't even resemble an alarm clock; it was like a big steel green brick, with a digital face on one side. Emmett examined it closely, and sighed.

"It's still working. Bastard. I don't know why we can't just throw it out and get a less annoying one."

He reached over me to put it back on the bedside table.

"We can't. It was a present from Edward," I said, for maybe the millionth time. I said it every morning.

"All the more reason to get rid of it," Emmett said, leaning back so his face was hovering over mine. "He has shit taste in presents."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "We still can't. We'd never wake up in time for work with anything else. You have to admit - it is effective."

He made a face. "I know, but it's annoying… and no matter how hard I throw it, it just won't break…"

I giggled. "You'll just have to throw it harder, then, won't you?"

He sighed. "Yes. Tomorrow's another day…"

He kissed me, gently brushing his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, which was still slick and wet from his shower. He deepened the kiss, his lips becoming increasingly rougher, his tongue stroking mine enthusiastically. I felt the flush of heat rush through me once again, and I was just feeling dizzy, when the phone rang.

Emmett pulled away, smirking wickedly.

"We're lucky someone interrupted. I don't have time for another shower." He grabbed the phone from where it lay next to the alarm clock and answered it.

"Who is it and what do you want?" he boomed.

Ever the polite gentleman, my Emmett.

He listened for a moment, grinned and threw me the receiver.

"Alice," he said, clapping his hands together excitedly, his eyes sarcastic.

"Fuck off to work, would you?" I snapped half-heartedly, and answered the phone. "Hey, Alice," I said, ignoring Emmett and his sniggers.

"Hi, Rose," she said chirpily, too chirpy for first thing in the morning. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"No," I said, shaking my head wryly. "I was just getting up."

Emmett snorted, looking up from the wardrobe, where he was trying to pick a shirt.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," he sang.

"Shut up, Emmett," I snapped away from the phone, and threw the covers off myself, hoping to storm into the bathroom in a huff. My plan didn't quite turn out that way, as I suddenly remembered I wasn't wearing any underwear. I aimed to ignore Emmett's snickers as I tried to leave the room in a dignified silence.

"Lookin' good, honey," he smirked, slapping my ass as I stalked past him. I threw him a glare and entered the bathroom.

"Rose, are you there?" Alice asked impatiently.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked, examining my reflection in the mirror.

"Can you meet Bella and I for coffee in Klatch before work?" she inquired, her voice bubbly and as enthusiastic as ever. Klatch was our favourite café, where we all met up regularly. It was like a scene out of Friends, sometimes.

"Sure," I said. I had time.

"Cool. We'll see you in half an hour, then."

My eyes widened. I would need half an hour just to do my hair. I agreed though, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. I would just have to hurry it along today. I said goodbye and jumped straight into the shower.

I showered as fast as I could and applied my makeup before leaving the bathroom, wrapping myself in a small towel. Bloody Emmett had used all the fluffy ones, and he had stolen my favourite one.

He was waiting for me outside the door, dressed and as presentable as Emmett could ever get. He grinned at me when I emerged.

"Took you fucking long enough."

"Shut up, Emmett," I said, flicking my dripping hair over my shoulder.

He pulled me towards him and kissed me, and I knew he was saying goodbye this time. I missed him already, and I placed my palm against his cheek, wishing I could cling to him. But I'd get his clothes all wet.

It didn't seem like Emmett cared though; he grabbed my hips and pulled me forward, pressing me against him. I wrapped my arms around him then, standing up on my toes so I could reach his lips easier. We kissed passionately, and I was losing myself in him, forgetting who Rosalie was…

Emmett pulled away, breathing heavily.

"I have to go to work. But that's the third time I've missed out on a chance to fuck you senseless again, Rose," he growled. "You better not be wearing clothes when I get home."

I kissed him again, grinning. "I'll see you later, then."

"You will. You'll be seeing all of me."

"Ha ha. I'm looking forward to it, so."

"You should be. Love you, baby."

"Love you too." He kissed me again, and I watched him leave, beaming after my adorable and incorrigible husband.

"By the way, Rose, I think the toaster is broken," he called over his shoulder.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the wretched clock, and jumped. I was going to be seriously late if I didn't hurry up. I rushed around, throwing clothes and shoes on, and fished the hairdryer out from under the bed. I heard Emmett's car leave, the sound of Nickelback blaring from his speakers, becoming fainter with every second. I hated that life had to get in the way of our time together. Maybe we should go on another honeymoon. We'd had three already, and we had never gotten bored of them. He'd definitely be up to the idea if I mentioned it to him.

My outlook brightened considerably, I resumed getting ready.

I know nothing much happened, but this is just the introduction. The story really gets started next chappie. Hopefully you think I did a good job on this so far anyway, and I'll post the next chapter soon. Review if you liked it! Or hell, review if you didn't. Thanks xox :)