Hey everybody. Well, I'm going to cut the buttering up and get right to the point. I'm not going to sugarcoat this people; I have almost completely lost interest in this fanfic. Why? I'm really not sure. I just stopped writing it one week and never got back into writing it. Every time I tried, I would write a few sentences, stall, and give up. Call it writer's block, call it being a lazy ass, whatever you call it, I'm going to call it a lost of interest.

To be totally honest, the entire story, both Confession and Secret of the Coopers, was almost always made up on the spot. I never wrote down ideas, I never brainstormed. I just wrote, and went with the flow. I mean, I had a basic idea at first. It was originally just going to be Sly getting captured, then saved and that was that. There was no other plot that I had in mind and the whole idea with there being a secret within the Cooper Vault that had not even crossed my mind until about the 4th chapter. That is why I wrote the two stories separately rather than in one whole fic. Once I had the idea of the secret in the vault, I kinda just went from there.

But, I have hit a gap, and a big one two. I have no idea what happens at the end. Seriously, I never really had a solid idea for the ending. I do have ideas of how some things are cleared up, including why Marakov knows about the secret to the vault. I also had an idea that I was going to implement that involved Carson and Marakov. If you'll remember from the fic Confession, Caron comments that they will be rich. Did he know about Marakov's intentions? I had a few minor ideas for the ending, but I either didn't like them or they just led me to another stopping point. One of those ideas is the whole gang getting caught, then somehow escaping. One of them was them just fighting their way out. I had no solid idea, and I never gave it anymore thought after I lost interest.

I'm just rambling now. Basically what I'm trying to say is this. Sorry. I told myself that I was going to update regularly, at least twice a week. I didn't. I told myself that I would kick myself in the ass and start getting chapters in on time. I didn't. And, above all else, I told myself that I would never abandon an unfinished fic. Well, to be honest, I don't know if I'd call it abandoning it. I really do want to finish this, if only to give it some closure, but that will not be for a while. Why? You're probably going to hate me for telling you this, but here it goes. I'm working on a brand new fic. No, it's not Sly Cooper related. I'm sure that there are plenty of you out there who hate authors that stop writing a fanfic because they started another, but I hate to say that's exactly what I'm doing. Why? Because, as I said, I have lost interest in this current one, and have moved onto another one. One that I am actually very interested in.

If you would like to read it, it's an Animaniacs fanfic titled "Despised." Like my previous fics, it ain't exactly the happiest piece of literature out there, but for some reason I love writing stories that aren't the happiest of tales. I like a bit of sadness or hurt in my stories. Who knows why. Maybe I'm pessimistic. In any case, go read my new Animaniacs fanfic; "Despised." Some may like it, some may not. Hopefully the former. Read and review!

Remember; Secret of the Coopers is NOT abandoned. I will most likely return to it someday, but for now, I'd like to focus on my new fic.

Until… whenever folks!
