Hey everyone! So this is the revised version of chapter 1, which is a combination of chapters Prologue- Chapter 2. I added a few things, but hopefully it's only gotten better and not worse. So without further ado, here it is. And happy birthday to Naruto! Woot!

Summary: {"Stop!" She told me, and I heard my heart shatter. Her voice was hoarse from screaming, and I could tell she was in pain. "Please," She continued to choke out, "just stop.. Sasuke-kun." I released the battered figure in my hands and slowly moved to my whimpering blossom. I held her shaking body close to mine, and kissed the top of her soft, pink hair. "Okay.." I whispered as her breathing grew more ragged from sobbing. "Okay."

Upon relocating with her guardians to Konoha, Sakura Haruno is reunited with old friend's and old memories. She soon finds herself growing closer to KHS heart-throb, Uchiha Sasuke, much to the dismay of private eyes. But when Sasuke uncovers skeletons from her tragic past, Sakura is forced to reveal everything she's hiding from her loved ones. Will Sakura run, or will she finally face the music? AU, SasuSaku, M for Lemons and violence in later chapters.}


Inner Sakura/Sasuke

Text messages

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, just my plot and OC's.

Prologue The Dream -Sakura POV-

Ever since I was a child, I always dreamed of my perfect wedding. Church setting, rows of friends and family, a beautiful dress, a beautiful man, a huge cake, you name it! And my favorite part, which always becomes the most depressing, is staring into the eyes of the love of my life. How can standing at the alter with your soul mate be sorrowful, you ask? Simple. Every time my veil is lifted and I close my eyes, ready for my perfect kiss, on my perfect day… it never comes. Ever. I could never comprehend why my lips were left lingering and incomplete. Not met by another. And as I opened my eyes, I was once again met with an empty fate. No one, not a single soul in sight, filled with the same burning passion I hold in my heart. Not even a face. Just those familiar, detached, onyx orbs, burning into jade. And they were the very eyes that haunt my dreams to this day.


Chapter 1


My hand slammed down on the source of that horrible noise. "Damn you." I mumbled into my pillow. "What the hell kind of clock has an alarm anyway!" I continued to mutter obscenities as I plopped my head back down.

"Sakura! Wake up my dear cherry blossom! Education awaits your arrival!" My mother beamed, from how far away she sounded, I could only guess was the bottom of the staircase. Kami, I despise that woman sometimes. She bought me the evil alarm clock, so what was the point in screaming still? She really knows how to work my nerves.

"I'm already up ya ol' nut bag!" I yelled back, despite my croaky morning voice.

"Come on now honey, you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

I heard you the first time! Realizing I hadn't spoken out loud, I cleared my throat, prepared to shout louder than before.

"SAKURA! Get your lazy butt out of bed!

"I'm already-" My hollering was cut short by the retched clock once again. Gritting my teeth, I poked the snooze button with great force, aggravated that my extra "snooze" time wasn't very long at all.

"Sakura sweetheart, get up!" She continued to shout between the distance of bedroom and the staircase. Jeez, why won't she just let me sleep!

"I am up!" BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! What the hell clock, really?

"SAKURA!- " The screeching alarm literally cut off every other word she said, driving me insane! Like a fly that won't leave the room because it wants to torment you, insane.

BEEP! BEEP! Oh, that is it.

I snatched the damn clock off my nightstand, ripping it out the wall socket. "UGH! SHUT UP!" And with that, I whipped the thing across the room, soon having it crash into the wall with a loud thud. The shattered plastic fell to my bedroom floor, scattering in every which direction. CHA! Peace and quiet.

"SAKURA? WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT NOISE? I'm coming up!" The second source of my annoyance said, interrupting my hopeful thought. Of course, I've apparently spoken too soon. It's not usually such a chore to wake me up in the morning, but today I'm starting at a new school- far away from friends and comfort. Not exactly motivation to get out of bed. A sigh escaped my lips as my head dropped back down to my pillow. It is going to be such a long day. "Oi Kami, why me?"

I rolled out of bed, half asleep, dragging my feet all the way to my closet. I shirked at a most unpleasant sight amongst my, generally modest? wardrobe. "What the hell is this still doing in here?" I half screamed, spotting my gross, former private school uniform. It was entirely too small to be considered formal. Whoever designed it was a serious pervert. The skirt stopped in the middle of my thigh, leaving more than enough of my bare legs on display, and the shirt cut off the circulation in my arms and chest. The gray blazer didn't help much either, though, if it didn't have the school crest sown into it I might just keep the thing. Only the little red tie was cute and surely innocent. I was sure I had thrown the skimpy outfit out.

Saving the red tie, I removed it from the hanger and tossed it on the floor. I'll trash it after I burn it later… I continued to rummage through my clothes and finally decided on a red baby tee and a pair of skinny jeans. I'm not much of a fashionista, sorry. I made sure to grab a white tank top from my dresser as well as my underwear, the rents wouldn't approve of my mid-drift as 'school attire'. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make a very good first impression either, on the female population at least. I snatched up my outfit from the bed and headed for my bathroom, a quick shower wouldn't hurt.




I was about to walk out the door when I heard my parents voices from the kitchen. "Oh, my darling cherry blossom how you've bloomed!" Great, here we go. "Don't you look beautiful as ever? Kura-kun! Doesn't Sakura-chan look beautiful?"

"Yes Yuusame, she looks nice. Now-"

"KURAGO! OUR LITTLE SAKURA LOOKS ABSOLUTELY BREATH TAKING AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS nice?" Little? Good grief. I can already see where this is headed.

"Yuu-chan, let me finish honey. What I meant was-"

"I can't believe you sometimes, Kurago. It's like I speak and you don't even listen!" Yeah you're one to talk, mom. I rolled my eyes at the thought. "That simple mindedness of yours is so annoying, you didn't even look up from the paper!" My mother continued.

"B-but Y-Yuu… that's not fair! Let me explain!"

"No no, you had your chance to be rational and you wasted it!" She crossed her arms and turned away from him stubbornly like a child. Parents.

"Oh! My dear Yuusame, where did I go wrong?" My father mellow dramatically whimpered. What a wuss.

Glancing at the white analog clock above the light switched I groaned. I only had a few minutes to hit the road if I had any chances of making it to first classes on time. "Uh guys? I'm gonna be late if I don't get going, so…"

"I'm sorry Kurago, you're just an idiot sometimes." By now, both my mother and father were embracing each other, sobbing in unison.

"If we could just wrap this little scene up, that would be gre-" I was interrupted again by my unbearable guardians. Imbeciles. Here come the water works.

"I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" My dad expressed, his words muffled by my mother's blouse thankfully.

"Shh. There, there my Kura-kun." my mother reassured, petting his hair like you would a scared animal. My oh-so-manly father just continued sobbing, soaking through my mother's shirt in the process.

"I'M LEAVING NOW, so, Bye!" I shouted while opening the door. I could feel a sudden migraine coming on.

"Okie dokie! See ya after school Kiddo."

"Oh yes!" My mother agreed. "Have fun in high school dear."

CHA! Talk about bipolar. As if my first days in kindergarten again. Gimme a break! "Jeez, will you two knock it off already? It's my third year for crying out loud." I murmured, closing the great door behind me rather forcefully. Slightly annoyed, I skipped down the stairs and started for my motor bike. The bike was a gift from my father, especially imported from Tokyo, for my 16th birthday. Custom made in candy apple red, thick and thin white stripes curved backwards in every direction. It even had tiny hand painted cherry blossom petals starting in the front, made to be blowing towards the back. They were a soft, pale pink, much like my hair(which is totally natural, by the way).

I hopped on my bike and shoved my helmet on, which modeled a similar design to the bike itself. I revved the engine twice, letting my parents know I was officially leaving. Truth be told, I really didn't care if I was late or not. Besides, "It's only high school."


I guess it would be nice if I gave a quick introduction. Hi, I'm Haruno Sakura. I turned sixteen March 28th, and my family and I have recently relocated from Sunagakure to Konohagakure. Awesome. Don't get me wrong, I think Konoha is great! I used to visit my grandparents here a lot when I was younger, but they are no longer with us. It's a good town. Small, quiet, nice people, mostly clean- decent I'd say. Though, as rundown as it was, I miss my old home dearly. My guardians didn't think it was a nice place to raise a family, so they decided to move… 3 months into my junior year of senior high school. Yeah, not the brightest people I know.

So here's the kicker; my mom and dad, aren't really my mom and dad. They're actually my aunt and uncle. My auntie, Yuusame, was the eldest sister of three girls and my mom, Kunoichi. My real parents are deceased, but I don't remember them much. Doesn't mean I don't wish they were here. All I know is they were good people, and my aunt and uncle said they only wanted the best for us. Us, being my older brother, Dante, and myself. But that's a whole different story I'll get into later. Back to reality.

I slowed as I rounded the corner of the school the enormous school. From what I could see, it was already much larger than my former school, Sunagakure Private Academy ,and sure enough, I was late. Whatever, though. I squeezed in between a small rundown Toyota and a black mustang. I whistled at the black beauty next to me. That thing must cost a fortune! Whoever owns that must be one rich bastard. Before I cut off the engine, I revved it twice. Just letting them know I've arrived, I quietly giggled to myself.

I wasn't very late apparently, because a couple students were still lingering on the side of the building. Probably burnouts, or dumb freshman skipping. A great huff escaped my lips when the potential druggies finally noticed me. The said students started walking in my direction ,the one in front swaying a bit. Jeez, maybe these guys really are high. "Damn Kora! You sure know how'd spot 'em!" The largest of the three said.

"Yeah, she is pretty hot huh? Well what can I say, I'm just'-"

"Can I help you?" I interrupted. I could already tell talking to these flakes would prove to be a waste of time.

"Mmmhmm," the last one said, mouth full of something I wasn't worried about knowing. He had dark blonde hair that stopped right above his brow and gray, bloodshot eyes. "You can do us a big favor, little lady."

"Yeah, a real big favor" Laughed the so called Kora. Tch, flakes.

"And what might that be?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest, not very interested.

"Well.. you really wanna know?"

This is getting ridiculous. "I don't know. Do I?" I added, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

Kora hiccupped before continuing. "How about you ditch this pisshole and ride with us? You know, chill, smoke some dope; jus' hang." Kora offered. Ew.

"Oh, jus' hang huh?" I said, mocking his terrible grammar.

"Yeah" The large boy wearing an even bigger black hoodie began. His hood was up, only revealing the front of his greasy looking hair and a wide, eerie grin. "and if you're a good girl, maybe we can fool around." The others wore similar sinister grins. These idiots are starting to piss me off.

"Hm, is that so?" I countered, forcing myself to keep my cool. Like I'm gonna ride around with these creeps so they can run a train on me, then dump my body somewhere for my family to find me later. Yeah, I don't think so.

"Yeah, and I can make it worth your while." the tiny leader Kora said. I scoffed at his suggestive tone. What a loser. "So what's it gonna be baby, shall we?"

"Ha! I don't think so." I snorted ,suddenly very amused with this whole situation. "How about I take a reign check, kay?" Meant to be parting words, not a question, I started for the stairs when someone spoke up.

"I'm afraid that's not an option" the blonde boy, about my height stated. Ok so, I'm 5'3, this dork was around 5'7-5'8. Kora maybe 5'6 (if you're generous), and the big idiot had about a foot on me. Nothing I couldn't handle though. I turned on my heel and glared at their sorry excuse for a leader.

"Listen up dick nose" I began. "Not only am I not going anywhere with you losers, but I'm going to walk away right now and you're all going to leave me the hell alone." I hissed, words coated with venom.

Kora glowered at me for a good minute through dark eyes, officially mad as hell. Another hiccup surfaced. "Wrong answer!" He sneered through clenched teeth. By this time however, I was already closing the gap between me and the staircase. A firm hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I didn't hesitate to see who I was attacking, grabbed a handful of shaggy mud brown hair, and brought it down until it connected with my knee. When I released the giant, trickles of blood made their way to the ground from a bowed head. I was right, his hair was greasy. Gross.

"Ow! Stupid bitch! You broke my fucking nose! It's broken!" I wiped my hand on my jeans, a smirk fighting the hard line on my lips for the limelight as I registered what the brunette just said. A broken nose, courtesy of moi? I remember performing this maneuver on a boy who tried to grope me back in Suna; took care of that, quickly.

"What the hell? Dude, are you okay man?" Kora asked while making his way to his friend. The said boy just groaned in pain, falling backwards flat on his ass. The blonde boy whipped his head towards me, glaring daggers.

"You want some too?" I shouted at the remaining boys, arms wide open for any takers.

"Just watch your back, bitch! Keep doing shit like this and you ain't gonna have no friends!" Kora replied. The other boy remained silent and began to lift his gigantic colleague off the concrete. I watched though narrow eyes as they slowly dragged their friend to the rundown Toyota. He's drunk off his ass and going to have a killer migraine later. Should I feel bad for the guy? Nah. He got what he deserved I guess. I rolled my eyes at my moment of concern for the assholes who blatantly just asked to fuck me.

I grabbed my shoulder with my opposite hand, I'm sure there's going to be a bruise there later. "Damn rejects." What a way to start my morning off. I think the welcoming committee needs to re-staff. Once again, I started up the stairs, a smug look on my face. "Today is going to be such a long day."




When I was sure I found the main office, I took in a deep breath and opened the door. A slender woman was sitting behind the counter with a black headset on, almost blending in with her hair. She was very pretty, much to pretty to work in a school in my opinion. I swallowed once and advanced towards the receptionist, her eyes widened a bit when she looked up. Must be the hair. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to the punch. "Ohayou gozaimasu, may I help you?" She a bell-like voice, face softer than before.

"Hai, I'm Haruno Sakura, the new transfer student from Sunagakure. I'm here to receive my schedule. "I replied as respectfully as my low tolerance for school allowed.

"Oh yes, one moment miss." She reached left of her keyboard and handed me a small yellow paper. "Ok Haruno-san, your first class is in C22, Hatake Kakashi. Would you like someone to show you where it is?"

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. I'll be fine, arigatou." I said before I left the room. Like I can take anymore "kindness" from the welcoming committee. "Thanks but, no thanks." I muttered as I pushed open the heavy glass door, headed for the dreaded classroom.

After about 5 minutes, I arrived at a hallway labeled C, so I figured I was headed in the right direction. C10, C12, C14, I read off to myself as I strolled down the narrow hall. 18, 20 and finally, "C22". I hesitated outside the door, my hand on the cold silver knob. I wasn't afraid of starting over in a new school- hell, I wasn't afraid of anything! But a sudden wave of discomfort washed over me.

Come on, get it together Haruno! We can do this.

Right! We can do- HEY! What the hell are you doing back here! I questioned my inner self.

What the hell kind of greeting is that Sakura? I'm you Baka, remember?

Huh? Wait no no, I thought I got rid of you a long time ago.

Apparently not, because I'm still here. She countered smugly. Ugh, some inner help you are.

I heard that!

Yeah? Well where in the hell were you a few minutes ago? I could have been raped and killed!

What, you mean you couldn't hear me?


Meh, you looked like you had it under control. Great job, by the way. That was good stuff, Haruno.

I continued to silently argue with myself until I felt something behind me. "Ahem." Someone actually. "Are you just going to stand there or go in already?" A deep, velvety voice asked. I turned my head to look over my left shoulder, seeing a dark figure out my peripheral vision.

"Can I help you?" I asked the boy, slightly annoyed he interrupted my silent argument.

"Yeah, you could try moving." Snapped the raven.

"Excuse me?" I bit back, completely facing the Shaman of Rudeness behind me now. Who does this guy think he is, talking to us like that? Yeah, seriously.

"You heard me, Pinky, step aside." My brow began to twitch a little at the nickname, and a smirk appeared on his face when I scowled.

"What the hell did you just call me?" I snarled through clenched teeth.

"Did I stutter? I said 'step aside'… Pinky." His emphasizes on the word ripped my last nerve in half.

"Alright listen up, pal. I'll have you know that"— Of course my sentence was interrupted, only this time by a large firm hand that squeezed my lips together." ..tha kell arg you do-ning!" I screamed despite the boy's hand wrapped around my jaw.

"Save it." He replied icily, I felt a fine shiver travel down my spine at his tone of voice. "I have neither the time nor the patience, for the complainant nature of women today." And with that, he released my jaw. Big mistake. I was about to rip him a new one when our eyes met full on. As onyx clashed with jade, I suddenly felt trapped, connected to billions of metal cords pulling at my limbs and keeping me in place. As I stood there, staring into this complete stranger's eyes, I didn't question my own motives. We didn't make a sound, just stood there for several more seconds. Th-those eyes… f-from my..

I couldn't finish the thought, I had no explanation for this scenario. I was more confused than I had been in a very long time. After a minute or so he sighed, which completely took me off guard. Even more if that was possible at the moment. "You must be the new transfer." He said blankly.

"H-hai" I winced at my speech, still slowed from the stare down. Ah, how embarrassing! What's wrong with you? KEEP IT TOGETHER HARUNO!

He chuckled at what I assumed was my embarrassment, making my check tint a rosy shade of red. "You coming?" He reaching for the door handle.

"Err uh, Yeah. Ano… thanks." I said, still dumbfounded. I averted my gaze, afraid I might say something stupid again. I stepped out of the way rather awkwardly so he could open the door. He smirked at my behavior and opened the large wooden door. Oi Kami, why me? I stole a glance at the yellow paper in my hand, rolled my eyes at the neatly printed message on the bottom, and followed suit behind my new, handsome classmate.

Welcome to Konoha High! - Lady Tsunade




So that's that. Tell me what you think. And thank you all so much for cooperating and waiting. I'm such a loser ;A; Grammatical and spelling errors will be corrected at a later time.

R&R PLease, Ja ne!