Reviews: Thank you so very much; Painted Ys, DarkBombayAngel, the Light Shadow, pheonix80, FallenHope-Angel, Surrealtraversity, dragonlilly1993, MintCa, black angel falling, marishka91, Rapunzelle, SherryBird, Taijiya Mizu, Petalwhisker X Fireheart, sola-bola, OnlyNotReally, Blaze Queenie, Tenshi of Freedom, HeartlessLittleHamster and kaami for reviewing the last chapter! –glomps-

Chapter 12:

A Rush to the Hospital

As the cry of terror seemingly echoes through the afternoon air, Kai can feel his heart constrict painfully in his chest as his breath hitches violently in his throat. The sight of his son lying unmoving on the ground, the ball he was playing with moments before rolling away burns harshly into his mind.

Not a split second later, he is kneeling by Toshiro's side, gathering his small body up in his arms instinctively, cradling him in his lap and against his chest. He knows that normally, one is suppose to leave the unconscious person where they found them, but dammit, this is his son! Maternal instinct overrides everything else.

"Toshiro!" Kai cries as tears threaten to form in his eyes, but he hastily wills them back, trying desperately to get a reaction from his precious child. He then utters a keening noise of pain and he begins to squirm uncomfortably in his grip.

He's alive, but what happened to him?!

"Don't move him around too much." Hiro commands, surprising Kai immensely by suddenly appearing by his side, one hand on the small of his back as the other rests gently on Toshiro's forehead, his mahogany eyes hastily trailing over the little one's form. "Lay him still."

Kai glances at his son's face that is creased with pain and feels his chest tighten even more when he realizes that his breathing is labored. "He's barely breathing," he says as he begins to panic and turns eyes of desperation towards Hiro.

All anger and resentment he holds for the older man is gone; instead the need for Hiro to take command of the situation takes its place. Hiro has always had the ability to make things right and he needs him to help him now, more than ever.

"What's wrong with him?" he asks, fear growing in his chest.

He can't lose his son. He just can't!

Hiro doesn't answer him at first, too busy assessing the situation. Moving closer to both Kai and Toshiro, he gently runs his hands over the child before cradling his tiny arm in his large, strong hands. Toshiro's arm feels hot and seems to be swelling quite violently. He also notices a small sharp object embedded in his soft skin and he quickly comes to the conclusion that he has been stung by a bee and is currently experiencing an allergic reaction to it.

"His arm is swelling up," he explains quickly to Kai, using his thumb nail to scrap away the stinger. "He's been stung by a bee, it seems. Is he allergic to them?"

A bee sting? He could lose Toshiro to a stupid little insect?!

"I don't know," Kai mutters pathetically as he cradles Toshiro closer, his mind reeling for information. "Nothing like this has ever happened before. What do I do?"

Hiro remembers passing a hospital on the way here in his car, deciding to go for a quick self-tour of the city after being away for so long. He judges that it's a ten minute drive, but he plans to make it under five if possible.

"Quick, I drove my car here," he explains as he helps Kai to his feet, knowing all too well that the worst thoughts imaginable are running through Kai's mind at this very moment. "We need to get him to the hospital."

"We have to take him to doctor Tenzen, he's our personal doctor," Kai says as Hiro leads him quickly over to his car, an arm around his shoulders, the hand of his other holding Toshiro's swollen arm carefully. "He's not far from here."

"Right," Hiro says as he opens the passenger side door to his car to let Kai practically throw himself in before running to the other side, fishing out his keys at the same time. He needs to move quickly; Toshiro's breathing is becoming more labored by the second and he knows that the lack of oxygen could cause the little one brain damage if he couldn't breathe properly.

No, he's going to make sure that Toshiro gets to the hospital in time. God help him, he's not going to let anything happen to this child.

And it's not because he wants to get on Kai's good side, as that thought has never occurred to him. His concern is genuine, the protective parental instinct he never thought he could have is surging through him, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

As soon as Hiro jumps in the car and turns the motor on, he presses the accelerator to the floorboard and flies off, running through red lights, horns blaring. He doesn't care; his one goal is to make it to the hospital in time.

"Hold on, baby," Kai says with his voice thick with emotion. He's trying hard not to cry, Hiro can tell, causing his own heart to restrict painfully in his chest.

The small child in his arms squirms a little, the movements causing a sense of light relief to ripple through the car. Blearily, Toshiro opens his deep ruby red eyes, half swollen and peers up at Kai. "…Papa?" he mumbles weakly.

Kai has to bite the inside of his mouth to stop a sob from escaping at the weakness heard in his son's voice. "I'm right here."

"Just relax, kiddo, you'll be ok," Hiro says as he momentarily removes a hand from the steering wheel and places it on top of his head in a reassuring manner. "Just think about something that makes you happy, ok?"

Toshiro takes a long moment to peer up at him before shifting closer to Kai. "…Kay," he whispers.

"Good," Hiro says, trying hard to keep his voice level and free of alarm.

Next to him, Kai appears grateful for his ability to stay cool and calm, outwardly at least. For Kai, internally, he's an utter wreck. A million different thoughts are bombarding his mind, none of them good.

"We're just going to visit Dr Tenzen for a moment," Hiro continues as he glances up to see the hospital within sight. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again."

"Will I get a lolly?" Toshiro mumbles, his eyes slowly drooping shut, sinking further into Kai's arms. "I always get a lolly when I see…"

"Toshiro?" Kai asks, this time unable to hide the fear from his voice, truly sounding as if he's on the verge of crying. "Toshie, what's wrong?"

Toshiro releases a whimpering noise and he squeezes his eyes tightly shut, his small body beginning to tremble and his breathing coming out in short, rasp gasps. "It hurts, papa."

This time Kai does cry. "Stay with me, Toshiro."

A string of curses suddenly erupts from Hiro's mouth, mostly because of an ambulance blocking access to the emergency doors. Screeching to a halt, half up on the side walk, he leaps out of his seat and runs over to Kai's side of the car, yanking open the door and helping Kai out with his precious bundle.

By the time they race through the doors, Toshiro's eyes have swollen shut and he can barely draw a breath!

"Tenzen!" Kai all but screams, Toshiro shaking violently in his arms, carrying him over to the front desk where a certain aqua-haired man is conversing with a nurse.

Upon hearing his name, Tenzen immediately turns around, his apple green eyes wide in utter bewilderment, tinged with concern at the blatant fear in the voice he quickly recognizes. "Kai?" he uncharacteristically splutters before turning his gaze to the bundle in his arms. "Wha-?"

"He's not breathing!" Kai tells him, getting right into his personal space to look up at the taller man with eyes of desperation, tears easily making their way down his cheeks. "Do something, please!"

Tenzen wastes no time throwing the folders in his hands to the side, not caring where they land as he calls over his shoulder for a bed, practically ripping Toshiro out of Kai's arms, holding the child closely. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Kai says as he shakes his head frantically, not wanting to waste time answering questions when he's son's life is at stake. "I think he might have been stung by a bee."

A split second later, nurses in green coats surround Tenzen as he places Toshiro down onto the gurney before abruptly wheeling him deeper into the hospital.

Kai tries to follow, but a male nurse blocks his path with a stern, yet sympathetic expression on his face.

"I need you to wait here," he says in a strong tone.

Kai immediately looks at him like he's grown a second head. "What?" he practically spits at him. He can still hear the shouts, demands for meds and equipment, curt responses about his breathing, blood pressure and pulse echoing down the hallway. He needs to be there with his son.

"But my son-!"

"Please," the male nurse says once again, his eyes easily leveling with Kai's own glaring gaze. "We need you to stay here."

Kai looks as if he's about to push the nurse into the wall harshly when a pair of arms seem to appear out of nowhere and pull him against a warm and familiar chest. Kai finds himself sinking into that comforting embrace, allowing Hiro to whisper reassuring words into his ears.

Then, it all becomes too much for him. He presses his face into Hiro's chest and starts crying, deep, retched sobs causes his slender frame to tremble violently, thankful for Hiro's strong arms holding him for had he not been here, he would have crumbled to the floor, his legs unable to support himself.

Normally, he would never, ever cry in front of Hiro. He doesn't want to other male to see how weak he is, yet now, he could care less. He is weak; not being able to help his own child makes him pathetic.

"Don't die," Kai begins to whisper over and over again like a prayer or mantra.

A terrifying realization strikes Kai like a bolt from the blue. Had Hiro not been there with him in the park, he would have certainly lost Toshiro. There was no way he could have gotten Toshiro to the hospital so quickly had it not been for him.

His son could have died in his arms there and then. He would have been alone…and Hiro would never have known he had a son.

Oh god, he almost lost Toshiro. To a Bee, for god's sake!

"Kai, look at me," Hiro suddenly commands, slipping a hand under Kai's chin and forcing him to look into his eyes, to which Kai realizes are almost shimmering with intense concern and fear. "He'll be fine. He'll be ok."

"He's…all I have," Kai whispers, his throat thick with emotion. "I can't lose him. I just can't."

"Shh, he'll be ok," Hiro whispers as he pulls Kai closer against him, running his fingers through his hair in a form of comfort. "You're ok. I'm here."

"I can't lose him, Hiro," Kai whispers as he fists his hands in his shirt, burying his face deeper into his chest. "He's all I have."

"You're not going to lose him, Kai, don't think like that," Hiro says firmly; his voice calm and strong, just like he is. "He's your son, so you know he's tougher than he looks."

"Oh god, Toshiro," Kai continues to cry softly, inwardly cursing himself out for letting anything happen to his son. He promised Toshiro that he won't let anything bad happen to him, and then this happens. "I could have stopped this."

Hiro suddenly grabs him by the upper arms and pushes him back, his eyes narrowing in a look of anger that causes Kai's heart to sink in his chest. "Don't say such ridiculous things like that," he says, looking him sternly in the eyes. "He was stung by a bee, for god's sake, you can't prevent these things."

Kai desperately wants to protest. "But, I..."

"No buts," Hiro cuts him off as he gives him a light shake as if he's trying to shake him sense into him. "Now, look at me." Kai slowly looks into his eyes. "Toshiro will be fine. He'll be fine, ok?"

"Hiro," Kai's breathe hitches in his throat. "Don't leave me."

Hiro immediately draws him back into his arms again. "I'm not leaving you here alone, ok?" he says as he places a soft kiss to his temple, holding him tight in such a way that makes Kai believe that he is also looking for a sense of comfort as well. "I'm not."

Hiro isn't sure why his legs suddenly feel weak. He's experienced far more dramatic events than this and held up better than this. But this is Kai and Toshiro. Good god, he's shaking now. In shock, just like Kai.

Why is he being affected this way? He's seen people he liked near death before, but like didn't quite cover what he feels for Kai, did it? His vulnerability hidden under his tough exterior touches him, and of course they way he acts around Toshiro makes him yearn for a family of his own. And he does feel a sense of responsibility for the young family that Kai and Toshiro make up, yet that doesn't quite explain his reaction to Toshiro nearly dying.

He almost feels like Toshiro is his own son.


Upon hearing the familiar voice, Kai pushes himself out of Hiro's arms and spins around, his eyes red and slightly swollen from crying, and his face a sickly pale colour from shock. He suddenly grabs at Tenzen, the older male letting him grab at his white coat.

"How is he?" Kai asks the obvious question.

A gentle, reassuring smile graces his lips. "He's going to be fine," he says as he lifts his arms and places them on Kai's shoulders as when he slumps forward in relief, his forehead resting against his chest. "You can see him now."

Finding a new strength immediately, Kai pushes away from Tenzen and walks down the hallway in the direction Tenzen indicates where his son is resting. He pauses for a moment to glance back at Hiro, noting how Hiro has his hands wound tightly into fists by his sides, appearing as if he wants to follow, but is unsure if he will be welcomed.

"Hiro," Kai says as he nods his head. He wants the older male to be with him. Toshiro is their son, after all. Even if Hiro doesn't know it...yet.

Entering the room, Kai is instantly grateful that Hiro is right behind him. Seeing his son is such a state tears deeply at his heart and he feels yet another sob hitch in his throat. He quickly gets over himself and moves to stand by Toshiro's bed, feeling physically sick at the thought of letting his son lie here all alone.

Hiro moves to the other side of the bed, glancing at all the monitors and machinery beep and hum.

A half hour quickly passes, neither Kai nor Hiro saying a word. Only when Kai sees the steady rise and fall of Toshiro's chest, the swelling in his limbs and face decrease did his heart finally stop thundering in his chest.

"We like to keep him over night," Tenzen's voice abruptly cuts through the silence, causing two of the three occupants to jump slightly at his voice. "He can go home tomorrow morning if his signs are stable."

"Thank god," Kai says as he runs a hand through his hair. "Are you sure he's ok?"

"Yes, but someone needs to watch over him carefully for the next 48 hours," he says, mildly noting how both males seem unwilling to leave the young child's bedside.

Turning his green eyes to the other blue-haired male, Tenzen realizes that he hasn't met this gentleman yet. Is he the infamous Hiro that he has heard so much about?

"I'm not going anywhere," Kai says firmly as he runs his fingers through Toshiro's blue hair.

"I'll stay as well," Hiro says with a no nonsense tone of voice.

Turning his gaze over to Hiro, whose wise mahogany eyes gazing unflinchingly at Toshiro, a sense of protectiveness evident in his posture, Kai once again feels a sense of gratitude towards the handsome man.

Thank the heavens above that Hiro was there with him at the park.

Hiro had no idea that Toshiro is his son, and yet he violated several road laws to get him here to hospital in time, and not once did he hesitate. Sure, Hiro would never let a child suffer, but Kai has never seen him so protective or distraught before in his life.

Kai is now in two-minds. Should he tell him that Toshiro is his son? What will he say? But, what if Hiro gets wanderlust again and disappears, leaving both he and Toshiro behind once again, breaking Toshiro's heart after just learning who he's father is?

"Hiro?" Kai starts as he slowly steps away from the bed to approach the other male, a sense of uncertainly swelling in his chest.

Lifting his weary head up, Hiro peers at him through his bangs, obvious relief shimmering deep within his eyes. "Hmm?"

"I..." Kai stutters, hesitating for a moment before taking a step forward and wrapping his arms around his waist, resting his head on his chest. "Thank you."

"It's nothing," Hiro says as he places his chin on top of Kai's head, his arms lazily wrapping around the slender frame leaning against him. "I'm just glad that he's going to be alright. He's a sweet kid."

A small sense of hope fills Kai's heart as he continues to stand in his loving arms, remembering why he fell for this man in the first place. "Yeah, he is."

Whoo! This chapter was murder to write. And the fact that I had Kai leaning over my shoulder, ready to impale me with a katana didn't help, either.

Please review.