A Stormy Night

Thursday-2:37 AM

The giant air vent jutting from the Jeffersonian examination room seemed to hum a lullaby to the work-obsessed Dr. Brennan who was presently slumped over a steel exam table. As she hazily stared at the disarticulated bones in front of her, she resisted the urge to shut her eyes and drift off to the sleep that beckoned her so keenly. The cold steel table, grinding into her elbows as she slouched over the remains, helped to keep the much needed rest at bay. The only thought that penetrated her foggy brain at this moment was that this child lying in front of her was one of many. And the longer it took her to find evidence that could lead to her killer, the longer that killer would be out there harming another child.

Brennan struggled against a losing battle, as she had been in the same spot for ten hours and been awake since 6AM the day before. Emotion threatened to overtake her as frustration and sheer exhaustion caught up with her. Her eyes filled with tears as she tried to focus on the tiny crushed metacarpals and the twisted green-stick fractures of the right radius. Only in the silence of an empty building would Brennan ever let her emotions defeat the scientist in her. Instead of seeing facts she saw images of a scared child's face as she was abused and then killed. Finally, like a heavy storm looming in the distance, she broke into a flood of tears that could not be turned off. She tried to stifle them, but her sobs echoed in the great halls of the large institution.

This is how he found her. Booth's shadow was frozen in the doorway of the exam room as he looked on at his crumbling partner. There was something sacred about the moment: something so broken about her current state. This is the woman that normally marches through the trenches day in and day out. She always seemed to rise above the grizzly nature of their business. He would hardly ever admit it, but he saw her like an ethereal angel sent to bring justice to the victims and their families. So how could she be so defeated now? Without realizing it, he suddenly gave into his urge to run to her and try and make everything okay.


She gasped as she suddenly realized she was not alone. Her crystal eyes, bright with red, met his darkened gaze of concern. And he instantly took her into a tight embrace. She fell into his arms, finding her legs no longer willing to stand against the pressure of the day's cruel load.

"Booth" she whimpered. "It's just so…" Her voice trailed off; her brain unable to form the necessary words.

"I know." he cooed. "Shh, shhh. Come on Bones. We've done all we can do right now. You need to rest."

"NO!" She protested vehemently. "I have to find this killer now… or…or." She didn't want to start down her last trail of thoughts.

"Booth, I can't sit by and let this happen again." Her eyes pleaded him for understanding.

Suddenly he spun her around and started probing at her back with his fingers. Then he lifted up each of her arms, pretending to exam her sides.

"What the hell are you doing?" She was completely confused and increasingly irritated.

He grinned at her. "I'm looking for where you keep your energizer batteries. Maybe we can just change them and you can stay awake for a few more days."

She rolled her eyes at him. "I do not run on batteries Booth. That does not make…"

He interrupted her and reached out to pinch her arm.

"OW! WHAT are you doing?"

"Just checking. It seems you, Dr. Temperance Brennan are a mere human. You had me fooled, but I have proven you are flesh and blood…oh…and bones." He winked as he tacked the last part on.

A laugh escaped her lips as she dropped her head in defeat. After a beat she raised her damp eyes to the man standing in front of her. His knowing look seemed to pierce her to the soul as though he could read her mind. And damned if the strength of his gaze didn't soothe the stab she felt in her heart like a relaxing anesthetic.

"Come on Bones, let me take you home. We'll get him; just not now." Booth extended his hand and waited for her to timidly take it. He then led her by the hand, down the stairs to the main exit, stopping briefly. "It's a chilly and raining out their Bones, put this on." He removed his jacket placing it on her seemingly delicate shoulders. He risked only one more loving glance towards his partner, before pulling her into a sideways embrace and leading her out into the stormy night.