AN: Having gotten plenty of hits on this story (even though I'm kind of disappointed that I only got one review--which was amazing, and I'm very grateful), I decided to update. I'm not going to give any ultamatims or anything, but I'd like to get at least 3 reviews before my next update. Oh, and there are some sneaky song references in here. Fun. :)

In a convenient fashion better befitting, say, a movie or a Broadway musical than Real Life, Mark happened to be wandering home at roughly this time, after a few hours of aimless filming. The exciting topic of Mimi's friend Juanita had been the subject of many conversations for the past week (particularly from, in Mark's confused point of view, an almost indecently excited Maureen—how Joanne didn't take issue with this, he was unsure), thus making her recognizable even from far away. Her thick, curly hair and petite frame didn't hurt matters. Actually, he mused, she looked a little like Mimi. "Hi," he called out, rushing toward her in his anxiety to prevent her from being robbed. (It wasn't as though Alphabet City was the best of neighborhoods, after all.)

She jumped. "Um...hi. You're Mark?" She remembered Mimi's descriptions, which he fit to a tee—camera included. It had to be someone Mimi knew, anyway, or he wouldn't be acknowleging her this way.

"Yeah. You're Juanita, right?" As he approached, he noticed that her eyes were a shade of violet previously only ever seen on Elizabeth Taylor. He wondered if it was real.

"Nia." She held out her hand, smiling, and he took it.

"Nice to meet you," he replied, and after she reciprocated, "Mimi's at work, sorry. We didn't know you were coming tonight." He looked so apologetic that she laughed.

"It's no big deal," she assured him, still grinning. "It's not like I gave anyone any notice."

"Okay. Um, you probably shouldn't stand on the street at night...especially with your stuff."

"Oh, wow, right." She palmed herself on the forehead, rolling her eyes at her own lack of common sense.

He smiled uncertainly. "It's okay. You can come up with me...we're right above Mimi's place anyway, and she'll probably come by after work."

"Right. Thanks." She allowed him to pick up one of her bags and followed him up the stairs to his door.

"Dammit," he muttered suddenly, reaching into his pocket and coming up empty-handed. "Roger!"


Mark rolled his eyes. "Let us in. Left my key on the table."

"What, you and your camera are an us now?" Roger teased as the door swung open. "Oh. Hey."

"Hi," she replied casually, running her fingers through her hair and picking up her bag again.

"Juanita, right?"

"Nia," she corrected automatically, smirking. This was going to get so old.

He backed up to let her in. "Mimi's at work."

"So I hear. It's okay." She looked at him dead-on, not bothering to be self-conscious. "I'll be out once she gets back."

"Okay." He shrugged, letting Mark help Nia lug her stuff into the loft.

"Charming, Rog," his roommate commented, and Roger managed to inquire,

"Want anything?"

"No thanks." She sank into a nearby chair. "You play the guitar?"

As he had been reaching for it, this was a dead giveaway. "Yeah." Violently, he scratched out a few lines in his notebook and strummed a random chord.

"That's cool," she replied lightly, trying not to feel hurt from Roger's sort-of snub. She had the impression, though, that he just wasn't very good with strangers.

"" Mark tried unsuccessfully to think of something to talk about. Anyone other than him, he reflected sourly, would have been a lot better than this. Well, anyone besides Roger, anyway. She turned around, curling up in her chair. "How come you decided to come today?"

"Honestly? I was packed, and I had nothing better to do." Roger snorted, and she shrugged, casually settling back into her chair. She was sketching again when Mimi clambored in through the window, so deeply absorbed in what she was doing that she didn't notice her friend until Mimi screeched her name.

"MIMI!" she squealed, jumping to her feet to embrace her friend. "Oh, my God, you look so good!"

"Querida, I didn't know you were coming today! I would have taken off to get you!"

"I didn't know, either," she commented, releasing Mimi. "How was work?"

"Alright," she shrugged, sinking gracefully into Roger's lap and appearing to fold slightly into him in exhaustion. She stifled a yawn.

"Honey, you look exhausted," Nia noted, arching an eyebrow.

"Hmm…" Mimi admitted. She wasn't exactly looking forward to the trek back to her apartment with Nia's stuff, but it was probably better to get it over with, she mused. So she kissed Roger briefly and got to her feet with effort. "C'mon. Let's move your stuff downstairs."

"We'll help," Mark offered, even though there really wasn't that much of it.

"You don't really have to…there are only a few bags," Mimi protested.

"You're about to fall asleep," Roger pointed out. "You're not carrying anything." Nia smiled surreptitiously at Roger's previously undemonstrated sensitivity.

"Wait…" she objected as Mark grasped the handle of a suitcase. "I can…"

"No, it's fine. Trust me," he added, as she made to speak again.

She gave in with a sigh and a "Thanks," which Mimi noted with a sly little smirk as she led the way down the stairs.

After Nia's stuff was safely packed into Mimi's tiny closet, the girls got changed and climbed sleepily into Mimi's bed. "Just like old days," Mimi mused delightedly.

"Yeah…" she replied, sighing. "I've really missed this."

"Me, too." Mimi flipped onto her side and surveyed Nia amusedly. "Mark seems to like you, chica."

"Shut up," Nia ordered, scrunching down beneath the covers. "Would you like to hear the issues that I take with your comments?" Used to Nia's ridiculous banter, Mimi just giggled, and Nia launched into her attack. "A," she began, holding up a finger, "we just met. B—" another finger, "there's the small matter of my boyfriend."

"But did you notice what order you put those in?"

She glared evilly at Mimi. "Rob and I have a fantastic relationship, thanks very much. Sorry, but it's not happening."

"Oh, fine." Mimi mock-sulked for a moment before asking, "What's he like?"

"Amazing." Nia closed her eyes to picture her handsome lover for a moment before replying. "Rob's the kind of guy who makes you feel wanted right when he sees you, you know? He makes you feel like the only person that matters in the middle of a crowded room." She paused. "Ay, Dios mio…I cannot believe I just said that!"

Mimi's lips curved up. "I know how it is," she replied with a contented sigh. "It's a fantastic feeling, even if it sounds ridiculous. Speaking of…what do you think of Roger?"

Having not had much experience with the rocker, Nia merely offered, "We'll get along fine, chica."

"Good." Mimi yawned softly, curling up as her eyes slowly closed. "Buenas noches. Te amo."

"Te amo," Nia whispered.


Ay, Dios mio: Oh, my God.

Buenas noches: good night.

Te amo: I love you.