A/N: This chapter little to do with Sasuke, but somebody else :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.




(I've decided, I'm not going to stress the whole Sasuke situation; I'm not letting it get to me. I should be happy for him, even though his girlfriend is a complete whore and I don't like her at all whatsoever, but if he's happy then that's all that really matters, right? Anyways, I guess it's just time to move on.)


True Love Never Dies
By x ir0ck




"Moving on is simple, it's what you
leave behind that makes it so difficult."


The past couple of days haven't been the happiest for Sakura. She's been seeing Sasuke and Karin together almost everywhere she went. It was starting to get to her.

She still could not believe the fact that Sasuke could be interested in a girl like Karin. It was like fire and ice, cat and dog, water and oil; they just don't mix. But opposites attract, Sakura supposed.

Today was going to be a good day, even if she had to make it happen herself, Sakura decided. She wasn't going to allow herself to sit and be depressed in her house about Sasuke. It was totally not worth it, especially if Sasuke didn't care one bit.

Sakura just needed something to do.

She sat cross-legged on her bed, leaning against the wall next to her bed, staring at the other wall across her room. She had been doing this for the past 15 minutes, trying to think of something she could do today.

After another couple minutes, Sakura groaned. "I've got to get out of here!"

"How did we get here? I use to know you so well.

How did we get here? I think I know."

Sakura reached for her phone on top of one of her pillows. She looked at the caller and the screen read: Ino-pig.

"How did we-"

Sakura pressed the talk button on her phone, "Hello?"

"Hey forehead!" Ino said.

"Hey pig!" Sakura replied back with a chuckle.

"What are you doing today?"

Sakura laid down on her back, "Absolutely nothing! I need to do something!"

"Ugh, me too! Why don't we do something?"

Sakura sat back up and smiled brightly, "I don't see why not!"


Ino's idea of 'doing something' was going to the park to see if Shikamaru was there. Sakura didn't really think it was that great of an idea but there was nothing to do and plus, Ino was her best friend and she had it bad for Shikamaru, so Sakura would go with Ino to make her happy.

Little kids were running around with their parents nearby, people walking their dogs, and people jogging and such, as Sakura and Ino strolled through the park.

"He's got to be here somewhere!" Ino said while looking in every direction.

Sakura looked at her best friend, "Maybe he just decided not to come today." She shrugged.

Ino shook her head. "I know he's here, trust me."

Sakura said nothing but smiled. She has never seen Ino so crazy over a boy. Ino was usually just boy crazy in general, but now Shikamaru's managed to somehow get Ino to focus only on him. Sakura didn't know how he did it, but he did, and Sakura was happy for her friend.

"There!" Ino whispered yelled, snapping Sakura out of her thoughts.

"Why're you whispering, Ino?" Sakura raised a pink eyebrow. Sakura didn't get an answer, but Ino pulled her behind a huge nearby tree into seclusion. Once she was sure they were hidden good, she put her index finger vertically in front of her lips, "Shhhhh! He's going to here you!" Ino poked her head from behind the tree occasionally to see what the lazy genius was doing.

Sakura sweat dropped, "I thought the whole point of coming to the park was to chill with Shikamaru, not to stalk him!"

Ino turned around to face Sakura, "I most definitely am not stalking him! I'm simply waiting for the right moment to approach him!"

Sakura stared at her disbelievingly, "Uh-huh... riiight." She said dryly.

Ino ignored her comment and turned back to poke her head from behind the tree, Sakura joined her.

Shikamaru was sitting on a bench, looking up at the clouds, with his skateboard under his feet. He wasn't alone though. With him was Inuzuka Kiba. Unlike Shikamaru, Kiba was riding his skateboard, doing tricks and what not.

"So when's the 'right moment'?" Sakura asked while doing air quotes.

Ino didn't notice her use of air quotes, "I'm gonna go now," she turned around and faced Sakura again, "How do I look?"

"Stunning." Sakura grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Ino took a deep breath and straightened herself out before stepping out of seclusion. She took about 4 steps before turning around to face Sakura again. "Aren't you coming?"

Sakura's head was poking out from the side of the tree, "Oh, right!" She rubbed the back of her head and walked up to Ino and they fell into step together.

Shikamaru and Kiba were getting closer and closer with each step. Ino wore a determined look on her face, while Sakura wore a bored one.

Kiba was the first to notice them, "Well look who it is!" Kiba came to a stop on his board and grinned at them. "It's Ino-" His eyes looked over at Shikamaru when he spoke her name. "And Sakura."

"Hey guys." Ino and Sakura said in unison.

Shikamaru averted his eyes from the clouds above and focused them on Ino. She stared back. They were now both smiling.

Sakura and Kiba looked back and forth between Ino and Shikamaru, and then to each other. They silently laughed together.

A couple of seconds went by before Kiba broke the silence, "Are you guys done making googly eyes at each other so we can actually do something?"

Sakura snickered at his comment. Ino and Shikamaru blushed and looked away.

"Screw you guys!" Ino yelled jokingly

"So are we gonna do something fun or what?!" Sakura asked, getting a little impatient.

Kiba grinned, showing his fang-like teeth, "You betcha!"


Sakura and Kiba were laughing, running side by side, down the street, away from Ino and Shikamaru. Sakura and Kiba wanted to give them some alone time (wink wink). They ran far enough so that when they looked back, they couldn't see Ino and Shikamaru.

They finally stopped and were trying to catch their breaths.

"They're... gonna... have... some... fun!" Kiba said between breaths.

Sakura chuckled. "Yeah."

When they finally caught their breaths, they looked around. The neighborhood they were in was nice. It had huge houses, some even mansions. The sun was no longer out, the only light were street lights and the moon.

"Well, we'd better make ourselves comfy, they probably want a lot of alone time together." Kiba said as he sat down on a curb.

Sakura plopped herself beside him without a word.

"I had fun today." Kiba said with a grin.

During the day, Kiba had taught Sakura how to skateboard, went to get ice cream, and other things.

Sakura smiled. "I did too."

"You know," Kiba started, "I use to think you were a geek and I never really paid that much attention to you."

"Thanks." Sakura said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

Kiba chuckled. "The only time I really noticed you was when I heard about you and Sasuke."

Sakura mentally groaned. Thanks for reminding me.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." She replied.

"Sasuke was lucky." His grin came back.

Kiba's grins were so contagious; Sakura was grinning also, "Oh really? How?"

"He had a girl like you: smart, fun, amazing at skating—" Sakura laughed at that. "And beautiful."

Sakura beamed at him for moment, then she tucked a lock of pink hair behind her ear, "Yeah, had."

Before Sakura knew it, Kiba had gently kissed her.

Inner Sakura: Holy crap! He's kissing you!

No shit! Now leave me alone for now!

Inner Sakura: (Snickers) Of course, for now...

Sakura ignored her inner self.

She was in heaven.


Sakura was in her PJ's, laying down in bed, thinking about the day's events.

She smiled brightly when she thought about the kiss she and Kiba shared. It was very unexpected, but she was always told 'expect the unexpected' and boy, was it true.

Kiba was very good looking, but girls didn't notice him like they did Sasuke and Hyuuga Neji. It was a good thing though, Sakura thought, no annoying fangirls in the way. Sakura loved his care-free attitude. He was very sweet and caring.

Sakura's phone vibrated. She looked over to her phone, charging on her nightstand. She reached for it and it read: New Text! From: Sasuke.


She clicked 'ok' and it went to the text.


what the hell were you doing today?


Sakura raised an eyebrow. "the heck?" She said to herself.


what are you talking about?


i saw you and kiba kissing.

across the street from my house.


Sakura stared at her phone like it grew a mouth and was speaking to her; she was in shock.

How could she not notice that it was Sasuke's neighborhood?

she was going to try to play it off like she didn't know, it was none of his business anyway.


i wasn't even near your house today!

you have no proof that was me.


i think i'd notice someone with pink hair.

and you're the only person with pink hair.


Jerk! Sakura thought.


so what if it was me any way?

it's no big deal.


it is.


not really.


yes, it is.




you shouldn't be kissing other guys.


Sakura grew furious, as well as inner Sakura.


Yeah, I freaking agree for once, damnit!


are you freaking kidding me, Sasuke?!

you should be the last person to say that!

don't tell me that i can't kiss other guys when you're off sucking face

and doing god knows what else with that walking STD!

kiss my ass!


Sasuke didn't write back. But Sakura didn't mind to much.

'Cause man, did it feel good to tell him off!


Don't worry, it's SasuSaku, so the whole Kiba thing is just something else :) Don't ask why I picked Kiba; spur of the moment. Sakura tells Sasuke off! wordd :) but anyways, i wasn't too proud of this chapter but whatever. I wrote it in one whole day! (after like 84568768 months of trying to update it haha) but yeah, please review! bye bye! :)

~x ir0ck