Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight.

A/N: Hm, I thought I should so I did.

Look at me. That was all I could think these days. Her tiny, fragile frame was so distant from him now. Before, she was so close I was scared I might break her. Now I was scared I would lose her.

She was so close to me. I would run his fingers casually through her hair and she would blush adorably as she always did.

But it was different.

Because at the same time she would glance nervously at him.

Him. Somber, silent, and ever-present, he would stand just a few paces away, arms crossed with disinterest.

But he wasn't really disinterested, just irritated. He would run his fingers absentmindedly across the black scar on his neck and steal glances at us. Because his disinterest was masking his earnest interest in our interaction.

And she was not nearly as disinterested as she tried to pretend. She also looked at him sometimes, and sometimes she'd look at me, but she looks at him increasingly often.

I'm afraid there will be a time when she stops looking at me altogether and runs towards him with all her passion as she used to do with me.

I didn't think there would be a time when she would think about someone else. I didn't think I'd ever have to worry about anyone else, or waste my time with petty things like jealousy.

I was too vain.

And sometimes I still hug her and kiss her lightly on the cheek or pat her head with my large hands, but she seems detached and disenchanted.

But most of all in love with someone else.