Me: this is one of the sort of very few...very rare occasions that I actually update so suddenly! xD AKA: the day after I've already update hahaha. I guess it's mostly just because I felt so bad for not updating for so long and I wanted to make sure that I at least got the showdown written down and stuff like that.

Kiyruo: Well aren't you an angel sent from Heaven...-.-

Me: And aren't u a dick sent from Hell.

Reejiie: OHHH!

Jordan: Ouch...

Me: Stick THAT in yo' juice and SUCK IT!

Kiyrou: -Goes silent-

Me: Also, I just wanted to say that I was very happy with this chapter, actually. Well, most of it lol. I liked the idea of Farmville as a Xiaolin Showdown...I mean, c'mon? xD Haha. And Chase Young in cowboy wear? How in the -censored- is that not sexy?

Okay, enjoy the chapter ya'll :] I'll try and keep this constant update kinda thingy goin'


'this usually means that someone's thinking'

"This means that someones talking!"

Chapter 6-Xiaolin Showdown...Farmville style!

"Umm..." Angie was slightly intimidated by his eyes-she could see the evil churning within them. "Who are you?" Clay jumped next to her protectively.

"Chase Young?"

With Omi and Dojo.

Omi suddenly sensed Chase's evil, his nine dots glowing.

"Dojo-" the dragon nodded-hearing the urgency in the monks voice.

"I'm on it kiddo. I can feel a Xiaolin Showdown about to start!" Dojo did a sudden U-turn; Omi hugging as much of his green friend as he could as they headed east to pick up Raimundo and Kimiko.

With Raimundo and Kimiko.

"Okay okay okay; I give up!" Raimundo laughed as he hid behind a snow bank. Kimiko had been pelting snow balls at him non-stop for a while now and he found it hilarious. Kimiko slowed down slightly with a smile.

"Yes! Kimiko-1; Rai-0!" Raimundo grinned and crossed his arms.

"Watch out, Kim...I'll get my sweet revenge." out of no where Dojo came down, landing right beside the two monks.

"C'mon, kiddies!" Rai and Kim looked at each other in slight confusion.


"No time to explain!" Omi was waving his arms wildy. "No time to release your horses!" his leader slapped his forehead.

"Is it so hard to get slang RIGHT for once?" Kimiko pulled Rai onto Dojo and they bolted for the west. Thank Dashi-they had arrived just in time.

"Chase Young!" Omi sneered while jumping off the dragon's back. Chase nodded to Omi with a smug look across his face.


"What are you doing here?" Kimiko was in her fighting stance.

"I was simply going to observe your new teammates fighting skills." he 'smiled' at Angie and she gulped.

"Um, guys? You sure he can't just have this one?" Angie asked over her shoulder. She was referring to the shen-gong-wu.

They gave her a glare.

"C'mon, Angie-you've got this!" her new leader pumped his fist in the air. Dojo looked at him; eyebrow raised.

"You really think so?"

"Eh.." he shrugged.

"I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown! My Whoozy-shooter against your Orb of Mieli!" Chase declared. Clay scratched his head, lifting up his cowboy hat slightly.

"Orb of Mieli? How'd she get that?"

"I accept!" the dragon of lightning pretended not to here Clay's question. She didn't mean to take it at was pretty-the sparkles were calling to her! "The game is..." pondering on what the showdown should be, she giggled. "Farmville!"

Her team groaned.

"Farmville..." Chase's face was twisted with many emotions-main one being confusion.

"Yeah!" Angie chirped. "Farmville? From facebook?" her opponent didn't phase. She sighed. "Nevermind. Point of the showdown; be the first to harvest your animals and fruit trees." Chase nodded.

"Let's go...Xiaolin Showdown!" As usual, the earth began to shake and shoot up into the sky. Angie, this being her first showdown, yelped and fell to her knees. Chase stood respectively-hands and wu behind his back.

The grass grew greener, and shorter. A barn grew from the ground along with two packs of animals (the different groups surrounded by two seperate, white, picket fences.); the sky changed from grey clouds to a bright, blinding blue sky and puffy white clouds with the sun shining through.

The gang stood together on a seperate grassy platform in there wudi armor; Chase and Angie on the other hand were in full on cowboy wear.

Angie had her hair in braided pig tails, a blue cowboy hat, a blue flannel shirt tucked into a pair of torn, jean shorts; the outfit not being complete without her own pair of cowboy boots.

Even chase was wearing cowboy themed clothes!

He had most of the accessories that Angie got-the cowboy hat (his being soft green), the boots-the tucked in green, flannel shirt. Just he was wearing a pair of light Levis, and he had a red scarf around his neck-like Clay usually did.

Glancing down at what he was wearing Chase's face became even more grim.

"Let's get this absurd challenge over with..."


Both headed to the animals first. Jumping over the fence border, both contestents ran to their first cow and milked away.

(Back on the sidelines-watching intensely.)

Clay smiled to himself as he watched Angie milk cow after cow.

'She looks mighty pretty in those new clothes of hers...' chuckling to himself as she tried to scare the chickens away so she could get the eggs out of the nests, he still couldn't get himself to stop smiling. Raimundo noticed this and nudged him in the ribs.

"What are you smilin' about?" Clay could only shrug; a goofy smirk on his texan lips. He really didn't know what he was smiling about. The brazilian monk gave him a weird look and turned back to the showdown; only to notice Chase starting to pull his shen-gong-wu out.

"Yo girl! Watch out!"

(Back in the showdown)

Angie turned to Rai, then looked back at Chase.


"Whoozy-Shooter!" Chase blew into the oddly shaped trumpet-wu and a purple, swirling mist creeped out-heading for the brunette. She desperately tried dodging it, but the chickens were blocking her way of escape and she didn't want to hurt any of them.

"Oh God..." she squeaked as she prepared herself. Suddenly, as the mist hit her, she suddenly felt light...sort of like she was floating. Instantly she became extra giggly and was seeing everything in rainbows, unicorns, and wolf pups. "OOOoohhh...cuute pup-py! Gooood pup-py...! Heheheee!" Raimundo, Kimiko, Omi, and Clay didn't know what to do from there as they watched Angie cuddle a chicken-thinking it was a puppy.

"We're very much doomed..." Omi let his yellow head hang. Kimiko nodded and leaned against it.

"You've got that right, Omi."

Chase's smug look came back once he had finished harvesting his last fruit tree. The bright white flash came and everything had turned back to normal. He walked up to the monks, three shen-gong-wu in his hands. The four (and Dojo) had gather around a still dizzy Angie.

" that's what it's like to be drunk and high at the same time..." she held her head between her hands as she felt a hangover/brain freeze type of thing coming on.

"That headache of yours should go away in about an hour or two." Chase bowed. "Thanks for the wu." he snapped his fingers and suddenly disappeared. Three of the five monks glared at the spot he was just in. Clay bent down on one knee and put a hand on Angie's shoulder.

"Will 'ya be a'right to walk?" she wondered that herself. She got up at a very slow pace-only to feel extremely light headed. She just about fell over if she hadn't had Clay's arm to hold onto.

"Come on, guys. Let's get back to the temple and let Master Fung know about the wu." Raimundo ordered his team. Dojo transformed into his bigger self and everyone got on-Angie got on with the help of Clay.

"Sorry guys...I guess I'm not that good at the whole 'showdown' thing. I'm awesome at Farmville online!" she felt very guilty about losing the wu; even worse because she knew how important the Orb of Mieli was and how bad it would be if it got into the wrong hands. Example: Chase Young. And it was her fault he had it.

"Yes, you should be veeery sorry for your actions!" Kimiko and Raimundo shot Omi a glare and he shut up immediately.

"Hey now, partner! Don't make her feel bad!" Clay had his hands on her shoulders, protectively. Angie fought back a smile-which wasn't hard considering how much guilt she was feeling then.

"Yeah, Omi, c'mon." Raimundo gave a reassuring smile to his new team member. "It's okay, Ang. It was your first showdown. Besides, we're bound to get back that wu sooner er later."

"I hope so..." everyone looked back at her; expecting her to say something 'deep'. "That orb was the most sparkly thing I've ever seen in my life!" Dojo rolled his eyes. Kimiko tapped her chin.

"The thing I'm wondering-is why Jack wasn't there with his lame jokes and come-backs!" Rai grinned at her.

"I was thinking the same thing..."




"Oh please like I would do that..."

"...really?" -happy face-

"Of course! There are SO MANY WORSE THINGS I COULD DO TO YOU!"-Jack's sad face followed by a whimper-


Pwease review :]

HEADS UP: I'll be updating my other Raikim story 'Heylin Bow and Arrow' in the near future. Keep an eye out!

