Here's just another short drabble for this. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own the TMNT or the Foot. But I suppose this vague OC is mine.

"You must be willing to forfeit your identity to become a part of the Foot. Are you willing?"

He understood this idea of being nameless. The Foot was the larger picture here. And he when he got in- if he got in- he would be just a lonely servant, a vessel for which the Foot could utilize to achieve its lofty goals. His identity was negligible.

But for him, the concern was really if he accepted it. Did he want to toss aside everything he was to become a component for the greater good? Maybe he was happy with having a name. He enjoyed hearing her whisper its syllables as if it was a haiku…

When he realized how stupid he sounded, he chided himself. This is what his family expected from him. This is what he expected from himself.

It was high time that he recognized what his place would be, an insignificant member of the body of the Foot. Individually, he meant nothing, but overall, he could become something.

"Hai, I am willing."

My only wish is to catch a review so juicy SWEET! -Gollum... Okay, too much Lord of the Rings for me... I get- sorry! :D But seriously, review!