Chapter: 22

I thought I was going to die then and there from the way my heart was beating so fast, I had never, in a million years expected to do something like this... it is so embarrassing.

Love Is So Twisted

To The Grave


Everyone gasped

It really was someone no one had expected; the room seemed to go dead silent. It was like a dream, one of those where you were dead center and everyone else was acting out of hand. Like a man dancing in a hula skirt. A man wearing a kilt and playing rock and roll, it was an absurd occurrence. On the other hand, perhaps it was just the skeleton in your closet chasing you around trying to drown you….or something.

However, it was a relieving one

At the moment, out of everyone there Hinata was the one who wanted to cry for joy, because everyone else was confused. Last night she had begged Sasuke to help her with the plan, had even gotten the created code that he had planted in the pink haired girls head. She was glad she had interfered now, for she had no doubt in her mind now. She could really cry for joy, and she was glad her sister was there to hold her. After all, now she knew that everything was going to be alright.

Everything was now unravel to the very last point, all this time it had been Sakura the one stripped of her dress. For you had to understand at one point that no matter how many times Sasuke said he hated Itachi, wanted to kill Itachi, wished Itachi the worse, in the end Sasuke truly loved him and cherished that person. Sasuke truly was in love with his older brother, as strange as two brothers in love may seem.

Therefore, the question was clear to who was wearing the dress and whose face was under the veil. Everyone was shocked.

"I object, besides," Sakura smirked and placed her hands on her hips "there is certainly no way that Itachi will marry someone else, he has to marry me" In the back of her head, she knew this was wrong. She didn't belong there, but she couldn't let go now that she had a second chance. She wanted to grasp it to the fullest, expose Sasuke and humiliate him while she took all the glory.

This was supposed to be her time.

Moreover, Itachi was going to be hers.

Everyone else ignored her though. They were all lost in thoughts and wonder. If Sakura was out there objecting, who was standing next to Itachi?

"Who's that there with Itachi-kun then?" asked Naruto, who was as clueless as the audience was and voiced their main question, Sai who was beside him pulled him down to sit down and grinned. He could come up with many dirty assumptions, but he was just happy to settle down with his blond lover and let everyone else figure it out on their own.

"We'll just have to see"

Everyone questioned himself or herself and finally Itachi took his 'brides' hand more carefully in his, this time noticing that the hand fitted perfectly against his. He pulled said bride close to him and gently pulled back the veil to reveal the blushing face of his Otouto. This is not how Sasuke wanted Itachi to find out it was really him. Everyone on the audience felt at ease when they saw the beautiful face of Itachi's younger brother under the veil. The only one who was furious and full of envy was the pink haired girl who felt robbed of her perfect day.

"Well, now" the old priest said as he looked at both males. Both brothers that he had known all his life, this was not a surprise to him at all. He had been expecting it at some point. What bothered him was why Sakura was objecting to it, for he had no objections.

"Sorry" Sasuke whispered looking down, not sure on what he was to do now that he had gotten this far. He had wanted his brother to think that he was Sakura and taken him in much the same. After Hinata had had that long talk with him the night before he had come to his senses and he knew he had to take his man back. He could not let Sakura just have him just like that either it was not fair. Itachi on the other hand shocked Sasuke by smiling down at him and letting tears run down his cheeks. "Nii-san" Sasuke gasped.

"I'm so glad" Itachi said pulling Sasuke into a tight embrace, for the first time after what seemed like years feeling completely at ease, completely happy and exultant. He couldn't have asked for more, this was all he ever wanted. Sakura on the other hand would not be ignored. "I'm so glad" Sasuke smiled and hugged his brother back, burying his head in his neck.

"HEY! I am the bride here!" Sakura shrilled out in long screams. "IT"S MY DAY! I SHOULD BE THE ONE UP THERE, SET THIS STRAIGHT!" A shoe came flying her way and it hit her on the side of the head. Everyone turned around to see that it was Ino looking incredibly angry and frustrated. She had been taken advantage off, she had witnessed this couple struggle to stay together, as many other couples had. She was not about to allow Sakura to ruin it anymore, enough was enough.

"Can it forehead and don't mess with the happy couple!" Sakura looked up to glare at Ino, but her eyes ended up landing on the short girl beside her. The small raven-haired girl shook her finger back and forth. Fear run down Sakura's spine and she knew that Hinata was not done with messing around with her.

"Weren't you the one who was fucking another man in the dressing room, Sakura I am appalled by you, coming in here like that and demanding Itachi when he is not yours. When you do not love him" Everyone started to whisper amongst himself or herself. Hiashi was on the front laughing like a small child, not really getting what was going on in the whole room. Kaichiro entered the room then, ran to Sakura and collapsed on one knee before Sakura.

"Marry Me," he said and Sakura shook her head.


"Sakura, please"

"NOOOO!" Sakura yelled.

Kashiro was not going to take no for an answer, he made a move to jump on her. Instead, she ran out of the room, trying to fight him off countless times. This was Hinata's curse for Sakura; she was for now on always going to be hunted by her past love. Kashiro was never going to stop and if she ever tried something with anyone, she would not be able. The priest soon cleared his throat and got everyone's attentions once more.

"Please take your seats, unless someone else has something to add to this" he directed his hand to Sasuke and Itachi who were still embracing. Both brothers soon pulled slightly away and looked to the priest. Everyone else shook their heads and sat down. The priest opened his book once more and then turned to Itachi and Sasuke "are you two comfortable with this, is this what you truly wish to be?" he asked. Sasuke and Itachi locked eyes with each other and immediately knew the answer.

"Yes" they both answered.

"Well, then, let us continue with this happy occasion" happily the priest read over the wedding binging riddles. At the same time Sasuke and Itachi reciting vows from the heart and not something cheap and pre-written, it was the happiest moment for Itachi and Sasuke. At the end of it, their favorite part was when the priest said, "You may kiss"

Itachi leaned in and softly took his younger brother's lips in his and everyone cheered for them. From here on out, no one would be able to tear them apart. Except death, and this one was one love that would last to their graves.

That night Itachi and Sasuke were not the only couple who had gotten back together, unlike many other couples who had lost their beloved. Deidara and Sasori had snuck out a while ago to reunite themselves body and soul. As Itachi and Sasuke danced in each other's arms, Tenten had managed to get upstairs and knock on Neji's door. When no one answered, she had gotten worried.

"Hello?" She called out. She could hear some mumbling but not much of anything else. She could not decide on what to do "I'm coming in!" she said and opened the door, only to find the room oddly dark. Tenten was about to reach for the lights, but suddenly she was shoved inside and she heard the door be locked. Fear ran through her as she turned around to try and open the door, since when were doors designed to lock from the outside and not the inside. "Hey!" she yelled and banged on the door.

There was more mumbling, gasping she tried to see through the darkness but the felt foolish and reached for the lights once more. Once she turned them on, the sight that greeted her was not what she was expecting. In the center of the bed, was Neji, tied up and helpless to everything. "Neji?" She asked and walked over to him "who tied you down" She pulled the gag from his mouth and he took in a huge gasp of air.

"Augh! Tenten" He looked up at her, his eyes pleading. This was something new entirely to Tenten, she had never seen him look so broken "Tenten" he called out her name again, and it looked as if he had forgotten what else to say. Tenten sighed and smiled at him, her hand reaching out to caress his cheek and she gasped when she saw tears run down his cheeks. "Tenten" he called out again and pressed his cheek to her soft hand.

"What's the matter Neji? Did something happen? Who tied you down" she had many questions, but now all he wanted to do was kiss her hard on the lips. He shook his head and then said.

"Hanabi tied me down, you know practical trick from my younger cousin kind of thing" Tenten smiled and then laughed full out. Wow, Neji thought, how much have I missed seeing her like this and listening to her laugh? It tugged at his heartstrings. "So, untie me girl" He said and Tenten shook her head. She climbed on the side of the bed and reached for his arms that were tied to the side of the bed, and leaned her face to his.

She released his hands and he sat up as she set to free his legs. Once he was completely free, he grasped her shoulders and pulled her down for a hard kiss. Tenten gasped but slowly closed her eyes and melted into him. "I've missed you," he breathed against her lips and Tenten gave him a confused look.

"I haven't gone anywhere silly" Neji sighed and licked her bottom lip, begging for entrance to her mouth. Gently moving his tongue into her warm cavern and she sucked on his upper lip, her tongue pressing into him "You are acting weird", she said as soon as she was able to catch her breath. Neji laughed a bit and pressed her down to the bed.

Tonight, he was not going to let her go.

He pushed her down into the bed and started to pull the long skirt of her dress up to reveal her shapely legs. His hands slowly leaving a heated trail up her legs until they reached the heart of her desire, Tenten clamped her legs and gasped, as his fingers seemed to want to rip the barrier that was her underwear.

"Neji, wait" She gasped but did not get much of a chance as her arm was pinned down. She struggled for a bit more and sat up, but Neji only took this as an advantage, his hands moving to her back and unzipping her dress. He dress was falling apart, like a flower being stripped of its petals and her chest was revealed.

He was soon over her, taking her breasts in his hand and massaging them. His fingers trying to touch ever piece of bare flesh revealed to him. She smelled like fresh flowers, a distinct and soft scent that made his mouth water and made him crave her more. His fingers stroking her in secret places making her become completely wet from her inner thighs.

It excited him to no end.

"Tenten…I love you so much," He said, before he hungrily devoured her mouth and took in to make her writhe in pleasure all night long.

Itachi kept Sasuke in his arms.

Not once did he let Sasuke separate too far from him, Sasuke did not mind, but at the same time he felt bad "Ne, nii-san, I caused you so much pain…didn't I?" Sasuke was still looking down; this was not how they expected to get married. They had not expected to get married until much later in their relationship, but now here they were.

A married couple

Something neither expected to happen, just like neither ever expected to be happy. Itachi brought his hand up and grasping his little brother's chin, made him look up at him. Locking eyes once more, Itachi said, "That doesn't matter, here and now matters more. Just don't ever scare me or put me through that pain again" Sasuke smiled and pressed his forehead to Itachi, his eyes looking down.

"I never meant to"

"I know" Itachi leaned in to kiss Sasuke's forehead. "Let's go to bed" Just as they had decided to leave everyone around started to sit down to eat, all of them stopped talking amongst each other.

Then someone was at the microphone, it was none other than one of their cousins named Shisui, he smiled brightly and said as he cleared his throat "Everyone, please, a round of applause for the married couple" The spotlight started to search for them and caught them sneaking away. Itachi glared and Sasuke looked completely embarrassed. "And look here, they can't wait to consummate their marriage"

"I am going to kill you for that Shisui," Itachi hissed.

"I doubt you can cousin, but I am happy that you got to marry the one you love the most" Shisui looked dramatically to the side "For I never got to do such a thing, my girl died before we could even take our relationship to far, and now I am here a poor unfortunate soul." Itachi narrowed his eyes.

"I think you should just quit while you are ahead, you suck at talking in weddings" Everyone around laughed.

"So mean Itachi" Shisui faked sobbed "You are now a happily married man, I hope you have fun having fights and rough sex with each other" Everyone giggled, it was somewhat scary how into it they all were.

"Let's go Sasuke" Itachi said and started to lead Sasuke out of there.

"That's right Itachi, take your lover! Show him that you are boss! Make sweet sweet love all night long" Itachi looked over his shoulder and glared. Shisui just didn't know when to shut the hell up.

"You ruined the mood, I don't think that there will be anything happening tonight" he hated the idea of anyone even getting involved in his sex life. His mother ran on stage this time, panting hard she took the microphone away from Shisui and pushed him off the stage. The poor guy landed off stage and into one of the tables.

"Itachi! Sasuke! Wait"

Both brothers did and looked over to their mother with huge eyes. They were scared at to what she had to say.

"I love you my little babies! Sleep tight and do not let the bed bugs bite, and do not mess up the sheets! I love you," She cooed making Sasuke and Itachi run out of there, they had not expected their mother to react so motherly. They had expected her and their father to be another obstacle in their relationship.

"That was scary," Sasuke hissed. Itachi smirked.

"Not as scary as you in a dress" It was certainly not a good look on Sasuke "Come on, let's get you out of this dress" Sasuke blushed; he knew Itachi wanted him naked.

"No way" This time Sasuke tried to run away from Itachi, but Itachi would not allow it and Sasuke's room being the closets, he pulled them in and he locked the door. Sasuke was taken by surprise as he and Itachi fell on the floor, Itachi's hands behind his back and unzipping the offending dress that he was wearing. Sasuke could not understand why he had started to tremble, if it was that he was scared and nervous, anxious, or was it because he was already excited and aroused.

Itachi then picked up Sasuke and set him in the bed gently. Sasuke looked up at him with his large black eyes and then he was kissed unexpectedly, Itachi pecked at his lips, each time more firmly and then his tongue had come out to try and pry them open, asking for entrance, one that Sasuke granted easily, his arms soon reached up and he pulled his brother down on him.

Itachi got on the bed, on his knees. The then pulled the side of the dress and dislodged it from Sasuke's arms, pulling the material down to bunch it up around Sasuke's waist. His hands soon slid up ever curve of Sasuke's abdomen and chest, gently touching the soft skin that he loved the most. Sasuke's skin seemed to come alive with every one of his touches, moaning every time he touched a sensitive place. Not once did they break their lip lock together as they kept kissing and tasting each other's tongues.

Sasuke struggled against Itachi then as he tried to push the dress further down, the fact that it was made of a hard material made it itch and it was uncomfortable. He, as well, got to his knees and let the dress fall all the way down to his knees. Itachi smirked when he saw that his younger brother was not wearing underwear and pressed his knee to the dress as he pushed Sasuke down on the bed and out of the polyester material.

Sasuke gasped as Itachi threw the dress out of the bed, and then the younger raven set out to take Itachi's shirt off. "I thought we were not going to do anything tonight," Sasuke said as he felt his brother's hand on his erection and how slowly his fingers pumped him. Sasuke's legs spread on their own as he welcomed his older brother to touch his body.

"As if I'd be able to keep my hands off my bride" Itachi remarked and Sasuke blushed. He soon arched his back when he felt Itachi's fingers pressing into his entrance, not yet braking through the puckered skin. Itachi seemed to be waiting for his body to open up further to him, this caused Sasuke to tremble at the slow pace his brother was taking with him. His whole body seemed to anticipate what it wanted from Itachi, that was Itachi's hard cock deep inside him, filling him completely and connecting them.

"I'm not a bride damn you!" Sasuke managed as Itachi entered one finger into him.

"You are mine, since you married me" Sasuke growled and pressed his lips back onto Itachi's just to shut him up, but Itachi pulled away to let out a low chuckle. "I love you Sasuke" was all he said before he returned to eating up his new husband mouth, lips, and tongue. It was weird, but he guessed he could get used to it, calling Sasuke his husband. The mere thought made him want to mark up Sasuke's flesh with his mouth.

Sasuke on the other hand wanted to fight back, but he soon submitted and pulled Itachi more to him, returning everything in an aggressive matter. His teeth even coming out to bite into Itachi's lower lips and tasting him completely, his fingers digging into Itachi's shirt and tugging at it desperately. He was not going to stop there, even if he had to fight Itachi just to take his clothes off, he was going to make sure Itachi ended up naked with him in bed.

Tonight was their night.

Completely for them, as well as the beginning of their new relationship and life, "Itachi…love you so much"

One year later

Itachi was now busy with the family company name. His father on the other hand was living up his retirement. Stating that the only reason he had had children had been so one day he could live all eternity with Mikoto, traveling the world. It was a relief that their parents no longer lived with them but now they had a huge empty house with only them to share. Itachi felt as though he should do something for it.

Though he had to admit it was peaceful and he could not be happier with his life. He was sure that Sasuke was happy as well. They lived a great life, had had some small arguments here and there already but other than that, it had been perfect.

Once he was home, he was relieved to find that Sasuke was there, and the boy seemed to be making a mess in the kitchen. Itachi no longer needed to ask what he was doing, the answer was obvious, and it was dinner. He just still didn't understand how Sasuke could cook so well and still manage to make a huge mess out of the kitchen, he really hoped that he would not burn down the house one of these days "I'm Home Sasuke" Sasuke looked up, an angry expression on his face before it relaxed and he waved at him.

"Welcome back Itachi" Sasuke turned back to what he was doing, glaring again at the can of sauce in his hand that wouldn't open "dinner would be done soon" Itachi nodded and walked over to the counter. He started sorting out through the mail when he saw a pearl almost colored envelope. Then there was a brown one swirled with white, both with the Hyuuga sign. He opened them up, only to see that they were marriage invitations. One was for Neji's and Tenten's wedding, and the other one was for Hinata and Hanabi's wedding and at the same date.

Except that, only Hinata's letter had a thread attached to it.

"Sasuke" he called out.

"What is it?"

"We are going to Hinata's wedding in three weeks, start preparing" Itachi deadpanned and Sasuke froze.

"What?" The small raven walked up to his taller husband and took the note, he looked it over and when he read the thread. He nodded his head.

"Yeah, we definitely should go" Itachi nodded once more and then Sasuke cursed when his dinner was about to burn. Itachi smiled as he watched his little brother fret about making him dinner, it was the little things like these that meant the most to him. A simple dinner from Sasuke showed how much he cared. A simple touch from Sasuke meant the world.

He was not about to ever let him go.

Sasuke glanced up at Itachi and smiled. It was Sasuke's smile that made his heart pound hard in his chest and made him feel alive. Sometimes he wondered what he could make Sasuke feel, though he felt like he had an idea of how he could make Sasuke's heart really beat hard against his chest.

Yet, something told him that their lives were not done twisting around the path they had chosen. They were still going to face many more obstacles, and with Sasuke by his side, he was ready to face them with him.

The End

Ummm...Feels like there could be more to the story. But I suck at Making Sequals...oh well. I hope you all enjoyed it!! Day And Night is the new story I have if you are interested. Well....see you guys around.

Thank you for all who reviewed this story! And thank you for the ones who reviewed Chapter 21, you are the ones who seemed to have stuck to the story to now and for that I am thankful!!





Akira Nishikawa