
The room was dark, no lights on at all in the house, save for the small light in the corner of the room. It was only a nightlight, left on for the semi-neurotic boy who lived in the room, but it was enough to illuminate the silhouettes of the two figures on the bed. The only sound in the house came from the game system held in the hands of the young Goth girl sitting on the couch downstairs and it was fading quickly as the game drew to a close. "DIB!! The power's off!!" She cried in a shrill voice. The figure lying on top sprang up and started to move away, as if to bolt, but was pulled back down and into a gentle kiss. "Try flipping the switch on the wall in the kitchen, Gaz!" He called back. She snorted, got up and went to throw the switch. Dib turned back to the person sitting straddled on his hips. "Where were we?" There was a pause then a soft giggle. When the lights came back on, Dib pulled away just long enough to flip the light switch in the room off again before returning to his earlier ministrations. There was a loud moan. "Shhh….If my sister finds out we're…." Dib's mouth was soon preoccupied with a warm reptilian tongue. "I know, I know…I'm sorry." Dib shook his head. "No, no, don't apologize. We should find a hotel room or go somewhere else or…." The person on top of him smirked and looked down. "You know, we can go to my house. Nobody there except…well, you know, my dog." Dib smiled. "Yeah, ZIM, I know. Just let me go tell Gaz…." ZIM lowered his eyes. "Do you have to say something? It's not really like she needs to know." Dib nodded and raised himself just a little bit, enough to wrap his arms around the Irken's neck. "Yeah, you're probably right." ZIM smiled and moved off of Dib, straightened his clothes and went to the window. "Come on. Don't be afraid. I'll catch you." Dib nodded and jumped out the window, down to land in his waiting lover's arms. They shared a kiss before running off, hand in hand, to ZIM's VooT cruiser.

Gaz laid back, Game Slave 5 in hand, playing yet another incarnation of "Vampire Piggie Hunters" and sighed. "There he goes again." She said softly to herself, stretching her legs out as the lights of ZIM's ship faded into the night. She'd known about ZIM and Dib's blossoming relationship for quite some time now. One night, as she was headed to bed, she heard a strange gasp come from her brother's room. She poked her head in for a quick second to see the Irken invader sitting with the lower half of his slender body pressed against her brother's, Dib's back arched as ZIM leaned down to kiss his neck. Dib's hands were grasping desperately at his former enemy's shoulders and he was squirming madly in the embrace. Deciding that it wasn't important enough of a find to bring to Prof. Membrane, Gaz continued into the bathroom to brush her teeth before going off to bed. Now, it was a regular occurrence to find the two teenagers tangled up on Dib's bed or on the floor, hands under clothing or throwing it off to odd corners of the room. It wasn't a quiet affair. Dib usually had music blasting whenever they got serious with one another and, if ZIM wasn't over, driving him crazy, there was no noise emanating from upstairs. Gaz counted herself lucky that her father had allowed her the basement as her room. This way, she really never had to see or hear either of them much. Prof. Membrane, oblivious despite his great intellect, found it a joy when ZIM was in attendance at his breakfast table the next morning. It must have helped him sleep at night to know his son had a "friend".

Dib threw back his head and cried out in ecstacy as his lover collapsed onto his chest, breathing ragged and still trembling slightly with the force of their shared orgasm. Rubbing his back, Dib smiled. "You okay down there?" The alien nodded and closed his eyes. "Dib, can I take this off now?" He asked, cracking open one eye. The black haired teen nodded and kissed his forehead. "Yeah, go ahead. You know, I've already said you don't have to wear it when we're alone." ZIM hastily pulled the haphazard human disguise off and moved to lay his head back down on Dib's chest. "I know but…what if someone sees us? Flaw…in my…security…yawn system…." He whispered sleepily, curling closer to his lover. The human smiled, taking his trenchcoat from the floor where it had landed in ZIM's fervor to get him undressed, and laid it over the one he loved. "Good night, ZIM." The Irken smiled in his sleep as Dib closed his eyes and drifted to sleep as well, both laying comfortably on ZIM's couch.