Summary: Edward left 2 years ago and never came back, but Alice did. Bella is a very powerful witch. She's tired of demons coming after her so she fakes her death with Alice's help. Alice turns her and Bella becomes the Rihanna, the singer. When she goes to get a big music guy to listen to her C.D. she gets a surprise. Who is it and what will happen. Who knows. It's a twist of Charmed and Twilight.

I hope you like it.

Chapter 1: Tired

It's been 2 years since Edward left me. When he left, I got my full powers. Getting my full powers made me invincible. Only a few people have the power to kill me. I am the most powerful being ever. I have every magical power ever. The demons who think that they can kill me are driving me crazy.

Alice had seen me getting my full powers. She saw me in excruciating pain, so she came back and hasn't left since. She helps me fight demons. Nobody knows that she came home. She stayed at home. Instead of going to the mall, she did her shopping online. It made me not have to go to the mall with her anymore.

Anyway, so back to the demons driving me crazy. I have decided to fake my death. Alice decided to help me.

We went shopping for a new house in Montana. We found a beautiful three-story house in the middle of the woods. There's enough bedrooms for her whole family plus me. The music room has C.D. racks all over the walls. It has a piano and many other instruments in it. It also has a couch and an extremely nice stereo. The library has bookshelves covering the walls. It's my favorite room. It also has some chairs you can sit in and read. Alice's favorite room is the clothes room. It's basically a closet, but is the same size as the rest of the bedrooms. Three bedrooms have doors that go right into it. I do have to admit that it's pretty awesome. There's one room that's a study. It was like Carlisle's in their house in Forks. My room has enough room for all my instruments and books and C.D.s on the walls. We have already moved all our things into the house. We just haven't quite finished unpacking, though.

"Bella, are you ready?" Alice called.

"Yes." I said. Then Alice blew up the house. No "1, 2, 3!" Just a Kaboom!

"What's with the no warning?"

"It's better this way. People think you were actually in the house."

"I guess. Still could have warned me."

"I could have. Now lets go finish unpacking." With that we left. Alice changed me three weeks before we blew up my house. I guess I was a little sad to see it go. I have so many memories in that house, but it wasn't MY house. It would always be Charlie's old house to everyone around here. You see, Charlie was shot by an armed robber. I was devastated. After the funeral, the robber went "missing." Obviously Alice knows what happened to him, but no one else does. I just got so mad at the robber that I used my powers and killed him. I threw him in the fiery pits of hell. I know, I know, not a good thing to do. You don't need to chew me out, Alice already did. Some of you might think the guy got what he deserved, but some of you might think it was still wrong. And you're right. Even though he killed my father, it was still wrong to kill him. I should have let the police arrest him. He was wanted in three other states.

When we got to the house we unpacked EVERYTHING. It took almost 5 hours just to unpack Alice's clothes, even with vampire speed. The rest of the time we unpacked everything else.

After about 15 hours total of unpacking, Alice dragged me shopping. She kept saying that I need a new wardrobe to go with my new look. It was boring. If I was human I'd be begging to go home because I would have been tired, but not now, sadly.

Finally she said it was time to go home. We had to get ready for my meeting in the studio with a big time music producer. She dragged me into the bathroom and spent the next three hours getting me ready. Finally it was time to go to my meeting.

"Name please."


"Ah, Yes. We were expecting you. Go right in. Mr. Cullen is waiting for you." Hold up, did she just say Mr. Cullen?

"Thank you. Alice who's in there?"

"I don't know. I can't see, but that might be you blocking me again." She said as we walked down the hall. We knocked on the door.

"Come in." a velvety voice said. I'm thinking uh-oh. I opened the door and a familiar scent hit me. The desk chair was facing the window.

"Um. Excuse me, are you"-gulp-"Mr. Cullen?" I asked cautiously. He turned around in his chair.

"Yes, I am. You must be Rihanna. Alice? What are you doing here?"

"I'm Rihanna's manager."

"Ok then. Let's go to the studio so I can here what you sound like."

"I have a C.D. that you could listen to instead." I suggested. For some reason I knew I knew him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well I have a stereo right here we can listen to it." I handed him the C.D. and he put it in. he hit play and P.S. (I'm still not over you) started playing.


yeah yeah-yeah

yeah yeah yeah

No oh wo


Verse 1


I know we haven't spoken for a while

But I was thinking 'bout cha

And it kinda made me smile.

So many things to say

Had da put 'em in a letter

Thought it might be easier

The words might come out better

How's ya mother?

How's ya little brother?

Does he still look just like you?

So many things, I wanna know the answers to


Wish I could press rewind

and rewrite every line

To the story of me and you


Don't you know I've tried and I've tried

To get you off my mind

But it don't get no better

As each day goes by

And I'm lost and confused

I've got nothing to lose

Hope to hear from you soon

P.S. I'm still not over you

Verse 2

Excuse me

I really didn't mean to ramble on

But theres a lot of feelings

That remain since you been gone

I guess you thought that I

Woulda put it all behind me

But it seems there's always something

Right there to remind me

Like a silly joke

Or somthin on the T.V.

Boy it ain't easy

When I hear our song

I get that same ol feelin'


Wish I could press rewind

Turn back the hands of time

And I shouldnt be telling you


Don't you know I've tried and I've tried

To get you off my mind

But it don't get no better

As each day goes by

And im lost and confused

I've got nothing to lose

Hope to hear from you soon

P.S. Im still not over you

You (you)

Still not over you

Hey yeahhh

Mm mm


Did you know I kept all of your pictures?

Don't have the strength to part with them yet

Ohh no

Tried to erase

The way ya kisses taste

But some things a girl can never forget


Don't you know I've tried and I've tried

To get you off my mind

But it don't get no better

As each day goes by

And im lost and confused

Ive got nothing to lose

Hope to hear from you soon

P.S. Im still not over you

I didn't realize how I knew him till it looked like he would be crying if he was human. Once I realized how I knew him I gasped and orbed home. I started crying. I can't believe he didn't recognize me. about 20 minutes after I left I felt two arms around me. They were Alice's. She held me the whole time I cried. Alice is the best friend anyone could ask for. When I stopped crying she asked me what was wrong.

"I finally see him again and he doesn't even recognize me."

"Oh, sweetie. He did recognize you; he just thought it would be better if he acted like he didn't know you. That all went out the window when you saw him cry because of your song."

"I have to go back." I said getting up. I sensed to see where he was and if he was alone. He was at his office still and was alone. I orbed outside his door and knocked.

No answer. I knocked again. Finally he opened the door. When he did so he gasped.


Ok. I hope you liked it. Please please please review. Constructive criticism will be considered. I have some ideas but if you think something should be in the story, feel free to tell me and you just might see your ideain the story somewhere.

Bye, B