This is a story I've been having in mind for years. I tried to write it in French when I first saw the series on TV, but I was not as experienced back then. Now I find that I am very comfortable in writing it in English and I'm finally ready to share this story with you all.

Okay. This takes place after Hitomi is gone. Folken is still alive, and so is the Emperor. Oh and, I needed a Japanese name for a bad guy… Since I'm no Japanese expert, I've taken the name they all use in movies for Japanese nasty guys, Sato. So, sorry for all the Satos of the world. ;)

Since I watched the series in French, I had to do some research to know the names in English. If I have some of them wrong, feel free to correct me. :D

Lydia is my property! :D

Hope you will like my new story,


Chapter 1

Lydia had been running for the past hour, the bag on her shoulder putting needless weight on her body, making her race way slower than what she would have wished. But all she possessed was in that bag. Men were running after her, shouting curses, promising her great pain if they ever get their hands on her.

She had just fled from her fiancé's home. When her parents died, their last wish had been for her to marry their rich friend, living in Tokyo. She was not from Japan and knew very little about their culture, Sato, the man she was forced to live with, told her she better learn…

She refused to give herself to him and he had become violent the very night she arrived. Even though he had been threatening her and beating her ever since, she remained a virgin, he never won and that thought kept Lydia strong. Tonight had been different though, he said he would kill her and for the first time, she saw in his eyes that he was not bluffing. The next she refused him, he would kill her.

She went back to her bedroom, stuffed her belongings in a duffle bad and ran. Lydia had no idea how she managed to escape Sato's heavy guarded home, but she did it. Though, now his men were following her and by the sound of it, they would not be soft on her. If they took her back, she would die.

Lydia had no idea where she was going. The city was completely strange to her and there was no way she could understand anything surrounding her. She hated her parent's for doing this to her, though she knew they had only wanted her happiness and safety. They should have told her about their plans to marry her off should anything happen to them. And they most certainly should have taught her Japanese!

A car's breaks screeched from behind her and she turned to see what it was out of reflexes, though Lydia fully knew it was more of Sato's men. The other two who were running at her appeared, she was trapped. Three men came out of the black SUV. The five men, all wearing black dress suits, held out guns, pointing them at her as though she was one very dangerous predator. They were there to kill her!

Closing her eyes, Lydia tried to make peace with life so she would die with some sense of dignity, but she could not find the will. She was not supposed to die this way, she was convinced about it. It just did not feel…right… The men barked something in Japanese, but she could not understand them. She wanted to run, but couldn't, trapped like a rat.

Suddenly, a beam of intense light shot from the sky above them, like a bolt of quiet lightning. It struck Lydia as though it was actually seeking her. She felt herself being pulled into the air. She was warm and surprisingly calm. This was a soothing light, as though it was taking her home…

There was a single gunshot, coming from one of the men, though he did not mean to shoot, not like this at least, the light had taken him by surprise. The others, dumbfounded watched, their prey disappearing helplessly. The light vanished, Lydia with it. Now, their only question was: How the Hell will we explain that to Sato?