Disclaimer- I own nothing

Disclaimer- I own nothing

Author's Note: Hey, this is my first story, so be nice . Please let me know if I should continue.

Things to know:

Basically everything is the same as in the show, but they all go to boarding school. Lucas and Nathan are not brothers, but cousins. Lucas's parents are Karen and Keith and Nathan's are Deb and Dan.

Brooke and Jake are siblings (last name is Davis). They are new to the school.

Everyone is a senior, except Brooke, she is a sophomore.

Anything else, ask!


"James Baldwin once eloquently stated that, love takes of masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I suppose he is right, and yet part of me wonders, is it the act of love that discards that mask, or is it something else, something more. Love is only the beginning, in a twist of turns in a narrow path in one's life. Love leads you into light, but love also may lead astray. You may think you love someone and then one act, one simple and unforgivable act, and you question everything you once knew. Do not get me wrong, I have never loved before, not in the way one should. Sure, my parents have been pillars in my life, supporting me with nearly every direction I have taken, but do I love them, or am I simply thankful for them? Are these people I would have loved, had they not bore me and given me my hearts desires? Maybe those are just two reasons too love one's parents, maybe those two reasons, should be enough. But love. Sometimes I wonder, if love even exists, or is it just a figment of our mind, something we want to believe in. Is that mask taken off because we learn to love ourselves; we learn to appreciate not only our strengths, but our weaknesses too? That mask we, ourselves, take off because we are no longer afraid to be seen. We are in control of that mask, not love. Love may lead you to lose the mask, lead you to accepting yourself, but wouldn't you like to think, that it is you that holds the mask in your hand? I sure would. Maybe I am afraid, not just afraid to know whom I am, behind this mask, but for someone to figure it out first. Maybe I am simple afraid that when they do, they won't like the person that lies..."

Lucas Scott looked around the classroom from his seat in the back of the room, his eyes flickering open as the teacher stood by his desk, reading the paper aloud. He watched as the expressions of his classmates changed, he watched as some snickered, he watched as some smiled, most likely thinking about their own love lives. He watched the majority of the class fast asleep or passing notes, and he thanked each and every one of them silently, for not caring about school.

Once again, Mr. Barnett had chosen to read his assignment aloud, thankfully leaving the name anonymous. That was the agreement; he could share anything Lucas wrote, as long as he never gave Lucas credit. It was just easier that way.

"So, what do you think? Think this person was telling the truth, think they have ever been in love?" Mr. Barnett asked, turning his back as he placed the assignment on his desk.

"Definitely a loner for life," a young blonde girl said softly, turning around to Lucas, hoping he would laugh at her joke. He smiled, but didn't laugh.

"Definitely," Lucas said to himself, as he looked around the room. He had either seen it and had it, or seen it and left. There was nothing new. Girl after girl, none of them had ever sparked his interest. He knew he wasn't gay, and even scoffed at the fact. Nobody would ever think Lucas Scott was gay. After all, he had slept with at least 75 of the student population, girl wise at least. He loved girls, that way, but no other way, he had never actually loved a girl.

The class discussion continued, eventually leaving Lucas's paper in a distant memory as they conversed about an upcoming test, one Lucas was not worried about at all. English was easy for him. Not that anyone would know that.


The blonde heartthrob walked out of the English building and across campus, ignoring the lovey couples that passed him as he headed towards the gym. He could never understand how a guy could stay with a girl more than week. He always got tired of specific ones. Once their smell became familiar, it was time to leave them and go find another. But luckily for them, he was able to leave them and find another, before anything could get far enough that their smell would be ingrained in his mind.


"Lucas, where the hell were you man?" Nathan asked, as his best friend came through the doors of the gym, the metal bar clanking as it was thrown open.

"Class?" Lucas questioned, he wasn't late, was he?

"I thought you were going to ditch, get here early, and help me with my fade away," Nathan pointed out as he took his place by the free throw line, making an effortless shot.

"Ah, right," Lucas realized, as he too, grabbed a ball and began shooting around.

"Whatever, but listen, make sure Whitey remembers I won't be at practice tomorrow," Nathan reminded Lucas.

"Uh, why?"

"I swear you never listen to a word I say, so get your head out of your ass, or well someone else's since you are the Lucas Scott…" Nathan began, chuckling as he spoke, Lucas only glared at him, swiftly shooting the ball into the awaiting net.

"What were you saying?" Lucas asked feigning impatience. He didn't really care that Nathan joked around about his way with the girls; it wasn't like Nathan was a saint.

"I have to help some guy move in to his dorm. He is going to be on the basketball team and apparently someone decided I was willing to help him get ready," Nathan said.

"The guy at Westchester in Charlotte?" Lucas asked, referring to the other elite boarding school in North Carolina.

"Yeah, him. I hear he is pretty good, but you know Whitey, he might just be saying that to scare us into practicing harder. I hear he has a sister though," Nathan conversed.

"Is she hot?" Lucas asked with a soft chuckle.

"Never seen her," Nathan said, "But she is only a sophomore."

"Dude, the younger the better…" Lucas began.

"Lucas that is disgusting," Nathan chuckled, "But seriously, she is only 15 years old, you are 17…

"She probably isn't hot anyways," Lucas said, and honestly, he thought that, or at least then he did.


Lucas had awoken early that morning, ridiculously early. Whitey had worked them extra hard the night before, especially because Lucas had forgotten to tell him that Nathan was not coming, until midway through practice. Whitey said something about a punishment and learning responsibility, but Lucas hadn't listened and just took his place at the line and ran his sprints, blocking out everything.

Nathan had gotten back in the dorm late that night, muttering something about the amount of crap he had to help Jake Davis unload from his car.

The clock read 6:30, and as much as he wanted to close his eyes and fall back asleep, Lucas knew it just wasn't a reality. His heavy feet hit the floor with a thud as Nathan shifted in bed, but no waking an inch.

Throwing on a pair of shorts, Lucas walked out of the dorm rooms, in only that and a pair of shoes. The campus always looked the best at night, or in the early morning, when nobody else was awake.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you," the young brunette apologized as she picked her paperwork from the floor, having accidentally run into Lucas, causing the papers to fly elsewhere.

"Right," Lucas scoffed. It was the common excuse from girls. They would run into him, start a conversation and eventually it would be them with Lucas, in bed, of course.

"Seriously," the young girl said, sweeping her long brunette hair from her face, revealing it to Lucas for the first time.

"If you want to have sex with me, just say it," Lucas said a bit aggravated. It was early and he wasn't in the mood for the games girls played, it was always the same thing.

"Excuse me?"

"Where do you want to go?" Lucas asked nonchalantly.

"Are you joking or are you too dimwitted to realize, I don't want to sleep with you?" The girl asked.

"Babe, you don't have to lie and make up a cover story. You're hot, I'm hot…" Lucas stated, not seeing any problem with his logic.

"Oh, well," Brooke said shyly.

"Come on," Lucas smiled, she was hot and that is all he could think about.

"Um, just wait a second?" she asked politely.

"Sure," Lucas replied, his eyes scouring her body. It was perfect and he couldn't wait to get his hands on her, touching her, making her elicit soft moans.

"Oh I just realized, I don't sleep with assholes," the brunette smiled as she walked away, leaving Lucas alone, with two choices. He could either go after her, try to get her in bed without a fight, after all, he knew she wanted it, no matter what she said. Or, he could go take a cold shower. Lucas groaned as he realized the second option would have to do. He had said less than 50 words to her and here he was, contemplating a cold shower. This was not good.