sleepingdreamer08: Finally! It feels good to write again :)) Anyways, thanks for your reviews, after checking my mail, I realized that I reeaaaaaaaalllllyyyy needed to work with my updating. So anyway, I'm rewriting the whole story. It will probably take me a month before I finish editing an add a new chapter so until then, enjoy :))

SUMMARY: Luck: The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events, good fortune. Because sometimes, all you need is a little bit of faith. "I'll save you, Naruto" SasuxSaku,NaruxHina (Timetravelfic)

Chapter 1: The Funeral

"It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance..."

-Bette Midler

The streets of Konoha were empty, each of its residents making its way to the KIA memorial to witness the death of a very important shinobi. Amidst the sky, dark clouds were forming above the area and the sad shinobi. They all surrounded a brown casket, their heads hung low as many struggled to hold their tears.

In the middle of the crowd was a pink-haired kunoichi, wearing a black dress that she clutched tightly, as she stared at the blonde-knucklehead within the coffin. He was wearing a black suit, with a smile on his pale face, oblivious to the people's tear-stained faces.

"Naruto..." she muttered softly, staring at the ground.

"...Yeah, Sakura?"

She smiled, then looked up, her green eyes twinkling brightly.

"Good luck, ne?"

His eyes widened slightly at her response before getting a determined look sparkling in his clear blue eyes. Eagerly, he raised his fist, a wide smile present on his face.

"Believe it!"

She giggled slightly at his childish antics.

"If it's Naruto , he'd definitely keep his promise" she thought as she stared at his retreating back.

Naruto was on an S-class mission that day. It was a suicidal mission, something that he chose for himself. Suddenly, tears started to blur her eyes, dropping one by one as she weakly touched the wooden case. Her head hungs lower, shameful for showing weakness.

'I'm sorry, Naruto' she thought sadly, her white hand clutching the coffin tightly.

'I don't think I can keep that promise anymore'

"Sakura...?" His worried voice pondered questioningly.

The pinkette, snapped from her depressed trance, giving a fake smile as she faced him.

"W-what?" her voice wobbled slightly.

His eyes darkened as he looked at her face. Her eyes were puffy and red from excessive crying and her lips were turning to an angry shade of purple from being bitten too much. His hands fisted tightly, angry at himself for letting Sasuke getting away, for letting that chance slip by. He lowered his face slightly.

"Don't, don't blame this on yourself Sakura-chan" he muttered softly.

Her angry, red eyes widened her mouth slightly gaping at his words.

"I-I'm not-" he faced her head-on, his eyes filled with tears that shared a dont-you-dare-say-it look, cutting her off from speaking.

Her eyes softened as she rubbed on her eyes, trying to rid herself of her tears before grinning slightly.

"I'm sorry"

Seeing her light expression, he grinned with her, raising his pinky in front of her face.

"Promise me you won't cry?""

She raised an amused eyebrow before slowly raising her pinky to meet with his.

"I Promise"

She released her sorrows, tears falling on her cheeks before dropping onto the cold ground.

'I'm so, so sorry Naruto'

She then released her hand from his coffin. She shuddered at that word knowing that it didn't have to be this way.

Naruto promised….he promised to become Hokage before he died…he promised to marry Hinata before he died.

He simply wasn't finished yet.

More tears clouded her eyes as she walked past the people of Konoha, catching a glimpse every once in a while. Kakashi came on time for once, looking down to hide his emotions.

Sai's eyes were conflicted wtih emotions and Hinata, she kept crying and crying while at the same time cursing at him for not keeping his promise. It broke her heart, seeing how many people Naruto left.


Looking up at the clouded skies, her eyes saddened.

Drip. Drip.

Drops of liquid fell on her face, glistening like silver before falling to the ground.


More drops came falling and before long, it was raining hard.


'It's raining' She sadly thought, closing her eyes as she kept facing upwards.

The funeral was flooded with raindrops but many remained, unfazed by the small drops of water that hit their faces.

The wind now was getting stronger and lightning kept striking that the trees around them were close to breaking but the shinobi stood still.

The cold wind did little to her as more tears fell from her face. she stayed there for a while and kept thinking.


'If only it was different'


"...And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live"

-Bette Midler

sleepingdreamer08: Hopefully I've improved, (even by just a little). Thanks for reading and please tell me what you think. It would honestly be a great help to know what I've missed in the story or if I just did great :))