Disclaimer: S. Meyers owns twilight…But Emmett owns me. sigh

Authors Note at the end

"Do you love me?" Emmett was waiting impatiently for an answer, his muscular body turned in the seat of the car, facing me. Regardless of the fact that he had asked me this question several times before, I still could not answer him.

"Emmett…I ….I …" I couldn't finish. The reply too frightening to focus upon. What were we thinking? What was I thinking?

"Just tell me if you can love me. Please…Don't shut me out…I couldn't stand it. Not from you." If he was capable, I think he would be crying. I know I was. The effort I am exerting just to breathe is fogging the windows, blocking out the sunset. A faint shimmer was shinning off of his skin, as if he glowed from inside. I didn't see where we were, I really could care less. I'm here with Emmett, watching his heart break and feeling the pain in my own.

"Emmett, you know this is wrong. We can't keep doing this. It…shouldn't have happened in the first place." I couldn't meet his eyes as I said this, it hurts to bad to think I what I would see there. From his intake of breath, I wouldn't need to see his face to know his pain.

"Please…Please don't say that. You're everything to me, I cannot go back to the way things were. I need you. Please, don't ever regret us." His hand reached out to my face, caressing my tear-stained cheeks. The coolness of his hand soothed me and I was ashamed of my reaction. Instead of pulling away as I knew I should, I leaned into his hand, becoming intoxicated by his scent.

" I hold my very existence in this hand. Without it, I would wither away…my still-heart would shatter. I love you more than anything I have ever known, and that will never change. I will love you, forever. Tell me what you want, and you can have it. Anything. If you want to leave, we can. We'll go anywhere you want. Anywhere with you is heaven to me, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. I love you." He leaned over the slight gap between our seats. Although his enormous jeep was spacious, his bulk placed him in close proximity to me. Keeping his hand on my cheek, he slowly lowered his lips to mine.

"Stay with me. Let me love you. Let me worship you." Emmett's sweet breath fanning across my lips and cheeks as he whispered, caressing my skin. I inhaled deeply, as if with enough effort, I could take him into my very soul. Tenderly, he stroked my face, intertwining himself deeper into my heart. He was so much a part of me, I don't think I could ever sanely be without him. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

I slowly pulled back and finally met his eyes. The liquid gold color of them warm and overflowing with love, and left me lost within them. Glancing out of the window behind him, I saw the twilight sky, imaging what the future held for me. I looked back to Emmett, his vulnerable face reflecting love and hope. I opened my mouth and release my heart from its confines.

"Yes…Yes." Nodding my head as the floodgate of the words and emotions flowed out.

"Emmett, take me with you. I love you." He crashed his lips to mine, embracing me so close that I could not tell if we were two separate entities anymore.

"Oh, Bella. My sweet Bella. I love you so much." With his words, began our new journey together, and we faced it full of hope and fear of what we could lose, now that we finally had each other.

A/N: Okay. This is what I've been thinking; as much as I love Edward, Emmett has always held a special little place in my heart. I would love to turn this into a longer story but would like some feedback from the audience. If I did continue, it would probably change to a M rating because hey, I just really want to describe a naked Emmett. giggle A mental hug and cookie for anyone who reviews! 3