Disclaimer: Don't own, yadda, yadda, yadda...

10 Things Charlie Dalton Is Not Allowed To Do Ever Again.

1.Spray painting 'Nuwanda is King' in day-glo orange on the walls of the cave.

2.Spiking the Kool Aid with Ecstasy, also forcing Cameron to drink Kool Aid against his will.


4. Also playing 'Backgammon'.

5. Wearing Capes to meetings and declaring you are 'Count Rockula'.

6.Making and handing out business cards that say "Charlie Dalton: Captain of The Innuendo Squad"

7.Spending an entire day talking like a circus ringmaster.

8.Referring to Meeks as your sex slave in an oral report.

9. 'Avanging' a Prince from Finland by climbing on top of the tower and shouting in Finnish.

10. Doing anything that involves one of the following: Chocolate body paint, explosives, fishnets, large amounts of mayonnaise, or The Welsh National Guard.

Authors Note...OF DOOOOOOOM!:This is what crawls out of the depths of my mind during Geography.