I've had this written forever and laying around. Although I really shouldn't be starting a third story. I have. I just can't continuously write one story and only one story at a time. It gets sorta hard to stay focused. I've actually been writing a lot more for all three stories since starting this one.

Anyway so this is my third story, Prayer of the Children. This isn't exactly a prologue, yet it's not really a chapter. It's pretty short. Not all chapters will be this short, I promise. Review please!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not the title, chapter titles, or summary.

Warning: I don't think there is much for this one. I don't think there's any language or anything.

Note: The one he's talking about in the first paragraphs is not a past lover. Just to clear that up.

Chapter 1
Can You Hear the Prayer of the Children?

Thoughts of him scattered through my brain. From his unruly head of brunette hair to his sun kissed hairless legs. He was still short, hardly reaching 5'5, and hadn't quite reached his fifteenth birthday. His voice demanded my attention and nearly everything he spoke of was completely beautiful. His ideas surpassed ones of all those who considered themselves wise and nobody was as caring as he.

But it was the eyes. Those incredible blue eyes, screaming innocence, that haunted me nonstop. Every time I closed my own, there were his. I couldn't force them away, and I couldn't ignore them. Every ounce of my strength was spent running. Running from those pooling depths of infinite understanding and love.

Why did he have to be so perfect? So...


I need to forget him. Forget he ever existed. I can't let that boy drag me down forever.


"He seems to be getting stronger."

"I would hardly call it get 'getting stronger.' More like coming very close to waking."



That's the only coherent thought I could form at first.

So much pain.

Several voices were conversing, or maybe it was arguing?, next to me. I was too weak to understand their words, but I was also too weak to care. Where the hell was I anyway?

"His hand moved!" Someone shouted.

I nearly grimaced at the volume and sudden understanding of the voice, but brushed it off as I felt several bodies near me.

"Don't shout." Another whispered above me. Yes, very good, listen to him! No more shouting, please.

"I just wanted everyone to know he responded." The first voice defended himself.

"Just go get Leon."

Soft footsteps patted out of the room and I could feel the other speaker lean towards me, whispering so I could hardly hear, "Who are you?" There was a moment of hesitation before the voice leaned closer, "Please wake." I knew they weren't expecting an answer, but I tried my hardest to move my hand. I heard the quick intake of breath and could practically feel the hope radiating off them in waves.

But I was done. The first flicker of my fingers had exhausted me.

"I hear he moved." A new gruff voice asked.

The one leaning towards me sat up quickly, coughing, "Uh... yeah. Twice."

Their voices faded away and I felt myself falling in to a deep sleep again.


"Who do you think he is?"

"How would I know?"


"Maybe he's an alien."

"Wow... that was entirely stupid."


Less pain now. That was a good sign.

"Well, tell Larxene to shove her aids-infested nose off." This voice was becoming almost enjoyable to hear.

"No way! She'd kill me in my sleep." The other familiar voice answered.

I mentally smiled. I had been listening to these two bicker for days. It was entertaining to say the least.


Had It been days? I no longer had any concept of time. I slept and I woke. And what about my favorable voice? It was here every time I aroused from my slumber. Did they ever leave my side?


"He's regaining strength." The gruff voice announced. I could smell coffee on his breath from across the room. I had recently re-obtained my sense of smell and although it had always been strong, it seemed to have doubled.

My favorite shifted, "Do you think he'll wake soon?" This one smelled of only cologne. I liked it.



"You need to see Xemnas! He's flipping!"

"Yes, yes, I know." I heard him stand from my bedside and walk out.



I saw Color.

My vision was returning!

Blinking rapidly, I was surprised when I easily lifted my hand to shield my eyes from the sudden light. I heard the gruff one shift to my side and help me sit up.

"You're awake." He muttered, "Your sight is probably returning as well."

I tried to answer but I only managed to emit a strangled gurgling.

"Leon." He gestured to himself, "Don't try to speak yet, it'll be a few days before your voice is back."

I turned to see him and fixed my eyes on his long brown hair and smoldering gray eyes. I didn't know him.

"You should go back to sleep. That took a lot of effort, you need rest." He lay me back down and I immediately passed out.


The next time I woke, Leon was the only one there. I sat up slowly and looked around me. Where was I?

"Do you think you can write?" He asked me. I nodded.

A clipboard was shoved in to my hands and a pen. The tall brunette pointed to the paper, "Can you write down your name?"

My eyes involuntarily darted between him and the board. I couldn't tell him my real name.

Taking the pen and thinking quickly, I began writing 'Z-E-X-I-O-N.'
