"I do not understand" He didn't get it, what did that mean?

"Nothing, it does not matter"

"Your life, it means so little to you?" He didn't understand her problem, he was Sesshomaru.

"Does my life mean that much to you?" She asked him, did he really care all that much that he would try for her, if so, she wanted to hear it.

"I would not be standing her with you miko, if it did not"

Her lips parted, he, he cared? "You, care?"

"How foolish of you to think you know me, all from a few fights miko?"

Her face blushed and the wind blew, could this be real?

"But, I, I mean you, and me, really?" She could not see it, they were oh so different.

"Do you know anything about my mother, or my father miko?"

"Um, no" She tilted her head to the side,

"My father, was much like Inuyasha, just wiser, and smarter, and stronger and better looking"

She gave him a flat look, that didn't sound like Inuyasha.

"My mother, she is much like me"

"Yeah, right, so hot and cold, day and night and look how they ended up"

"What do you mean?"

"Wait, what?"

"My father and mother where mates"

"But, Inuyasha mother?"

"Was a hime, a human sex partner, nothing more, they where not married"

Her eyes went wide "And your mother was ok with this!"

"Kagome, my father and mother were wedded hundreds of years ago, it was nothing for a fighting Lord at work to relieve himself of sexual frustrations on a mere human"

She didn't know what shocked her more, the fact he said her name or what he just told her. She was thinking about it all and he could tell she was missing the big pitcher, so he walked right up to her and grabbed her chin and made her look up at him.

He turned her face all which way "You would make a fine wife miko"

She blushed seven shade of red, telling him that she was indeed attracted to him, he smirked, this could be a lot of fun. He looked down and she knew he was sizing her up, "Tone legs and while I can no see your ass I am sure it matches"

"Oh my God who are you and what have you done with Sesshomaru!" She was freaked out, where was this going?!

He smirked "You run around here in that skirt, yet you are bothered by me saying such a thing?"

"Yes because it's not you!" She tried pulling away but he pulled her closer, their noses almost touching "You do not know me Miko" Then he released her "Come to me when you are ready to talk like a woman"

The he left "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LIKE A WOMAN, I AM ONE!" She yelled after him. Yet she was shy and shocked by his words, she bit her lips, was she really ready and with him! But then again, it would be cool to see the side of him no one else had, but could she do it? Would he really be turned on by her, could she even turn him on, she was no demon and a virgin for that matter, he was a well-built demon male.

"Oh Lord, I am in trouble" But if he was willing and ready, then perhaps she should give him a try, especially since he was giving her a try.