Chapter 10

Unwanted Agony

Artist: Within Temptation

Song: All I Need

If you don't get it the songs about Sasuke (Redemption and all)

I'm dying to catch my breath
Oh why don't I ever learn?
I've lost all my trust

Though I've surely tried to turn it around
Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace

"Sasuke you have to let go of her"

"No Naruto" Sasuke groaned as he was coming out of his deep slumber

"Sasuke the nurses need to test Sakura for a cure" Naruto shook him a little in his shoulder

"No Sakura's mine" Sasuke clung to Sakura's body on the nursing bed

Naruto, Sasuke and the others had come back and were checking Sakura in to the hospital. Where Sasuke was currently still clinging to Sakura, holding her tight as he slept calmly for once in many years

He didn't care if when she woke up she hated him or tried to kill him, he just wanted to be with her at this moment

"Sasuke sorry we have to go" Naruto grabbed the end of Sasuke's hair, yanking it. Sasuke tightened his grip around Sakura "Mmmm NO" Sasuke whined


Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down
You've opened the door now
Don't let it close


I'm here on the edge again
I wish I could let it go
I know that I'm only one step away
From turning it around

"Granny what you call us here for, Have you found a cure? Are there evil Nins to face? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Naruto hyper actively questioned the Hokage

"Naruto my how I've missed you" Tsunade spoke sarcastically

"Well what is it? Cure?" Sasuke butted in

Tsunade sighed with dismay "No I'm sorry we are not any bit closer to finding a cure"

At that moment both boys found there shoes rather interesting, looking at them with sorrowful expressions

"So why did you call us here?" Sasuke broke the silence

"I have a meeting with the elders, concerning Sakura" The Hokage's voice sounded tormented "I would like you two to attend with me, as you know Sakura the best"

"Understood" they both nodded

Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace


Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe

"We have called this meeting together to discuss the case of Haruno Sakura" A masked figure informed, Naruto and Sasuke were seated around a large oval table. It was old, probable the same age as the elders. The boys looked at each other then at the elders, they had been seated at this table for 2 hours now waiting for there chance to speak. But they didn't know why they had to be here wasn't Sakura going to be cured?

A man with bandages covering his right eye spoke up, His name was Danzo and he was looking intently at Naruto and Sasuke in front of him with his free eye "Haruno Sakura should be executed before she is able to cause anymore havoc and with her connection to Itachi we will be taking down two threats with one stone"

Naruto and Sasuke eyes widened, but Naruto was the first to crack "How can you say that, she is a Konoha Nin and you're talking about her like she's trash"

"She attacked fellow Nins" he stated

"That wasn't her and you're just going to give up on her like her life is meaning less"

"She knows the consequences of her actions and her responsibility as a Ninja of Konoha and for this she should be grateful in her sacrifice"

Sasuke stood up distastefully "Don't you dare talk about Sakura like she's a lesser being then you; she's a better person then any of us here"

"I am sorry Uchiha but we have to think of the peo-"

"The people don't make me laugh you're all just thinking of yourselves and the easy way out, you don't care who gets hurt as long as it's easier for you" Sasuke seethed as he stormed out of the room brutally and Naruto followed glaring at the one called Danzo

Danzo was unfazed as he informed "So we are agreed, Haruno Sakura will be executed tomorrow morning"

"Agreed" came the monotone voices of the council, almost like they were being controlled

Don't tear it down, what's left of me
Make my heart a better place


I've tried many times but nothing was real
Make it fade away, don't break me down
I want to believe that this is for real
Save me from my fear, don't tear me down

'Sakura wake up'


'Wake up'


'Wake up'


'Yes it is time, wake up'

'Yes Itachi'

Sakura opened her eyes to be faced with the colour white surrounding her; looking to her side she caught sight of restriction on her wrists and legs

"Nurse, Nurse" she voice shaking and full of panic

Moment's later help arrived; the nurse was clutching her clipboard tight and shaking slightly "Miss Haruno you're awake"

Sakura raised a delegate eyebrow "What's wrong, what's going on here, why am I chained up?" she looked confusingly at the nurse

"It's for your own safety" she confirmed

Sakura began to leak from her eyes "Please let me go" she whimpered

The nurse looked from her right to her left, biting at her lower lip "I will but you have to stay in bed Tsunade's orders and you can't tell anyone it was me"

Sakura pouted "Promise" sniffling her tears

The nurse moved over to Sakura's right handcuff link, removing it as she moved on to the left and in one swift movement Sakura's free hand hit the nurse's pressure point, the nurse fell to the ground. Standing up Sakura undid the leg bonds, stepping of the bed and walking to the door a smirk plastered on her face

"Let the games begin"

Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place


Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe

"TEME wait up" Naruto bellowed as he ran after his friend, who left the meeting so momentarily. But Sasuke would not stop so Naruto did the only thing he could think of, he tackled him

"Teme what's your problem why didn't you stop" Naruto rang as he flipped Sasuke over so they were face to face

"It's my entire fault" Sasuke stated

Naruto looked confused at Sasuke "What's your fault?"

"Everything, if I never had left none of this would have ever happen" tears pricked the edges of Sasuke's eyes

"You don't know that"


"You don't know what your actions will lead to; this could have all happened even if you did stay"

"What are you saying?" Sasuke wiped away the stray tears running down his cheeks

"That what's done is done, I don't blame you Sasuke for the path you chose, but I will blame you if you start blaming yourself over things that are out of our control, so let's go save Sakura, friend"



"Thank you"

Don't tear it down, what's left of me
Make my heart a better place



"Can you get off me?"

Make my heart a better place