Title: Forever Together

Chapter: 2

Rating: R

Warnings: Slash, Mpreg, Lemon

Pairings: Brian/Justin

Summary: Justin has finally moved back from New York and he and Brian are finally married. But something has come along that will make or break their relationship. Can they hold through this one after all they've been through?

A/N: This is chapter 2. Same thing as in chap. 1: no flames and reviews are always welcome. u have been warned, Enjoy!!

Waking up while being held by Brian was one of the best ways to wake up if you asked Justin. He could spend the rest of his life wrapped up in Brian's arms and just be content to let the world pass by. He rolled over and snuggled into Brian's chest and was about to go to sleep when the doctor's visit raced through his mind. Blue eyes snapped open and made sure that Brian was asleep before easing out of bed. Pulling the blankets over him, Justin made his way silently out of the room and down the stairs. He made his way into the living room and picked up the sketch book that was on the floor. He stared at the picture he had been drawing before Brian had taken him to Dr. Ambrosia's office.

He tried to sit and finish the drawing, but it was like he just couldn't sit still. He finally decided to eat something considering they hadn't eaten any dinner and it was two o'clock in the morning. He pulled open a cabnet door and reached his hand in far back until a large box could be felt. He pulled it out and smiled slightly at the unopened box of double stuffed oreos. Sitting at the small table in the kitchen, he turned on the smaller light and tried to clear his head. Closing his eyes he replayed the entire appointment in his head. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed the ultrasound picture sitting only a couple inches from him. Picking it up he studied it.

There it was. Their baby. Sucking his thumb and sleeping. A quick idea flashed through his mind and he was reaching for his sketch book and pencil. It didn't take him long to accomplish the drawing and he was amazed at how it looked when he was done with it. Reaching for another oreo he felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around his shoulders. Brain leaned his head against
Justin's and looked down at the drawing as Justin munched on the oreo. Brian could feel the emotion building in his chest as he looked at the picture. Justin had taken the baby's structure from the ultrasound picture and then taken both of their features and melded them onto the baby's face. It was absolutely beautiful; the most beautiful he'd ever done in Brian's opinion.

Seeing Justin looking up at him he leaned down and kissed his lips in a long, soft kiss before pulling Justin up with him. Justin knew exactly where they were going and was willing to follow without question or protest. He let Brian strip him down to his boxers and then pull him back into bed. Exhaustion settled into his body as soon as it settled into bed. Laying his had on the pillow he watched as Brian took off his own clothes and crawled into bed beside him. Pulling him into a long, slow kiss was exactly what Justin expected, but when Brian pulled him to him and held him tight, that wasn't what Justin expected at all; considering Brian liked to pick odd moments to start a sex fest. But the embrace was not at all unwanted. Most of Justin had known that Brian wouldn't push him or the baby away, but in the dark recesses of his mind there had been that tiny voice that reminded him that their relationship was fucked enough as it is. Including the fact that Brian still had the reminder of Jack as a father hanging over him.

Brian looked down at Justin's clouded eyes and knew what was running through the blonde's mind. He knew that he had never been openly warm about the thoughts of being a father, but he had Gus. As time had gone by and he watched Gus grow up he had begun to wonder about what he missed out on with Gus while he was away with his mothers. And he had began to wonder what it would be like to have those moments. He had also often thought of what would happen if he and Justin did happen to have a kid. And now that it was happening he wasn't panicking like he thought he would. And now he just had to convince Justin that he wasn't going to run away and that it was just another change that they could handle together.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to the full ones of his husband to draw his attention back to him, "You know Sunshine, if you think to hard it might cause bodily harm."

Justin looked at him with uncertainty shining in his beautiful blue eyes. He just didn't seem to know how to word what he was afraid of. But it seemed that Brian had the same things running through his mind.

"I'm not going to run, or push you away if that's what your afraid of." He said as he pressed a kiss to the end of his nose.

Justin seemed to visibly relax. He hadn't realized how much he needed to hear those words. He turned his eyes to meet Brian's hazel ones and saw the warmth and love in them and it was all he needed to see to confirm that everything was going to be okay; at least for the moment. And Brian seemed to have that same thought because he settled down into the bed, pulled the covers over them tightly and pressed his face into Justin's hair. Closing his eyes he pushed away all the worries of the outside world and oppinions of the fuckers who would still try and push them away from each other. They had come so far within the last five years and Brian wasn't going to let anyone, family or stranger, keep them away from each other anymore. At the beginning it was himself, then Micheal, followed by Jennifer, and Lindsay, and Debbie at some point in time. But Justin had put up with everyone's shit and stayed; he had proved them all wrong in proving that Brian could love and learn to be loved.

"Night Sunshine" Brian whispered as Justin slipped off into the deep, dark of sleep that called to them both.

But before he let himself, too slip to sleep he moved further down in the bed until his head was beside Justin's stomach. He stared at the still taunt stomach of his husband and remembered the drawing that lay fresh in Justin's sketch book. A small smile made it's way to his lips as he pressed them to that place just beneath the blonde's belly button.

"Night to you too, Sonny boy" He whispered before crawling back up the bed and wrapping his body around Justin's.