Chapter 4

I sat Indian style on my bed; wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, watching Jasper sleep.

He was laying belly down; the bedspread resting deliciously low on his hips. I had been sitting here for a while [about an hour and a half] watching his chest rise and fall, and thinking about last night.

There are no proper words to describe last night to its fullest, to say it was amazing would be an understatement. When I first woke up I was sure it was a dream. It was my first time [having sex] with anybody, and I'm glad it was with Jasper.

I couldn't stand it any longer I needed him to wake up, and enjoy the afterglow with me. I laid back down on my side facing him, and began to run my hands through his soft, curly, blond waves. I leaned in towards him, and starting at his shoulder –reveling in his soft skin—I kissed up to the corner of his lips.

Even though I wasn't sure what Jasper and I were, I hoped that he'd want to be more than whatever it was he and I were.

We'd have to talk about that, but right now I had other things on my mind.

He sighed softly, but didn't move.

"Jasper," I whispered in his ear "wake up, please." I finished with a light brushing of my tongue against his ear lobe.

He mumbled something incoherent that could have resembled 'Edward', but I can't be sure.

I chuckled softly kissing his cheek letting my lips linger for a few seconds.

He turned his face towards mine brushing his lips to mine softly once then twice, before griping the back of my neck with his hand –holding me in place, and deepening the kiss swiping his tongue across my lips asking for entrance, which I instantly granted.

He's awake now. . .

Our tongues battled for dominance; neither of us surrendering, as the battle commenced I ran my hand down Jaspers side and grabbed hold of his waist pressing my growing arousal into his. I finally stopped the battling of our tongues giving into Jaspers unrelenting determination, letting him roam my mouth and massage my tongue freely with his own tongue.

I moaned into his mouth, hooking my left leg around his waist pressing our bodies together even more. Jasper moaned in return to my movements. I broke away from the kiss first needing oxygen, but moved my lips to Jaspers neck as did he to my neck.

Once we found each other's lips again Jasper started his hands down to my briefs mumbling against my lips why I even bothered to put them on. He griped the edge of my briefs and started to pull them down. . .

"Oh!!" I whipped my head towards my door; finding Alice standing in the door way, hand over her mouth, eyes wide. Jasper halted his movements immediately pulling the sheet –that had drifted away from his body— up to his chest.

"Alice is he still sleeping?" I heard my mother's voice along with her foot steps and what I assumed to be my father's as they headed to my room.

My eyes mirrored Alice's nearly threatening to fall out of my head, I jumped out of my bed like it was on fire, hoping that maybe I could meet my parents out in the hall without them coming to my room. Breaking out of her shock coma Alice scooped up Jasper's boxers and threw them at him.

"Put these on." She hissed at him.

He complied jumping into them with impressive speed. As he stood up, his abs stretched with the movement.


Hey! Don't go there.

Focus. Your parents, and a ninety percent naked guy in your room; AT THE SAME TIME!!!.

"Ed-" Esme my mother stopped mid word as she caught sight of Jasper and I nearly naked; I think she put two and two together, she's a smart woman.

I was sure my face was as red as a tomato, and I was breaking into a light sweat.

I had came out to my parents my freshman year in high school, they seemed to already have known and were simply waiting for me to find out. Until recently they also knew everything about my social/dating/love life; it's none existence.

When my dad, Carlisle, walked in behind my mother his brows raised in suggestion as he took Jasper in.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked in a strained voice, my voice cracking.

"Alice," as soon as the name left my mother's lips my eyes narrowed at the little pixie slowly backing up into the hallway "told us you had the day off, and we didn't know you had-er-plans," she said gesturing toward Jasper who looked down "so we thought you might want to go out to brunch."

I couldn't be mad at them for barding in; I've never had a social life to interrupt so this was uncharted territory for us.

I felt like a seventeen year old who was caught making out in the basement or something.

"Honey, why don't we let them get dressed?" My dad said to my mother pulling her back out of the door. I sent him a grateful look, and he nodded.

"Oh! Of course, I'm sorry." With that my father closed the door behind them.

Jasper and I both let out a breath that we'd been simultaneously holding.

Wordlessly Jasper gathered up his clothes; putting them on, I went to my dresser and put on a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt.

I wasn't really sure what to say, I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what was going on in Jaspers head. I was too embarrassed, so I just stayed quiet and walked—awkwardly— next to Jasper down the hall to my living room.

My parents along with Alice were waiting for us in the living room; they were all seated on my couch, though upon Jasper and my arrival they stood up.

"Edward, introduce your father and I to your friend" My mother commanded playfully.

"Right, well, umm Jasper this is my mother Esme, and my father Carlisle," I said gesturing awkwardly between them "Mom, Dad, this is Jasper."

Jasper shook hands with my father and mother. Softly murmuring a 'nice to me you' to both of them.

"So, Edward? Brunch?" my mother asked, her eyes shining with excitement "And Jasper your more than welcomed to join us. Will you?"

I ran my hand through my already messy hair nervously. "Mom, I'd love to, but I have lots of paper work to catch up on."

She nodded to my response. "So, Jasper, I suppose that you won't be joining us either," he nodded; confirming her statement, "Well it was nice to meet you; I hope to see you again."

Once they were gone I shook my head from side to side, slowly, for a few seconds, before running my hand through my hair again.

"So. . ." I said turning to face Jasper.

He lifted his head to look at me "Should I leave?"

I stared at him wide eyed "No, of course not, I mean not unless you want to," I smiled at him "I'd much prefer that we continue what we were doing before we were interrupted."

He smiled at me, and I returned the smile closing the distance between us in three quick strides. I wrapped my arms around him, and pressed my lips to his, for a passion filled kissed.

After two encores, Jasper and I decided we should get some food. Since my fridge was lacking in that department, and neither of us really want to go out to a restaurant, or order in Jasper offered to cook me dinner, so we were currently walking around my local supermarket, getting the ingredients for what Jasper was planning on preparing –he kept putting things in the cart and taking them out then putting them back in again because he couldn't make up his mind, it was adorable— and I was getting things that I needed for my apartment.

"How do you feel about macaroni and cheese?" Jasper asked as we made our way down the pasta isle.

"That sounds fine." I replied, watching him pick out two boxes of elbow macaroni noodles.

"Can we talk about this?" I asked holding my breath, we were half way into our meal, when I finally got the confidence to bring this up. The palms of my hands were sweating.

"Is us this?" he asked me. Staring at his plate moving food around, he seemed to look as nervous and scared as me, and that gave me confidence to continue.

"I want this us," I corrected "to be something, if you don't that's fine, but I had to get how I feel out there so that there would be no confusion, of my stance on things-," he started to interrupt me, but I stopped him "wait, please let me finish, I'm a virgin," as soon as the words left my mouth I felt the blush paint my cheeks "was a virgin, before last night."

Jaspers eyes widened at my last part. "You should have told me," he said; eyes serious, they softened as he carried on "I want an us too, Edward, I really, really, really like you." His blue eyes were shining.