JC: Yah! This is it! The Finale of Her Kind of Love. I can't believe I made this to this point. And I thought I really lost touch in writing an AsuCaga fic. I knew this couple was too good to resist. Anyway, be prepared for some lovely moments between the two. Go and read. Enjoy the story, everyone.

Disclaimer: I don't own Cagalli Yula Athha, Athrun Zala, and all the other characters of Gundam SEED. All rights belong to Sunrise.

Summary: When their mother died, Cagalli and her twin brother were taken in by a man who claims to be their uncle. Since they had nowhere else to go, they decided to live with him in his mansion. But there was something dreadfully suspicious about their uncle. He seemed to be so fond of the twins, going so far as to arrange a marriage between Cagalli and a rich business associate. Because of this, Cagalli is determined to escape her fate—even if it means running away from home and dealing with a handsome yet clever agent. Athrun Zala's job is to bring Cagalli home. But as things start to get more complicated, he finds himself falling for her.

Her Kind of Love

Phase 13: It's Called Love

The next afternoon after school Cagalli Yula Hibiki drove to the hospital. Athrun Zala had been moved to a more cheerful room, next to a window. Flowers filled the nightstand. Athrun looked better. There was a little color in his cheeks, and he smiled more readily when she entered the room. "How are you feeling?" she asked, leaning over to kiss him.

"Honestly, I feel like crap here." He grinned at her. His voice was still weak, missing its familiar tone. "But I do feel fine."

"That's good," Cagalli said, sitting down at his side, her heart beating fast.

Athrun moved his fingers along the sheet to grasp hers. "I'm glad you're here, Cagalli." His hand closed around hers and squeezed tightly. "It's kind of lonely here in the hospital. Your uncle did visit me this morning, but he didn't stay long. Nicol and Stellar were also here a while ago."

"I see… By the way, the doctors told me yesterday that you damaged your kidney. It's fixed now, but you can't strain yourself too much or else you're a goner." She brushed a strand of hair away from his cheek. "This will really affect your job, Athrun."

His grip was still strong and made her tingle. "Cagalli, I've talked this over with your uncle…" he started, drawing in a deep breath. "I'm quitting my job as an agent. I have to. I can't risk my life anymore knowing that there's someone who will constantly be worried about me. Besides, I've been itching for a normal life since I was a kid. It wouldn't hurt to quit, right?" He showed a good smile.

Cagalli wanted to melt with relief. "That means you'll be attending school with me!" she excitedly said, and Athrun giggled. She immediately composed herself. "Um…What I meant to say was that I'm happy for you."

"You won't be bothered by suitors anymore with me around," Athrun said, caressing her cheek with one hand. "And I'll make sure to be in the same class as you."

She smiled tenderly, calmed by his words. She felt totally thrilled right then. "You better make sure or else…" she threatened in a firm voice as she touched the bridge of his nose. "Oh, by the way, don't you dare flirt with the girls in my class, got it?"

"Hmm… Possessive now, aren't we?"

Cagalli raised a brow. "Don't start teasing me if you don't want to extend your time here in the hospital," she said, showing him an iron fist, and the blue-haired guy sighed as he nodded his head. "Hmph… I bet you're going to say that I don't act like a lady. Don't bother. A lot of people tell me that."

Athrun shook his head and pulled her head down. "I was going to say that I really love your feisty attitude," he said smoothly, making her blush like crazy. Before she could retaliate or back away, he kissed her softly on the lips. At that point, Cagalli could do nothing but to only deepen the kiss with him more.

The blonde groaned as she opened her amber eyes. Then she opened them wider. She was not in her bedroom. She was in a strange bed in a strange place. But there was a man beside her. A very, very handsome blue-haired young man. "Oh, yeah… Now I remember…"

Athrun stirred, wrapping his arms around her. "Good morning, Cagalli," he mumbled. "How was sleep?"

"What do you think?" was Cagalli's nonchalant reply before she yawned. Okay, she was still a little tired. After all, they've been up for almost the whole night enjoying each other's company in bed. It had been two months since Athrun had been discharged from the hospital and life seemed to be perfect everyday for Cagalli. He was a loving boyfriend, even though she doesn't admit it straight to his face. At school, he was the campus heartthrob and girls just envied Cagalli for having him as a boyfriend. On the other hand, her fan boys were not too happy about Athrun. But she was happy that she doesn't get annoyed by suitors anymore. "You know, Kira's going to kill you if he finds out about this."

He kissed her forehead. "You did tell him you were sleeping over at Miriallia's house, right?" he asked, and she nodded. "And Miriallia promised you that she'll help out with the excuses."

"You're right. There's nothing to worry about."

Athrun cuddled up to her, laying his head atop her chest. Memories of their first meeting to their adventures washed over him. "I dreamt about our escapade last night," he said. "I especially like the part where we first danced." There was a knowing smile on his face.

She shrugged. "You got so intimate with me at that time," she said. "You, Athrun Zala, are one heck of a guy. You can probably seduce any girl you like."

"But you're the only girl for me, Cagalli," he assured her, stroking her smooth face.

She smiled. "Stop it with the cheesy lines," she said, ruffling her already messed-up hair. "What time is it? Miriallia and I are going to hang out today, and I seriously don't want to be late."

Athrun glanced at his clock on the bedside drawer. "It's still six-thirty. You're going to meet her by nine, so there's plenty of time to relax."

When they were on the run, she thought, they merely don't have ample time to rest because suspicious men might come in through the door any moment. They were always on guard. As she gazed upon her boyfriend, she realized that the miracles they'd experienced and the blessing they'd shared had been too numerous. Uncle Gilbert's business was booming, and he had started training Kira to be the next CEO. Kira had become interested in a girl and now he was going out with her. Stellar and Shinn had officially become a couple. Miriallia met a happy-go-lucky and funny guy, who loved her, and they have started dating. Nicol and Fllay were closer than anyone could ever dream of. And she had a loving boyfriend lying right next to her. Life couldn't be better.

The ringing of the phone alerted them. Somehow, they sensed that the caller was quite insistent. Reluctantly he pulled himself out of Cagalli's arms and stood up. And when he answered the phone, Miriallia's voice came in loud and clear. Miriallia was quite nervous as she warned Athrun about Kira. The moment she was done Athrun placed the phone back and walked over to the bed, looking a little bit frightened.

"What's with that stupid look?" Cagalli asked, raising a brow.

"Miriallia told me that Kira had just paid a visit to her house," Athrun said, brushing his hand through his hair. "Kira realized you weren't there and before Miriallia could even make up an excuse, he told her that he was heading here."

Cagalli's eyes grew wide in horror. "Oh…No… Kira must not know that I'm here!" she uttered, hopping out of the bed, pulling the sheets along with her. "Athrun, get me my clothes. I better get out of here. He's going to murder us both. You know how protective he is."

She only managed to slip into her pants when someone came knocking on the door. Cagalli's heart almost jumped out of place. Athrun, who was already dressed in a simple white shirt and blue shorts, approached the door and looked back at Cagalli. He mouthed, "What are you planning to do now?"

She put on her red tank top and ran towards the balcony. "I'll use the fire exit," she whispered. "I'll see you later, Athrun," she said. She jumped over the railing and grabbed hold of the ladder. No sweat for her. Heights didn't scare her one bit.

Composing himself, Athrun opened the door. Kira almost fell in. "Good morning, Kira," he casually said. "What brings you here so early in the morning?"

Kira narrowed his eyes at Athrun before taking a glance around the apartment room. "Where's Cagalli? She's not at Miriallia's house, so she must be here." He ushered himself in and approached the bed. "Did she sleep here with you?"

Athrun felt his muscles tense. "Now, what makes you say that, Kira?" He and Kira became good and close friends after he was released from the hospital, and he got to know Kira's personality a lot. Kira can usually be mild-mannered and sweet, but he can be intimidating when it comes to his sister. "As you can see, there's nobody here but the two of us."

"Then where could she be…?" Kira felt the wind blowing in through the balcony door. He turned his attention to it and realized something. "She escaped. I can't believe this." With that, he dashed out of the room in a flash.

"Well," Athrun muttered, "Kira sure has a strong brotherly instinct."

"Tell me about it," Cagalli said, jumping into the room. "He can be so annoying."

Athrun was a little surprised to see her back. "I thought you'd escaped."

"I decided to hide until Kira left," Cagalli said, sitting down on the bed. "I don't want to waste my time climbing down the fire exit. Besides, I'm still tired." She stretched out her arms and lay down on the bed.

Just then, the door flew wide open, startling the couple at once. Standing by the doorway was an irritated-looking Kira with a sarcastic smile on his lips. "Did you really think you could trick me, Cagalli?" he asked in a controlled voice. "And Athrun, I'm going to have a word with you later."

Sighing in frustration, Cagalli hopped off the bed. "Jeez, you sure are sharp," she said. "But I'm not going to sit around and listen to your lecture." She quickly grabbed two pillows and threw it at Kira.

The brunette managed to dodge one, but the other one hit his face dead-on. After that, Cagalli ran towards him and sweep-kicked his feet, sending him sprawling to the carpeted floor. At that moment, Cagalli grabbed the car keys, hauled Athrun towards the fire exit and literally pushed him out. "We're getting out of here!" she told him. "Hurry up!"

The two of them climbed down the fire exit in record-breaking time and ran towards the parking lot to Athrun's car. Cagalli immediately handed the keys to Athrun, and then he unlocked the door. "I feel like a criminal right now," he said with a sigh. "And you even attacked your own brother. What kind of sister are you?"

Proudly, she smiled and winked an eye. "The violent kind who doesn't let her brother tells her what to do," she said.

As soon as both of them buckled up in their seats, Athrun started the engine and zoomed out of the parking lot and into the streets. Kira, on the other hand, watched the car from Athrun's apartment and merely groaned in dismay. Though he had already accepted his sister's relationship with Athrun Zala, he couldn't help being a little too concerned for her welfare. After all, she was his only sister. But he did understand how much she loved Athrun.

"Cagalli is still going to get it when she gets home," Kira said, running a hand through his unruly hair. "And uncle's probably going to lecture her as well for lying." Cagalli should have not said that she was sleeping over at Miriallia's place in the first place if she wanted to be with Athrun. In truth, Uncle Gilbert was the one who asked Kira to search for Cagalli.

Athrun slowed the car and pulled over to the side of the road. He cut the engine and slid closer to her, so that his magnetic heat surrounded her. Rubbing knuckles softly against her cheek, he murmured, "Where do you want to have breakfast?"

"A-Anywhere's fine," she rowdily said, her pulse already racing. "Hey, mind giving me some room. You're way too close for comfort."

"I'm comfortable being this close to you," he whispered hotly into her ears, making her cheeks turned red.

Their gazes locked and Cagalli feared her heart might burst right out of her chest. Athrun ran his hand around her cheek to the back of her head. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he pulled her head closer with enticing slowness. Then he kissed her, erotically, deeply. And when Athrun released her mouth and pressed his forehead to hers, she smiled and touched his cheek.

"Now we're done with the appetizer, let's go grab a bite at McDonalds," he said as he pulled back to look into her eyes. "My treat, of course."

"Good." She leaned back into her seat. "Because I have no money on me. We left the apartment in a hurry that I forgot my bag. Lucky for you, you keep extra money in your car."

Athrun chuckled. "You remember taking my car keys, but you forgot your wallet," he said. "How ironic is that?"

About to give him a tart reply, Cagalli stopped herself. Always competitive, she didn't think she would just let him off the hook with what he said. "Fine…Just drive to McDonalds already," she said, crossing her arms. "I'm craving for fries and a burger."

"Last night, you were craving for me," he teased.

Cagalli threatened him with her first. "Do you want me to pound you, Zala?" she questioned him.

"No, but I want you to kiss me again," he said it as a joke. He was about to start the engine again when Cagalli suddenly pulled his head towards her and kissed him on the lips. He was surely surprised. He didn't think she would take his joke seriously.

After the kiss, Cagalli turned her gaze away from him. "There, are you satisfied now?" she said, her face flushed like a red lobster.

"You are sure full of surprises, Cagalli," Athrun said, tilting her chin to make her look at him. "I'm definitely marrying a girl like you in the future." He pulled out a small velvet box from the car's small compartment. He opened the box and showed a silver ring with brilliant ruby gems on it.

Though she was almost speechless, she didn't hesitate to ask him. "Are you asking me to marry you? This is an engagement ring, right? And you're proposing to me."

Athrun took the ring from the box and slipped it into her left ring finger. "What do you think?" he told her, and then he kissed the back of her hand. "This is a proposal, but I'm not asking you to marry me right away. This ring will serve as proof that you belong to me."

She flicked his temple as she giggled. "Idiot, you're the one who's full of surprises." She set her eyes on the ring and admired its beauty. "I love it, Athrun. Thank you. As for answer, it's yes. I will definitely marry you in the future."

"That's a promise," he murmured, his mouth covering hers, his hands wrapping around her body.

Cagalli settled against Athrun, contented to let the man she loved hug her so dearly.


JC: Well, that the end of Her Kind of Love. I had no plans in making story with so many chapters. When I first started thinking about the plot for this story, I decided to keep things simple at the same time exciting. Unlike in my other stories that focused on other characters' relationship, this one centered on Athrun and Cagalli's development. I wanted to write more about them, so I focused on them. Even though Gundam SEED has ended a long time ago, Cagalli and Athrun are still my number 1 couple. Please do review and no flaming. I'll be waiting eagerly for your feedbacks.