Disclaimer: NARUTO is going to end soon! I must prepare myself. Still, it's not mine.

A/N: I know, I know! Neji died in the Naruto manga! Man, I cried so much. By the way, there's an online petition going on about the author of Naruto wanting to make the ending a SasuNaru ending if there are enough fans who wants it!

If you want to sign, tell me and I'll send you the link!

Chapter 14 – Confessions of an Uchiha in Love

'Well, it's now or never,' said Sasuke in his thoughts as he faces a gaping Naruto with certainty. Mustering himself to look calm as he can be, even though deep inside, his insides were in great turmoil.

Naruto at the meantime was stunned at what he just heard. His heart beat became faster than earlier and not only was his heart racing, but his mind as well too. His stomach suddenly felt weird and cold sweat began to accumulate on his forehead and hands. His breathing became shallow and his eyes started to get blurry with tears. Now, it seems there is only one word that can possibly describe what the blond is feeling right now.

Naruto is hyperventilating.

Sasuke on the other hand, is starting to get nervous. He just crossed a line that should never be crossed and now everything is ruined. Through their still entwined hands, he can feel Naruto's hand trembling and is starting to get clammy. His eyes widened when he sees Naruto's face turning red. The blond's eyes got all watery, his body trembling and he can feel Naruto's breath coming in rapid succession.

"Dobe…?" Sasuke asked with hesitation but Naruto is on his own world right now, trying to make sense of the question that the Uchiha had asked.

"Naruto? Oi, Naruto! Agh-! Damn…that hurt," Sasuke hissed in pain as he accidentally turned his body resulting some of his healing wounds to open a little. Naruto came back to his senses, when he heard Sasuke doubling over in pain.

"Sasuke? Sasuke!" He immediately assisted the Uchiha back to his sitting position and clicked a button beside the bed calling someone for help.

A different nurse this time, immediately came. After giving Sasuke a shot of some pain relievers, she changed the bandages on the wounds that had opened and reprimanded Sasuke for moving too much.

Sasuke winced in pain when he was laid down on the bed again. He sighed and frowned at the ceiling.

"I will be checking up on you again, Mr. Uchiha. Please don't move too much anymore," she said with a smile and left the room

Naruto gave his thanks to the nurse and smiled back as well. Feeling a little bit calmer, he finds himself alone with the Uchiha again. Clearing his throat, the blond suddenly felt tired as he slumps on a small sized lounger that was placed a few feet away from the hospital bed for the patient's visitors when they wanted to spend the night.

Naruto's thoughts are still muddled up and he doesn't know what to do in this strange situation he's in. Did Sasuke just ask him to be his lover? Is it a pretend thing again? What reasons does the Uchiha have to ask him such a thing? Is this some kind of a joke? What is going on?

These questions go round and round Naruto's head. However, given that he doesn't like thinking too much about things, he just decided to go with the flow and reflect on it later.

The blond stands up and walk towards a metal framed chair beside the Uchiha's bed. He sits on it and leaned forward to settle down on the little space beside the Uchiha and placed his arms over each other with his head resting atop.

Sasuke saw what Naruto is doing out of the corner of his eye. He felt relieved that Naruto didn't leave so he stayed still not wanting the other to get more weirded out on him. He hears the blond whisper 'bastard' but he ignored it and kept frowning as he stared at the ceiling.

He hears Naruto whisper again, trying to call his attention.


Sasuke ignored the urge to turn his head around and ask what. He keeps hearing Naruto trying to whisper-call him and the longer he ignored him the louder the blond's voice becomes.

"Oi, teme!"

Sensing that Naruto is starting to get irritated and feeling a little bit mischievous, he closed his eyes. The Uchiha resisted not smirking when he heard the blond stand up and splutter in disbelief.

"W-why you…you prick! How dare you ignore me?!"

After hearing those words, Sasuke let out a smirk and opened his eyes to stare smugly at Naruto.

"Be quiet, dobe. Sit down."

Naruto sputtered some more but decided to sit back again, grumbling in the meanwhile about Sasuke being all loopy.


Naruto looked apprehensively at Sasuke, wondering what 'strange things' the Uchiha would say again.

"Where's my 'Welcome Home' kiss?"

Sasuke was still smirking and gave him a meaningful stare which as a result, made the blond almost go back to hyperventilating again.

"Wha-What?" Naruto asked, perplexed.

"You heard me. My 'Welcome Home' kiss."

Naruto abruptly stood up again knocking his chair in the process. Among all the things the bastard could ask! Why a kiss? Naruto eyes widened as he remembered something.

"Oh yeah, the bastard now wants me to be his lover…"

"Wh-Why?" Naruto asked, trying his best not to stutter as he felt his cheeks getting warmer. Sasuke sighed and looked at Naruto as if it's obvious why he wants a kiss from him.

"It's because I deem you to be my lover now."

"Say what?! Don't…don't I have a say in this?! You can't just decide who you want to be your lover without consulting the other party first! Bastard! How arrogant can you be?"

"But dobe," Sasuke softened his voice making Naruto stare at him with a scared look in his eyes.

"I did ask you earlier but you didn't reply. Don't you know that silence means 'yes'?"


"Dobe, stop making things difficult."

"You're the one making things difficult! Asking me to be your lover out of nowhere! Almost everyone already knows that you have a girlfriend and that is Koharu! What would they think if they will know the truth?"


"Plus, I don't even know your intention why you just suddenly want me now instead of her! You just ask me out of the blue and then decide on your own!"


"At least that time when you asked me to act as your 'pretend lover', you were considerate enough to ask my permission! And now you casually ask me to be your lover and…and kiss you! Don't you know how embarrassing it is?"

"Naruto, I w-"

"Don't you know how all of this makes me feel? Don't you know that my heart and brain became abnormal because of you these days? Whenever you're with me, I become so happy that I feel like getting sick! I was even feeling a little bit jealous towards that Dark Nin girl when she keeps on saying how much she loves you-"

"I want to hug you so much right now, dobe."

"…that I wanted to- huh? What? What did you say?" Naruto stopped his rant and stared at the Uchiha intrusively.

Sasuke on the other hand, had never been so happy in his entire life. It seems Naruto is not that against the idea of him becoming his lover. He was just worried about people's reactions and is confused with his own feelings. Now what kind of a friend and soon-to-be lover is he if he won't help Naruto come in terms with himself?

Sasuke gave Naruto a smile and motioned the blond to come nearer to him. Naruto shook his head just like how children would when trying to disobey their parents.

"Calm down dobe and come here," Sasuke said as he moved to sit upright and patted the space beside him on the bed. Naruto looked like he wanted to run away but he wants to know Sasuke's intentions so he shuffled forward and cautiously sat beside the Uchiha.

Without any further ado, Sasuke gently encircled one of his arms around the blond's waist and pulled him against his side. Naruto tensed up and struggled a bit but when Sasuke's grip tightened, he stayed still.

"O-oi, aren't you in pain, teme?"

"No, the sedatives are finally kicking in."

Naruto's mind started to go haywire again and he forced himself to swallow as he felt like his throat had gone dry.

"Dobe, listen. I didn't think through about this and what will happen next, but considering that I, myself, just realized this, I think it's time for you to know," Sasuke bit his lip. How come confessing is harder than any S-ranked missions that he got? His other hand reached out for Naruto's hand and started fiddling with the bracelet the blond is wearing.

"Naruto, please look at me."

Naruto turned his head and felt his cheeks heat up because Sasuke's face is so close. He stared at Sasuke's obsidian eyes and felt something different that made him feel warm yet anxious at the same time.

"Remember what I told you when we were held hostage by the Dark Nins? When I said that you are more to me than a friend or a brother?" Naruto nodded in response.

"Well, it's because I'm in love with you."

Naruto's eyes widened. Did Sasuke just tell him that he's in love with him? THE Sasuke Uchiha?

"And please don't hyperventilate again. I don't think opening up my wounds a second time would make me get better soon. Furthermore, don't think that I'm homosexual and that I like men or something along those lines. I still like women but when it comes to you it's different."

Naruto averted his eyes and looked down toward his hand which Sasuke is now gripping rather strongly.

"Dobe, I'm in love with you and only you. I want you, Naruto Uzumaki, to be mine."

Naruto closed his eyes as he inhaled a rather shaky breath, his mind trying to come up with an answer to the Uchiha. Exhaling his pent up nervousness, Naruto opened his blue eyes and looked back again to the Uchiha who's facial expression was torn between, love, hope, fear and worry.

"Sasuke, you're my best friend and the closest person to me. I mean, you're a guy… I'm a guy- were both guys… Could it be possible? However, since Kakashi-sensei and Iruka-sensei are living together now,"

Sasuke felt a sense of dejavu like he already heard this kind of answer from Naruto.

"Oh, right. That time when I asked him to be my 'pretend sweetheart' ," Sasuke mentally chuckled but continued listening to Naruto.

"…then maybe it's okay?" Sasuke's heart soared as the fingers that were gripping Naruto's wrist went back to entwining with the blond again but Naruto didn't notice as he continued speaking.

"But I'm not quite sure yet about what I feel for you right now. I think you must give me time for this. I am not sure whether it's friendship or something more, but you are my most precious person and I don't want to ignore your feelings so maybe, I can accept it in the meantime? I don't know about this but, I might give it a try perhaps? I'm really confused right now, teme."

Sasuke sighed out of relief. Naruto is accepting his feelings and giving him a chance. What could get any better than this? Oh right, Naruto loving him back would be the best yet Sasuke can't help but slip a smile when the blond stopped talking and is giving him shy glances now and then.

"Of course I won't force you to feel the same way. I will give you time to think more about it but accepting my feelings already makes me feel very happy. Thank you, Naruto."

Naruto smiled a little and then it turned to a cheeky one as his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"So even the greatest Sasuke Uchiha cannot resist me, eh?" he said as he scratched his cheek with his other unoccupied hand.

"Hn. Don't be too full of yourself."

Naruto chuckled as he felt Sasuke getting back to his normal bastard self again. But his sense of relief didn't pass up long when Sasuke leaned more to him and kissed his forehead. Naruto burst red again as he touched the place where Sasuke's lips had been.


"My 'Welcome Home' kiss."

Naruto was about to retort when a light knock caught their attention. Sasuke didn't want to let go of Naruto but the blond's harsh prying of his arms made him release him.

"Excuse me, Uchiha-san. It's time for your check up again," the nurse who came to help before entered with a doctor in tow. "This is Masahiro-sensei, your doctor for the day," she said while smiling.

The Uchiha stared hard at the new doctor not liking how the man's green eyes were wandering off to Naruto. Meanwhile, Naruto bowed to the newly arrived as a greeting when suddenly he remembered that he had to make his and Sasuke's mission report and excused himself.

"Oi, dobe. You're coming back, right?" asked Sasuke as Naruto was about to leave the room.

"Of course, teme! I'll let you know if Tsunade will agree on my leave. Be good and behave, okay? Bye-bye!"

"Dobe, bring me a book or something to read when you come back."

"Got it! See you later!" Naruto waved and closed the door.

"You two are such good friends, Uchiha-san," said the doctor as he approached the Uchiha's bed. Sasuke just grunted in response and didn't even feel the pain when the nurse injected another set of his shots. He's just too happy to care right now. After a while, the doctor and the nurse finished their work and left again.

"Really, such good friends they are…" muttered the doctor while walking down the hallway.

"Huh? Did you say something, sensei?"

The doctor raised an eyebrow and smiled at the nurse.

"Oh, nothing! Just talking to myself."

At the Hokage's office, Tsunade was drinking her sake while Shizune was busy stacking up some papers when Naruto barged in.

"Konnichiwa, Tsunade-baachan!"

Naruto swiftly ran towards the Hokage's desk and slammed his mission report.

"Here's another successful mission from me!" said Naruto pointing to himself with eagerness.

"Oh, and from Sasuke as well, dattebayo!" he added while grinning.

Tsunade felt an angry vein forming in her forehead as she gritted her teeth.

"You know, Uzumaki, mission reports are handed in the File Department. Why…do you…freaking always…directly give…this chicken-writing-unfit-to-be-called-mission-report-of-yours HERE?!"

After Tsunade yelled her last word, she immediately threw a paper weight towards Naruto aiming for his head. Naruto quickly dodged the object and winced when it crashed through the window.

"BRAAAAAAAAAAAT! Now look at what you did!" before Naruto could react, Tsunade swiftly landed a good smack on Naruto's head.

"Itaaaaai!" Naruto howled in pain as he grabbed his throbbing head. Tsunade proceeded to stomp on Naruto as she laughed maniacally.

"Wait! Tsunade-sama! Stop! You're hurting Naruto!" Shizune was pleading while grabbing on to the Hokage and tried to pull her off the blond.

"Wah! But- Ow! Obaa- Ouch! Listen…Ugh! Listen-ow! Listen to me, you old hag!" Naruto screeched as he crouched while trying to deflect the hits he got from Tsunade.

"Huuuuuh? What did you just say, you brat?!" Naruto gulped and mentally kicked himself as he knew he just dug his own grave by calling the Hokage an 'old hag'. The Hokage sent a flying kick towards Naruto that caused him to lay flat on the ground. Before he could get up, Tsunade proceeded to tread heavily on the blond's stomach.

"Tell me, damn brat! What did you just call me?!"

"Tsunade-sama, you're squishing Naruto-kun!" cried Shizune, pulling the Hokage more off the blond.

"Ack!" Naruto, tried to struggle. "Ho-..ugh..Hokage-sama! I said, Hokage-sama!" Naruto coughed when Tsunade released him.

"Damn right, you brat! Show some respect, dammit!" said Tsunade as she stomped back to her seat, grabbing her bottle of sake and started chugging it. Naruto was left lying on the ground for a while, clutching his aching stomach.

"Uhmm…Naruto-kun? Are you alright?" Shizune peered at Naruto worriedly. The blond gave her a cheeky smile and stood up groggily giving her a shaky thumb's up.

"I'm okay, Shizune-san! Just..ugh…man! That was one heck of a beat up!" the blond swiped some blood off his mouth with his sleeve and proceeded to wobble back to the Hokage's desk. Tsunade huffed while giving him a sidelong glance and continued drinking her sake. Naruto tried to stand up straight in front of her but failed as his arm is still supporting his aching stomach. Although, even though he's in pain, he still managed to give the Hokage a grin. Tsunade 'tsk-ed' and faced the blond while putting away her now empty bottle of sake.

"Ok, what do you want, Uzumaki?"

"Pffft..! Aw man! Why do you always know whenever I want or need something? Ah! Perhaps you're an ESP, Hokage-sama? You're an ESP aren'tcha? "

"Just cut to the chase, brat!"

Naruto's grin turned into a smile.

"Well," Naruto pulled another sheet of paper from his jacket and placed it on the Hokage's desk again. Tsunade stared at it and sniggered.

"One week leave? Ha! To be Sasuke's personal maid?! Ahahaha! This is rich coming from you, brat! Ahahaha! You're killing me! Ahahaha!"

Naruto huffed in annoyance.

"I wrote 'caretaker' not 'maid'! Geez! And stop laughing, old ha- uh..Hokage-sama!"

"Wait! Ahahaha! Wait! You-you're serious about this, brat?!"

Naruto straightened up with a serious look on his face.

"Yes, Yes I am, Hokage-sama."

Tsunade stopped laughing and grinned knowingly at the blond.

"Oi brat, I heard your Uchiha suddenly got himself a girlfriend. Do you know anything about this?"

"N-no I don't."

"I see. Then, I'm sure his new girlfriend will gladly look out for him. There's no need for you to do so."

Naruto opened his mouth and closed it again.

"Uhm…well, I…" Naruto searched his brain for an excuse. How will he make Tsunade agree on his leave without letting her on with Sasuke's 'pretend lover' plan and about the strange turn of events that might change his and Sasuke's relationship?

"Yes, what is it, Naruto?" Tsunade prodded with a knowing smile on her face.

"I-I didn't know Sasuke has a girlfriend. The bastard didn't tell me! I went to visit him today and I just somehow told him that I would help him get better. I promised to him that I will and he said okay so, you know, a promise is a promise and I never back down on my words! Heh."

"Well, if you're really okay with it then its fine. But I really thought you and S-," Tsunade stops and stares at Naruto who looked at her suspiciously.

"Me and who, Hokage-sama?" Naruto asked, tilting his head to the right in confusion.

"Ah, never mind," she shakes her head a little and rubbed her chin as if contemplating. "All right then! I'll grant your application for a week's leave!"

Naruto's eyes opened wide in glee and went to hug Tsunade lifting her up a little.

"Thank you, Tsunade-baachan! When Sasuke's okay, the two of us will be rearing to take any missions you give us!"

The blond released the Hokage and gave her a big smile before running off. Tsunade sighed and sat back on her chair.

"He seems to be too eager considering this is Sasuke Uchiha we are talking about. Strange. And did you see that bracelet he's wearing? I caught a glimpse of their initials carved in that ramen-shaped pendant!"

Shizune chuckled beside her.

"Well, those two are really close ever since! So, I think it's not strange. At any rate, about these papers, please sign them all, Hokage-sama!" she smiled. Tsunade grumbled and reached for her pen.

Meanwhile, Naruto ran and jump from rooftop to rooftop looking quite eager to go back home and pack his things. He wanted to spend the night in the hospital to discuss some few things to Sasuke. For some reason, he doesn't feel any bothered about the Uchiha's feelings but a part of him finds everything so surreal that he still can't grasp the situation in his head.

After packing his things and stopping by at Sasuke's house to get some books for him and then to Ichiraku's to have an early lunch, he now finds himself back in the hospital knocking on the door of Sasuke's room. Finding that it's unlocked, he opened it and saw the Uchiha sleeping on the bed. Naruto locked the door again and trudged forward silently placing his backpack on the lounger and proceeded to sit on the chair beside the Uchiha's bed.

He stares at Sasuke's peaceful sleeping face and grinned. He reached a hand forward to swipe away a stray wisp of dark blue hair when a knock stills his movements. Naruto went to open the door to find the nurse from before holding a tray of what could be the Uchiha's lunch.

Naruto thanks the nurse and takes the tray of food saying that the Uchiha is still asleep and he'll just wake him up after a while. The nurse bowed and left the room. Setting the tray on the table, Naruto decided to wake the Uchiha up before the food gets cold.

'Hmmm…I wonder what his reactions will be when I change again to Koharu? Although he already confessed his feelings for me earlier,' Naruto blushed thinking about Sasuke's confession. 'I still can't believe it though. I'll just see if it's really really true that Sasuke likes me or if my mind was just playing with me again and my ears are just hearing things.' Performing some hand seals, Naruto changed into his female form.

"Oh, Sasuke-kuuuuun~ Wake up, dear~" Naruto gave a soft giggle and placed a hand on Sasuke's jawline with his thumb caressing the Uchiha's cheeks. Sasuke's face twitched and his peaceful expression turned sour.

"Sasuke~ Wake uuup~ It's time to eat~" Naruto spoke in a singsong voice this time. Sasuke on the other hand, felt someone touching his face. His eyelids slowly lifted up and stopped halfway through showing just a small fraction of his obsidian eyes. The Uchiha squinted and saw in front of him, Koharu. Wondering why Naruto changed to Koharu, he closed his eyes back and grunted, disappointed that it wasn't the real Naruto waking him from his slumber.

Surprised that the Uchiha was unaffected, Naruto scrunched up his nose and released his henge. Rubbing his chin as if thinking, another bright idea popped up into his mind. Naruto cupped both Sasuke's cheek with his hands and placed his face a few inches away from the Uchiha.

"Oi, Sasuke-teme! Wake up! It's time for your lunch and your medicine!" Sasuke's eyes immediately opened due to Naruto's yelling and he was surprised to find the blond's face so near to him. His stare immediately went straight to those ocean blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. Sasuke's heartbeat quickened and he felt his cheek getting warmer.


Naruto tilted his head in mock innocence.

"What, teme?" he asked back. His voice hiding the glee he's feeling right now at seeing the Uchiha looking so flustered.

"W-what are you doing?"

Naruto 'hummed' a little as if thinking what his response will be.

"Well, it's time for your lunch and medicine so I'm waking you up!"

Sasuke regained half of his composure and tried to stare at Naruto blankly.



"Is this," Sasuke lazily gestured a hand towards both of them. "…really necessary?"

"Yes, yes it is!" Naruto grinned, somehow feeling happy for the fact that Sasuke's reactions toward him really speaks that Sasuke likes him very much.

"I see," Sasuke gently grabbed Naruto's wrists and held the blond's hands in front of him. Naruto stared curiously at Sasuke's sudden actions. The raven then pulled those tanned hands in front of him and gently placed small kisses on each of Naruto's knuckles. Naruto's eyes widened and a full blown blush adorned his face. Sasuke smirked and stared smugly at Naruto.

"I know what you're thinking, idiot. You changed into Koharu so that you can compare my reactions to her and to you. I always know that brain of yours cannot absorb certain details. So, even if I really don't want to, I have to say this again in case you forgot. "

Sasuke moved Naruto's hands on his chest.

"I'm in love with you, Naruto."

Naruto bit his lip as he tries to will down his blush. He struggled against the Uchiha's grip and managed to free his hands. Naruto cradled his own hands and give Sasuke a flustered scowl.

"I-I know, teme! I did not forget! Stop saying embarrassing stuff so casually!"


Naruto averted his eyes away from Sasuke and saw the tray of food.

"Ah! That's right! You haven't eaten yet!"

Naruto quickly helped Sasuke to sit upright carefully making him lean back on the bed's headboard. Afterwards, he placed the tray on Sasuke's lap and sat back on the chair with a big smile on his face.

"Eat up, bastard!"

Sasuke merely raised his eyebrows, finding it fascinating how easy it is for Naruto to change emotions so quickly. He stared at the tray and then to Naruto. He stared again at the tray and then back to Naruto again.

"Eh? What, teme? Don't you like the food?"

Sasuke silently shook his head.

"You don't have an appetite?"

Sasuke shakes his head slowly again.

"Then, what is it?"

Sasuke gave Naruto an intent look and said two words.

"Feed me."

Naruto finds himself for the nth time of the day, shocked and at a loss for words.


Sasuke spoke again.

"Dobe, feed me."


"Tsk, usuratonkachi. I need to eat so that I can have my medicine. Feed me."

Naruto crossed his arms and scowled at Sasuke.

"Your hands and arms are working fine! Feed yourself!"

"But I want you to do it."


"Come on, dobe."

"I don't want to!"

"Then what's the purpose of you asking for a week's leave?"


"I thought you did that so that you can take care of me."




Sasuke smirked in victory.

"Give me that damn spoon!"

Sasuke handed Naruto his utensils and made himself comfortable on the bed. Smirking some more and feeling a little bit excited at the prospect of Naruto feeding him.

"Urgh, this is so weird," grumbled Naruto as he scooped some warm porridge and places it in front of Sasuke's mouth. The raven inaudibly whispered an "Itadakimasu" before obediently opening his mouth. This went on for a few minutes of Naruto feeding Sasuke when once again, Naruto had another useless idea. When he moved to feed Sasuke again, he grinned and made some cooing sounds.

"Ara, ara, ara! Here comes the choo-choo train~ Open wide, baby Sasuke~ Say aaaah~"

Sasuke on the verge of opening his mouth closed it instead and frowned at Naruto. The blond then let out a loud laugh. Sasuke felt an angry vein forming on his head and Naruto laughed some more.

"Ahahaha! Oh my…that was so funny!"

"Shut up, dobe."

"Ahahaha! Oh, oh my stomach! Ahahaha!"

Sasuke gave Naruto his patented "Death Glare" and surprisingly, it made the blond quiet down for a while. Naruto continued to feed Sasuke his last remains of food while inserting a few chuckles here and there. When Sasuke was done eating, he instructed Naruto about his medicines and what time each of them will be given to him. Naruto gave him some for after lunch and went to clean up. After someone had arrived to take the tray, Sasuke and Naruto are left alone again.

Naruto was sitting on the lounger polishing and cleaning some of his shurikens and Sasuke is reading a book that Naruto brought for him. The windows were open wide to let fresh air inside. The sound of rustling leaves coming from the tree outside was accompanied by the far away sounds of the bustling streets of Konoha.

Naruto's ears perked up when he heard Sasuke sigh. The blond shifted his attention towards the Uchiha and saw him closing his book and rubbing his temples.

"Oi teme, are you okay?"

Sasuke gave him a glance and waved him off. Naruto pouted and continued what he's doing. Before long, he felt a prickling sensation and he managed to look up and see two pairs of obsidian eyes staring at him intently.

"What? Do you need something?"


"Don't just 'hn' me! Answer properly, teme!"

"I was just appreciating the view, dobe."

"What view are you talking about?"

"The view of you."

Naruto made a little choking sound while Sasuke smirked.

"You're so embarrassing, teme."

"I'm just answering you as you requested, Usuratonkachi."

"Ugh! Whatever," Naruto stuck his tongue out at the Uchiha and looked down again, eager to finish his cleaning and polishing while trying to ignore the stares Sasuke is giving him. For some reason, he finds himself wondering if his heart and mind can take all of this.

"Sasuke in love" is more stressful than "Sasuke bastard".


Author's Note: SHAMELESS PLUG! Read and Review, ku-da-sai~