My husband came up with all the names. He's to blame. See if you guys can recognize them as they come along. Enjoy! I hope you'll have a good a laugh as I did when he told me all the names. I couldn't sleep because of it, so I had to get up and write it to share.

Drop me a line to let me know if you love it or hate it.



Setting: Modern time at a High School in Tokyo. All characters are about the same age with a year apart or so. They all know each other through having PE classes together or friends of friends etc. Sesshoumaru and Kagome are Juniors in this story.

They sat in the classroom waiting for the bell to ring. Sesshoumaru taps his claws in irritation as his eyes dart about the classroom. He catches the miko smiling at him and turns his head elsewhere. The teacher announces the homework for the night and a possible pop quiz sometime during the week. He lets out a sigh of relief as the sound of the bell signals that the end of yet another day of torture for him. The yelling and cheering of the rest of the students as they scramble about bumping each other as they try to fight their way out the room, brings his body to an abnormally sensitive annoyance, he growls softly.

He lets them fight their way through and finally stands up with ease and grace.


The sound of his fold up paper hitting the tile floor of the classroom catches his attention. He bends over to pick it up only to be met with a delicate hand that extends under his. He swallows a gasp as he stares into beautiful round orbs. She smiles as she picks up the piece of fold up paper.

She senses the anxiety in his eyes as he shifts his weight. Clearing his throat he speaks. "That belongs to me."

"I know" she replies matter of fact.

"This Sesshoumaru wants it back." he commands.

She gives him a wicked smile. What could be so important that he's so 'nervous' about? She thought to herself. He lunges to grab the paper out of her hand, only to meet with a barrier.

"You didn't say 'please'" She says as she sits on the top of the desk with barrier protecting her as she begins to unfold the paper. She glances up to look at him, waiting for him to say the word.

"Pl…" he begins.

"Mmm-hmmm" She teases. Kagome has had a crush on him for so long and she was thinking perhaps it is a love letter of some kind for her, she hopes, knowing the DaiYokai had never been a guy with much words.

"Ple…" he feels his tongue caught in his throat and somehow couldn't utter the word.

His eyes shot wide open as she opens the note and starts to read the words he'd scribble while he was bored in class.

He watches as her face expression changes from one to the next, biting her lips not to laugh.

'In your asshole' loves his little 'kinky-hoe'

'Shit-hole' is a little chicken shit.

'Some hoe aka Dong hoe' is in love with the useless 'moronue'

'Medicate- dae' our teacher, the one-eyed old bat. She needs a bath I can't stand the old people stench.

'Jock-itch' well, just plain useless and needs to come out of the closet already. Stay the fuck away from me!

And well, ah, please, Kagome, 'ka-blow-me' already. (He drew this--) ;P.. (in case you don't know what i'm saying, its his face with tongue sticking out drooling)

He watches her jaw drops as she reads the last one. He turns crimson red from embarrassment and the scent of her anger rising fills his nostrils. While she was still consumed in her anger, demonic speed snatches the note out of her hand now that her barrier had gone down and he took off before he could feel the wrath of an irate miko.