Apologies for the short chapter! this is the last one, I'm afraid, but I'm going to write some others following on from this, so keep an eye out :) They'll all start with "shades of" something or other. Anyway, I'll shut up and let you read :D

"Yassen, what are we going to do now?" Wolf asked hesitantly. They were sat in the Aston with the engine idling, watching the waves breaking on the beach. They had been sitting in silence for almost an hour now; Wolf hadn't wanted to break the silence, but it had eventually become unbearable.

"I'd better get back to SCORPIA, obviously." Yassen hesitated before adding, "I'll drop you somewhere, if you like. I can't really leave you here."

"Thanks, that'd be useful," Wolf said, hiding a smile. He had been worrying about that exact thing earlier; he had no money, and thanks to Yassen, no phone either.

They fell back into silence again and Yassen realised how relaxed it had become. When he had first met Wolf, they had both been on red-alert the whole time, neither one trusted the other. But, after all they'd been through, there was a sense of camaraderie there, an ease that certainly hadn't been there before. Yassen felt a slight twinge of sadness that he would have to lose it, probably before the end of the day. He shook his head to clear it; he was an assassin for crying out loud!

"Let's get going," he said shortly. Wolf jumped slightly, but grinned and nodded.

"Yeah." He turned and stared out of the window, clearly lost in thought as they sped back out onto the A-road, heading back up towards Devon.

Yassen seemed distant on the drive back, answering Wolf's occasional attempts at conversation with monosyllables or silence; eventually the younger man gave up and stared moodily out the window as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky.

Yassen thought as he drove, trying to make sense of the half-formed thought that had taken root in his mind.

"You're officially part of MI6 now? They were the ones who wanted you to go after Skinner, yes? Or are you still part of the SAS?" He asked eventually.

"I don't really know what's going on. I left the SAS, but I don't know about MI6. I was thinking of having a change anyway, though." Wolf spoke cautiously.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, while Wolf waited for Yassen to continue.

"Why do you ask?" He finally asked.

Yassen didn't answer at first, instead guiding the Aston through a particularly tricky piece of road. After a few minutes, though, he sighed and glanced across at his passenger.

"How old would you say I was?" He enquired, catching Wolf off guard.

"Um…" The younger man scanned the Russian's face quickly, "twenty-eight?"

"I'm thirty-five." Wolf didn't attempt to fill the silence that followed that statement. He wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm getting too old for this. I considered going into business for myself, but I wouldn't be able to do much on my own, and no one else wants to leave SCORPIA," he continued slowly. Wolf still didn't speak, though he thought he could see where this was leading. And he wasn't sure he could refuse if Yassen made the offer.

"So I suppose I'm asking if, as you don't belong anywhere at the moment, you wouldn't consider going into business with me." He stopped the sentence dead, keeping his eyes one the road.

Wolf was impressed: when MI6 had asked for his help, they had almost been begging. But Yassen acted as if it wouldn't make any difference either way, and like it was an honour to even be considered. Wolf supposed that, actually, it was. There was no way he would have been asked before this mission started, but there was a mutual respect between them now.

All the same, some base part of his being rebelled against the idea; he wasn't cut out to be a killer, especially not an assassin. He would kill to help others, but killing for money just seemed… wrong. But the larger part of him, the part that had enjoyed the time with Yassen tracking Skinner, suppressed it, smothering it into silence. For now.

"That… would work," he replied carefully.

Yassen glanced his way, a small smile flitting over his lips for a brief moment. Wolf replied with a bigger smile, still numb from his decision. What had he gotten himself into?

They drove back to Exeter in silence after that. Neither one wanted to be the first to speak. They stopped near to the city centre and Yassen switched off the Aston's engine. A few girls walked by, gazing admiringly at the car.

"You're sure you want to work with me?" Yassen asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. I could get used to the whole 'living on the edge' thing," Wolf answered with a grin.

"You'll have to kill people, be an assassin," Yassen cautioned, but instantly regretted it as Wolf burst out laughing.

"And that's a problem? What do you think MI6 wanted me to do to Skinner? Give him a hug?" His voice dripped sarcasm and he rolled his eyes.

"So you're sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," Wolf said decisively, nodding his head sharply for emphasis.

"Excellent." Yassen smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. Wolf blinked in shock. "Anyway, we can't hang around here all day. You need medical attention, I'm not going to let that get infected after all the trouble I've had keeping you safe. Plus, I don't want my partner to be a cripple.

"And I suppose I'd better send a message to SCORPIA telling them that I resign."

As he eased his arm out, wincing as the pain flared up again, Wolf nodded slowly. Yassen watched him concernedly, wondering if the wound had indeed become infected.

"It's ok," Wolf assured him.

The Russian shrugged and turned back to the wheel.

"Let's get you to hospital," he said, starting the engine. It roared into life and Yassen steered them skilfully out of the car park and onto the main road again.

Wolf wondered just what he was getting into.