Disclaimer: I do no own Final Fantasy X, it's characters and ect...

Please tell me if my story is any good, harsh criticism is welcomed... any criticism is welcomed actually. Thanks and enjoy. Sorry the prologue is short, but...well... it is.


The sun was setting casting its orange glow upon the ruins, making the water that surrounded them blaze as if on fire.

This should be beautiful, he thought but looking at the sullen faces of his companions... no, his friends, he could see that no one was enjoying the sight. The seven of them sat in a circle surrounding the small fire that quietly blazed as if it too felt the over looming gloom, the sadness that followed each of them. He glanced and the ruins around him and almost saw them whole again, like on those carefree nights before coming to Spira. He shook his head and stood up, turning towards the dying sun. The story was coming to a close and he felt like there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Passing by Yuna, he placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing lightly as to say I'll protect you. She looked up at him and smiled, nodding her head as though she had heard his very thoughts. He walked to the edge of the embankment, willing the sun to stay, to make this moment last forever. But still, it refused to heed his plea and continued its slow decent.

After all they had gone through, all the bloodshed, the fear, the endless betrayals, it was finally going to end, but for what? The people would be blind, to forever live in ignorance of their false religion. Yuna would become just another summoner; no one would ever know what she had gone through, what she had lost in her journey to protect them. He wanted them to know, to understand all the was being sacrificed for them...

Listen to my story. This may be our last chance.