Thank you for the reviews! Its your reviews that convinced me to continue!

Elizabeth awoke the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping outside her window. Upon opening her eyes, she was startled at first to find herself in strange surroundings when she suddenly remembered where she was. She grinned and lay back down on her pillow, sighing in relief. She couldn't believe that she was actually living with her dad, the man who was supposed to have died years ago like her mother.

She arose from her bed and pulled on the pair of pants Adam had laid on her chair last night. In his haste to get Joe and Elizabeth home yesterday, he completely forgot to purchase his daughter clothes to wear. So he gave her some of Joe's old clothes, and she chuckled to herself as she realized how big Joe's pants fit on her. Luckily, Adam had given her a belt so she adjusted herself to make sure the pants would not fall off before preceding downstairs.

She found Joe sitting all alone at the breakfast table. When he looked up to greet her, he let out a cat whistle. "Wow, you look absolutely stunning in those clothes!" Elizabeth giggled and spun around, "I know, right? I look super sexy." She sat down across from Joe and grabbed a piece of fruit in front of her. "Where's…Dad?" Joe looked at her and laughed. "I guess it's weird having your dad back, right?"

Elizabeth nodded. "It's so strange…I don't know, its hard to get my head around it." She looked around

"Where is he?"

Joe took a piece of toast and smeared it with jam. "He went to town first thing this morning to buy you some clothes."

Elizabeth smirked. "Oh man, you mean I can't wear any more of your clothes? What a shame!"

Joe playfully tossed a breakfast roll at her. Hop Sing just happened to be walking in at that same moment. "Mistah Carwright," he scolded, "why do you insist on throwing food like child? I work hard all morning for you." Elizabeth was trying so hard not to laugh that tears began to stream down her face. Joe's face had turned crimson as he held his hands up. "Hop Sing, I'm real sorry. You know I never meant to disrespect your wonderful food." Hop Sing returned back to the kitchen, muttering under his breath. The minute he left, Joe turned to Elizabeth. "Thanks for getting me in trouble." She simply stuck her tongue back at him.

The conversation continued on to mindless chitchat until Elizabeth glanced up at the clock. "Uncle Joe, when do you think…Dad…should be back?" Joe took a swig of coffee. "Oh not for a little while yet. He just left about an hour and a half ago." He then met the gaze of his niece. His brow furrowed, "Why do you look worried?" She reacted by squirming in her seat. "I…just…don't want him to run into any trouble that's all," she just about whispered. Joe's heart melted at her sincerity. "Oh, Adam, he'll be fine. Anyone around here knows not to mess with a Cartwright," he winked at her. Elizabeth didn't look convinced. "Yeah, but it's not just any trouble I'm worried about," she swallowed, "I'm worried about one person in particular." Joe set down his plate and maintained eye contact with Elizabeth. "You don't have to worry, honestly. I'm sure Mitch knows better than to stir up big time trouble in front of large crowds. And, Adam, well he's the most sensible guy I know. He won't go looking for a fight." She simply nodded. Joe grinned at her, "Hey, what about a game of checkers hmm? We can't just sit around here all day waiting for him." Elizabeth flashed him a pearly white smile and the two spent the next few hours competing with each other over who could be called the king or the queen of checkers.

About midday, the two heard the sound of horses in the front yard. Joe grinned at Elizabeth, "See? I told ya your Dad would be fine." They both jumped up to get to the door when Elizabeth suddenly stopped upon hearing unfamiliar voices. "That's not Dad," she said looking at Joe fearfully. Joe looked surprised. "No, that's my Pa. Him and Hoss must be home early from their California trip. We weren't expecting them until later in the week." When he saw the puzzled look on his niece's face, he explained, "Hoss is your other uncle, he's the middle brother." Joe went out to reach for the door when Elizabeth's hand stopped him. "How are you gonna introduce me? They don't know about me!" She exclaimed, sounding a little hysterical. Joe just smiled, "Nah, they're gonna love you, you'll see. You have nothing to worry about, honest." She muttered, "Yeah but I haven't had the best track record when it comes to grandparents." Before Joe could question her, the front door opened to reveal a very tired looking Pa and Hoss.

"Howdy there Little Joe, I'm plumb tired. Been riding hard to make sure I don't miss Hop Sing's lunch today," Hoss said as he plopped down his tall hat. "And who's this pretty little gal?" he asked Joe as he spied a young lady standing behind his younger brother. Ben had up until this point been taking off his gun belt when he turned around to look at the girl in question. She looked very shy, hiding behind his youngest son. He saw that she was wearing Joe's clothes, and Pa frowned as he wondered about the circumstances that may have lead to her wearing such clothes. "Joseph," Pa stated sternly, "who is this young lady?" Joe just grinned and grabbed Elizabeth's arm to pull her out from behind him. She simply continued staring at the ground. "Why she's a Cartwright, Pa! She just came to town the other day, what are the odds!" Hoss looked confused as Pa frowned even more. "Joe, what do you mean a Cartwright? I don't remember having a young lady of this age in our family." Joe shifted his feet ever so slightly. Suddenly he wished Adam was here to explain the whole situation. He felt so embarrassed for the girl standing next to him who refused to make eye contact with anyone in the room. "Well Pa, she's Adam's daughter. Yeah, he'll explain everything to you as soon as he gets home. Which should be very shortly now," Joe replied cheerfully. Hoss appeared too stunned to say anything while Joe watched his pa's face contort into the weirdest expressions. "I'm sorry, Joseph, I thought you just said she is Adam's daughter." Joe just nodded, "Nah, you heard me right Pa." Before Ben had the chance to reply, the group heard a wagon pull up. This time it was Adam, and Elizabeth allowed herself to breathe a little easier.

Adam jumped down for the wagon and upon seeing his entire family at the door he froze. "Oh, hi ya Pa, Hoss, I didn't expect you two back yet." He made his way to the back of the wagon to unload the huge pile of boxes he had piled there. Joe quickly strode over to Adam to help him carry everything, leaving Elizabeth alone with the two people who she perceived were not very happy to meet her. As Adam walked through the door delicately trying to balance the numerous boxes he held in his hands, Ben walked over to him and placed his hands on his hips. "Your brother has just informed me that a special relative of yours is visiting us at the Ponderosa." His voice was dangerously low and Adam immediately knew how upset his father was. His main concern at the moment, however, was his daughter, who looked as if she was about to cry. "Pa, give me a few minutes, ok? I'll explain everything to you, I promise." And with that Adam placed the packages down near the couch and reached for his daughter's hand. "Elizabeth, you're gonna love everything I bought, ok? Why don't you bring some up to your room to try on while I talk with my Pa here," he said, giving her a gentle smile. She merely nodded and silently picked up a handful of boxes and carried them up stairs. The minute her bedroom door closed, Adam rounded on his father. "Couldn't you have been a little more friendly to her?" he nearly barked. Ben walked around the couch to stand eye to eye with his son. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't informed that when I was away any children you might have had would suddenly appear!" Joe stood shocked at the sight of his brother and father glaring down each other. Adam let out a long sigh and rubbed his face. "I guess I should have told you all what happened from the very beginning." And with that, Adam preceded to tell his story. Ben interjected at one part. "So you married when you had your daughter right?" Even though Adam was a grown man, he winced slightly at his father's tone. "Well…not exactly Pa…but we always planned on gettng married…it was just we had been dating for over a year and you know…things happened…"

Pa just nodded, then clapped a hand on his son's back. "Well, that's all water under the bridge now. I believe I have a granddaughter to formally meet," he said with a grin.

Adam just shook his head. Somehow his father always adjusted to every situation perfectly. "Sure, Pa, I can't wait for her to meet you."

Hoss clapped Adam's shoulder. "I think that's great brother. Wow, a gal on the Ponderosa, that'll be interesting."

Joe chuckled from across the room.

Adam smiled at his family, relief over his family's acceptance washing over him. "I'll go bring her down."

A knock came on Elizabeth's door. She quickly sat up from her sprawled out position on the bed as her father's face peeked from around the door. Adam grinned at her. "Hey there, everyone's excited to meet you downstairs."

Elizabeth arched her eyebrow while slightly picking at the blanket on the bed. "It doesn't seem like it." Then she met his chocolate eyes. "I don't want to cause tension between you and your family."

Adam sat down next to her on the bed. "Of course you won't! My Pa was just a little confused that's all, see I never told them about you and Mom."

Elizabeth nodded as she stared intently at the wall.

Adam frowned. "It's not that I was ashamed of you....I just thought you had died…and it was easier for me to just try to move on then to bring everyone down with me."

She looked into her father's face full of concern. She couldn't recall anyone ever being that concerned over her. A slow smile spread across her face.

"I understand." With that, Adam swept her up into a hug.

"Now, young lady, I believe you have so people to meet."