Disclaimer: Hey, I don't own Inuyasha! :Goes to a corner and cries, mourning her lack of royalty checks:

A/N:This is another of my lame attempts at humor… CRACK!fic FTW! Oh and 3 guesses as to who is THE LOVE OF MY LIFE…in this fic!

Originally Written For: LJ comm. InuComedyClub Prompt - Dreams

Title: The Treaty
Author: Plumespixie
Canon/AU: Post Canon, teenage Rin back with Sess
AN: I swear its not even funny... but its my first Crack!Fic – So bear with me!

Dear Diary…

First off, I had another one of THOSE dreams, the ones about THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, where we are totally going at it, and I think Jaken smelled it, because he has totally been looking at me funny all day and I'm like… OMG just like, stop freakin' staring, you see me EVERYDAY, GOD, can't I even be allowed to relax a little and have some fun IN MY DREAMS? Geez… But he just keeps looking at me like I'm some kind of WHORE!

Well I'm not a whore, I only dream about one person and that is my secret love… the LOVE OF MY LIFE, who I will always be there for, even when they're all moody and stuff… and my love HAS been extra moody lately… uuunnnggg… that is SO another entry.

Okay, so today was TERRIBLE! First, Jaken starts whining, and I'm like… Jaken, just SHUT UP! I SWEAR TO GOD I'm gonna kill that toad, right?

Then Inuyasha comes along, totally pissing me off and talking shit about the LOVE OF MY LIFE, but, of course, I don't SAY anything because that would be totally wrong, and we can like, NEVER be together because we are from two different worlds and all that…

So, then of course there's the fighting and the cursing and I'm all quiet, cuz I can't think of anything good to say and besides he doesn't pay attention to me anyway. I think his girlfriend actually LISTENS when I talk, but HE doesn't, so why even bother with such a baka!

So, then after the fight is over and of course I wanna totally do a little victory dance, but DON'T, because by now I'm getting the urge to hit Jaken again for going on and on with the My Lord IS THE BESTEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD routine he ALWAYS does…. He is such a SUCK UP!

So, then later at camp, I'm sitting there, happy that there is this cute little pond right there, and I'm looking at myself, admiring, because hey, let's face it, I'm pretty! So, I'm brushing my hair, and running my fingers through it, and wondering if I would look better if I used just a TOUCH of lip color, you know, to bring out my natural 'pout', and I notice that… OMG, I have a…. :dramatic pause: a… :sobs: a blemish.

Yes, that's right diary… you heard me… a BLEMISH!

How did this even happen? I always take such good care of my skin! So now I'm worried because what if THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, (that is TOTALLY a secret, and always will be...) sees it?

Then I'll never have the hanyou I wanted! OMG, they would be SO cute! Little KAWAII puppy ears, and OMG what if they had TAILS?? I would DIE from the cuteness… But no… it can't be… Human blood and demon blood can't mix… its dirty, and so I'm dirty for wanting it…


Someone's coming, coming to bother me… I have to go…

Love and Hugs and Kisses to MY SECRET LOVE…




"Sesshomaru-sama?" a now 15 year old Rin asked, eyeing the scroll in his hand suspiciously, " What's that?"

Sesshomaru looked down at his 'diary' scroll… the one he would make sure WOULDN'T get passed down to future generations.

"It is a treaty this Sesshomaru has been reviewing" he lied.

Rin was confused…

"But… then… why are their little pink hearts all over it?"