For Enkidu07. You are awesome. Hope you enjoy...

"Dean, it's this way, hurry up!" Sam shouted back as they bolted through the thick terrain in woods to the screaming up ahead.

Sam may not have been as savvy a hunter as Dean, but he sure was the better athlete, freaky long legs taking him through the branches and undergrowth with ease.

Dean was struggling to keep up, not for lack of trying though.

The branches and vines beneath him kept snagging on his boots, sheer luck and force breaking through them, as he pushed himself to keep up with Sam.

They were trying to get back to the house as fast as they could before the ghost hunters got there, and ruined any chance they had of destroying the spirit.

All of a sudden Sam heard a load grunt from behind him, and a couple of choice curse words.

Dean was on the ground, caught up in a tangle of branches, and cursing loudly.

Sam was at his side in seconds, chuckling slightly at the mess Dean had gotten into.

Sam reached for the branch twisted around Dean's right ankle, and was met by a fierce swat of the hands.

"Don', " came the unpleasant reply, and Sam instantly knew that something was wrong.

"I freakin' twisted my ankle, and it hurts like a bitch Sam," Dean moaned to his little brother.

"Dean, I need to take a look, take your boot off."

Dean started to do as instructed, but the pain shot through him like gunfire as he touched his ankle, and he launched off another round of curse words.

After three more minutes of swearing, some reassuring words from Sam, and a swig of the bottle of gin he had stashed in his coat, Dean had his boot off.

"Oh man Dean, this is bad. I

mean, I have seen some swollen ankles, but this is bad" Sam repeated, as he took in the sight of the golf ball that had become Dean's

ankle bone.

"Well it doesn't hurt all that bad right now, I am sure I will be fine, Sammy. Let me get my boot back on and we can get outta here."

The truth was, it really didn't hurt as much as Dean had thought, and he figured he might even be able to walk on it.

He just wanted to get out of there.

The problem was, that his foot was not about to fit back into his boot, with the swelling on the rise.