Suigetsu sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Sasuke to start his small show. The raven was nine months pregnant with their son, Shiro, and he'd agreed to put on a display for Suigetsu - considering two days from now was Sasuke's due date. Inching a bit forward on the bed, he felt his erection brush the tip of his pants

Sasuke gave Suigetsu an unsure smile, but began by holding the bottom of his shirt hem. He gently began to pull it upwards, revealing pale stretched skin. His stomach curved smoothly, perfectly rounded and soft. He removed his shirt completely, the soft fabric brushing gently against his smooth skin. Once it was removed, Sasuke slowly began to pull off his pants. After they were removed, all that was left was a pair of dark navy blue boxers. He slowly walked over to Suigetsu, slowly settling himself on his lap. "Are you happy..?" He whispered in his ear.

Suigetsu nodded slowly. "Uh-huh..." He was practically drooling, and he wrapped his arms around Sasuke, nuzzling his neck. "Hey, beautiful..." Putting a hand on Sasuke's stomach, he smirked. "...and company."

Sasuke smiled, and nuzzled Suigetsu's neck. "Shiro says hello…" He licked the other man's earlobe. "I do, too."