"Oh the irony in this is really deathly, isn't it?" Edward remarked, a bitter tone in his usual honey voice.

Bella coughed, her mere attempt at easing the tension.

"I mean, you in a wolf suit, me as a vampire, you in a wolfy outfit, me as a vampire, How much more ironic can you freaking get?!" Jacob snickered, a contender for the thunderous music.

Bella was glad Edward was back, all in safe arms, but she wasn't happy that it was on these circumstances. He still seemed tense, and it didn't feel like it was about the wolf costume. This time, there was a real wolf right there to cause the problems.

"This was an open invitation, and I happen to be sent one!" Jacob laughed, "Don't flatter yourselves; I didn't come here for you."

He eyed Bella off again, in a strange intrigue. It was one that had the smirk all over it.

She readjusted her suit to avoid eye contact as Quil and Embry made their way around the crowd to the snacks. Alice and Jasper lingered off, then it just seemed like it was the three of them.

Edward grabbed Bella's sweaty palm, and pulled her off into the crowd. They stood in the blur of people, staring at one another unnoticed.

"You're ok," Edward muttered, relaxing slightly. The statement seemed much more like a self reassurance. He let go of her hand, seeming distraught as he turned away. Bella couldn't take this anymore, what was wrong?

She grabbed his cool hand before he could walk off, and dragged him into his room.

"Nevermind me, are you ok?"

"Never better," Edward replied blankly, "Why do you ask?"

Bella shrugged, letting go of his hand, "You just seem so tense one second and blank the next. What really is behind that mask?"

Edward relaxed, and smiled beautifully. His different side was appearing.

"It's just that," he smiled, melting Bella instantaneously, "You're quite appealing in this costume, it's hard to concentrate."


"I smell something weird," Tyler sniffed, wiping the sheen of sweat off his forehead. They had just crossed a moving platform corridor, with cobwebs all around.

"Jesus this place is a freak show!" Jessica screamed, panting from running.
Conner and Eric were walking behind them, seeming quite relaxed. They walked straight past something they could see was moving in the path opposite them, and turned left.

"Did I just see a BABY?!" Tyler whispered, walking past another opening.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Jessica droned on, "What is wrong with everyone today! A bloody vampire is out to get me!!! I see a baby walking around in a maze! Give me a break!"

The others nervously laughed as Jessica went on. They could hear an odd screaming coming closer and closer to them, but yet it was still in the distance.

Somewhere in the distance

The creature was still chasing after Lauren. She exhaled, trying not to think of the exhaustion in the pain. This thing was purposely walking around; she could tell this wasn't its usual pace.

She worried about if his facade would end. What if it decided is wanted to chase at full speed now? What if she met a dead end?

She pushed off from the corner of the wall, running frantically around. She had lost him, but his footsteps itched closer and closer.


Frankly, it didn't matter. The only thing she wanted right now was for it to leave her alone!


Alice blinked frantically. Everything she could see was just wiped out. Damn wolves!


The crowd had halved in an hour. Fifteen minutes to midnight reminded Bella that she wasn't actually in trouble by staying out. Alice had arranged for a sleepover.

She went to speak to various guests as Alice pushed her along. Across the room, Angela and Ben, cowboys in orange light hand hands as they smiled at each other.

Rose pushed into their path, "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?!"

"what happened now rose?"


Bella giggled under her breath and focused her attention to the bright yellow banana jigging around on the other side of the staircase. His face was covered slightly, hiding his identity.

"That bastard! If I wouldn't have been able to break his groin while doing it, I would've kicked him!

"Oh calm down Rosalie," Alice laughed, "You've brought this on yourself by wearing that thing."

Rosalie grumbled off, heading to somewhere around the front door. She seemed quite irritable tonight!

"EMMETT WHERE ARE YOU?!!?!" Rose screamed, hearing the distant echo of the night sky. She peered around, wondering if she was heard. Tonight was supposed to be fun, but everything is just screwed up! She had put so much effort into this sexy outfit and Emmett wasn't even here to enjoy it. This had been the worst night in over fifty years! EVEN the freaking Volturi freaks were dancing away having fun in there!


Lauren whimpered, feeling the slow excruciating sucking of her blood. She never thought such a stupid thing as a vampire existed, but nothing else could've drunk so violently. Now it seemed like so long ago that she had made that fatal mistake of running right into the wall, but now nothing could be done.

Her eyes water as she zoned in and out. The cloaked from the figure raised its head slightly, revealing his death white, papery skin. The creature's bright red eyes glistened in the full moon of the night. His hair looked frail, delicately breakable at any second, yet he was some sort of beauty. Anything.......he reminded her of only one family.....

Slowly, her heart broke, as she drifted from consciousness.


A/N: don't worry guys, there'll be an epilogue soon! i wouldn't leave you hanging! :D