Twizzler or Abracadabra? You'll understand later....


"Bella, I have a question I KNOW it will probably offend you immensely, but have you ever thought within the last hour you've been a wolf that maybe you'd think a collar was cool and you could walk around in it?!" Emmett asked me, before begging me to phase.

"Fine..... I will go phase." I told him so he'd shut up.

"Why can't you phase here?" Emmett whined back to me.

"Because I can't afford to replace all my clothes." I said in a simple tone.

"Wear Edward's clothes he won't care, really he'd LOVE it!" Emmett whispered giggling hysterically like a 5 year old girl.

"NO! I am not going to wear his stuff!" I told Emmett leaning back onto one of the living rooms light green walls.

"Here you go." Edward told me handing over a pair of sweatpants and a random black t-shirt.

"No seriously if I phase it will egg him on." I said sternly to Edward, who just chuckled loudly.

"I kinda wanna see you phase too..." Edward replied smiling and I sighed loudly before exiting the room and heading to a bathroom to change.

"Okay here we go!" I shouted jogging into the living room find Carlisle,Emmett,Jasper,Edward, and Esme scattered around the room staring at me.

"GO BELLA! YOU CAN DO IT!! And just FYI the second your a dog your name is Twizzler... or maybe Abracadabra...." Emmett led off and I opted to ignore him knowing that bad things happen when you acknowledge him; according to Jasper.

I searched depth of my mind until I came up with the idea of phasing in my mind and a sudden burst of pure agony ripped through my whole frame. And suddenly I glanced down and well, I was a dog.

Emmett instantly ran over to me and secured a giant collar around my neck. I glanced down at the tags and they said my basic supposed info and I guess Emmett wasn't bluffing when he said my dog name was Twizzler.

"We are so going to a dog park. JACOB PHASE AND GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Emmett rejoiced clipping a leash onto my collar. And I just rolled my eyes.

A couple seconds later Jake came down and the second he saw me he instantly whimpered.

What in the hell did he do to you?! Jake asked whimpering as Jasper put a collar round his neck whose tags read Alfonso.

Well Alfonso we're going to the dog park from what I heard.

Please say they won't neuter me while they're at it! Jake thought whimpering. And Edward just barked out laughing.

"You never know Jacob. Watch your balls little boy there might be a crazy man there with hedge clippers." Edward said jokingly and pat the poor guy on the head.

Save me from the hedge clippers Twizzler! He thought whimpering and hiding behind Jasper's legs. Jasper just sighed loudly and turned around to secure a pink leash to his collar.


No Jake, only one person will neuter you and that will most likely be the crazy hedge clippers guy. And of course at this he started dog crying.

"NO ONE IS GOING TO F'ING NEUTER YOU!" Edward said falling to the ground laughing.

Jake there is a seventy-five percent chance you will be neutered.... I thought loudly.

But, BUT what will my name be when I'm a girl?! It is doubtful there's a girl version of Jacob!

Yes BUT you can be Jalapeno.

I like that.... But why am I Alfonso now?

Who knows Alfonso, who knows...

At the dog park....

Bells I think the female dogs are uh... staring...

Jake! I don't think they will neuter you!


"Oh what a pretty dog you have sir what's her name?" A woman with long blond hair and green eyes, who seemed about forty asked Edward as she leaned down to pet me.

"This is B-I mean Twizzler. My narcotic older brother named her Twizzler." Edward replied leaning down to rub my back and I decided to enjoy and embrace my dog experience and leaned over and licked Edward face.

He chuckled loudly and hugged my snowy white frame quickly before standing back up.

"She seems sweet. How old is she?" The woman asked smiling at me.

"She's about 4 but she's a husky so she's pretty big." Edward said petting my head.

"I have a boy Husky who's about 4 maybe we could breed them." The woman suggested and I whimpered and hid behind Edward.

"Wow! It's almost like she understands us! So I'm assuming that she doesn't understand but I'll go ahead and say they shouldn't breed." The woman replied before heading her own way.

"Sorry Twizz, I guess in dog world just like mine your a sexy beast." Edward said after a bull dog appoarched me and sniffed my butt. That pervert......... (Bull dog)

I whimpered and clawed his legs because more dogs were approaching me now. Edward's eyes widened and he picked me up so to avoid doggy rape.

I smiled and licked his face.

"Hey dude that dog is huge! Wow!" A guy shouted before coming over to us.

"Yep she's a little fattie." Edward said scratching me behind the ear before setting me down.

"I can easily assume so! What breed is she?" The guy asked getting down on his knees to pet me.

"From what my brother told me when he gave her to me she's either part Husky or is one." Edward replied happily pretending I was some form of Christmas gift.

"Nice. You normally don't see them in this color though." The guy stated examining my coat.

"Yeah I think she might be a rarity, but who knows with recessive traits." Edward replied before the two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

And suddenly I saw something fly through the air, a beautiful red Frisbee. Edward unclasped my leash and I ran for it.

And I ended up jumping for it but colliding with another dog, of course the other dog happened to be Jake.

I guess the love of Frisbees ran in the family.