I'm adding more to this today hopefully.


Today Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Rosalie, and Esme have gone hunting for 3 days; meaning I'm kidnapped by the psychos Emmett and Jasper.

So 3 days with the guys this is going to be a Nightmare, I Thought. Though I'm currently I'm sitting in the front of Emmet's car.

"Um... Emmett can I call Edward, or Charlie for that matter" I asked.

"Why?" Emmett asked almost immediately .

"Because First off, I don't know if Charlie approves of me staying over for, wow, 3 days Emmett. And Edward to ask him for a ransom note, okie dokey?" I asked extremely sarcastically.

"Bella look Edward asked me to do this, you know how he gets when he's away from you, so don't be hard on him he loves you he wants you to be safe so help me out Bells." He said sweetly like a little kid.

"I know Em thanks so you and Jazz are kidnapping me right?'' I said accepting what he had said. A twinkle flashed in his golden eyes as we pulled up into the drive of the house and looked around.

"It's practically a ghost town, even all the cars are gone." I stated looking around.

"Well they all decided to take their own cars so they can get back at different times." He replied.

"Oh okay so where am I rooming," I asked.

"Well I believe Edward's room of course, but I doubt you'll get much sleep with Jazzy and I around, you know." Emmett replied.

And then I started up the stairs towards Edward's room and put my bags on the bed and walked down the stairs to find Emmett and Jasper reading, which I never thought was possible.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked suspiciously eyeing the book they were holding.

"Well we are planning what we we're going to do for 3 days." They answered at once and set down the book and looked up at me with their wide eyes.

" Um... so what is the plan anyway?" I asked.

"Well we sort of have no ideas at the moment, but we have tape and rubber ducks" Emmett said motioning towards a couple rolls of duct tape and a few rubber ducks.

Um... what the heck, I thought.

"Why tape and rubber ducks Emmett?" I asked.

''Because we're going to play a game Bellsy. Jazz tape me!" He announced and walked over to the chair and within seconds was taped onto the chair.

"Well Bella here's the Idea. We're each one at a time are going to be taped to the chair and we'll see if you can break out of the chair and the winner will be the one able to successfully break out of the tape 12 times, using human strength, so it will be fair." Emmett said breakinng free from the tape.

"What about the ducks Emmett?" Jasper asked, then Emmett kissed the duck.

"Dude, what the hell?" Jasper and I said at once.

"I like ducks." Emmett said as if it was all the answer we needed.

"Why?" We asked.

Then Emmett decided to just answer the first question and drop the subject of his recent duck make-out session.

"Well the ducks are for my personal enjoyment Jazzy." Emmett declared and I snorted.

Like that kiss, I wonder what Rose would think of that, I thought to myself, I tried to get that out of my head...

So we were going to tape each other to a chair and try to rip ourselves out of the tape. Great! That is so a normal teenage thing to do...

"So um...lets move to the garage to play." Jasper said then we all packed up and headed towards the garage.

"Um..so Emmett are we going to start or what? " He looked like he was in a trance sitting in that chair.

"Jazz what's up with Em? " I asked staring at Emmett's face.

"He's thinking."Jasper answered.

"He thinks wow! What exactly is he thinking about?"

"I don't know! I'm not Edward, but his emotions are at a strange mood".

Well um look this is my first story and i had to cut the chapter short but i will add more to it so please I beg of you review it please and sorry I had to edit a lot that's why the chapters short