A Puppy to Play With

Disclaimer: All Yu-Gi-Oh! characters and references belong to their respective owners. Story elements © Hideki LaShae. No money was gained in the writing of this story.

A Puppy to Play With


Hideki LaShae

Joey's eyes scan the want ads in the paper. One ad in particular catches his eye and he reads it to himself.

'Required – personal assistant to perform various tasks, must be available at all hours, full health benefits, 500 a week, to apply send resume to Seto Kaiba.'

"Full health benefits? Wow! I wonder if that covers family too," says Joey mumbling to himself. He sighs as he reads the ad again. "Kaiba! I must be desperate to even think about working for him! Well, I guess I better get my resume ready. For you, Serenity…"

Seto looks through the applications, glancing mostly at their names and ages before switching to the next applicant. "Five professionals, all men of course. Twenty-three teenaged girls, all hoping sex is a task they must perform. Four applications left."

Seto's sapphire blue eyes widen when he sees the name on the next application. "Joey Wheeler? Why would he even bother to apply? He should know better than to think I'd hire a filthy mutt like him! But wait, this could be an excellent way to humiliate him!"

Seto pushes a button on his phone, "Yukari? Set up an interview with Joey Wheeler in one hour."

Yes, Mr. Kaiba, comes the voice of his flamboyant twenty-three year old secretary, Yukari.

"This could be fun!" Seto smirks and places all the applications into a file folder on the corner of his desk. He continues to work as he waits for Joey to arrive and be utterly humiliated.

Mr. Kaiba? comes Yukari's voice through the phone.

"Yes, Yukari," says Seto after pushing the button on his phone that allows him to speak directly to his secretary.

Joey Wheeler has arrived for his interview, says Yukari.

Seto looks at his watch, and he realizes that Joey's ten minutes early. He quickly smoothes his chestnut brown hair and his black business suit. He pushes the button again. "Send him in, and hold all my calls."

After a brief second, the door opens and a brown-eyed teen with unruly blond hair walks into the office. He wears a simple white dress shirt and black pants. He bows slightly and walks up in front of Seto's desk. "Good afternoon, Mr. Kaiba."

"Wheeler… what are you doing here, mutt?" snaps Seto.

"Applying for the position of personal assistant," says Joey. As an afterthought he adds, "Sir."

"What makes you think I'd hire you?" asks Seto.

"I don't think you would, but I need this job, Mr. Kaiba," says Joey.

"You need this job? Hmph! I expect a great deal from my employees, and since you would be my personal assistant, I would expect you to do everything I say when I say it!" exclaims Seto.

"I can do that!" exclaims Joey.

Seto smirks evilly. "Some of your duties would be simple, fetching things like the mutt you are, but I might have other requirements of you as well."

"I can do anything you could think up, Mr. Kaiba!" exclaims Joey.

Seto stands. "Oh really?"

Joey nods.

"And you would agree to do whatever I told you to do? Without question or complaint?" asks Seto.


"On your knees. Beg me to give you this job," says Seto walking around his desk and glaring into Joey's eyes. He leans against his desk, and he thinks, 'He'll never do it! He has too much pride!'

Joey bends down onto his knees and looks at Seto's feet. "Please, Kaiba… Mr. Kaiba. Please. I'm begging you. I need this job! I'll do anything you say! I won't complain at all, just please! I need this job! Please!"

"Nice, but not enough to convince me."

"What would you have me do to convince you, Mr. Kaiba?" asks Joey.

"Stand up. Strip. Perhaps that will be enough," orders Seto.

Joey stands. His cheeks redden from the command, but he obeys. He pulls his clothing off as quickly as he can and stands completely naked in front of Seto. "Is this what you wanted, Mr. Kaiba?"

"You are being quite obedient. Why? Why do you need this job so much?" asks Seto.

"My sister, Serenity… she's in trouble and I need money to help her. I will do anything to get that money," says Joey.

"Even become my slave?"

"Yes, Mr. Kaiba." Joey nods. "I'm desperate. This job is my only hope of helping her."

"So you need me," says Seto.

"Very much, Kaiba," says Joey, "I'll do anything you want."

"Fine. Another test… What if I told you to bend over and take it in the rear?" asks Seto cruelly.

Joey turns his back to Seto and bends over, bracing himself with the chair as he spreads his legs and awaits the intrusion. 'You'd better appreciate this, Serenity! I'm wiling to sell my body to help you!'

"Close your eyes."

Joey closes his eyes tightly. He gasps as something fairly long and rock hard enters his opening. "What the…?"

"Is something wrong, mutt?" asks Seto.

"No… Mr. Kaiba," says Joey, "There's nothing wrong. Do with me as you wish. I will not complain. I was only surprised."

"I'm sorry, mutt. I can't hire you," says Seto.

Joey's eyes widen as the object is removed from his body.

"You may put your clothes on now, filthy mutt!" exclaims Seto.

Joey turns towards Seto and sees him tapping his letter opener against the palm of his hand. His eyes dart to the long, rounded marble handle, and he realizes that was what had penetrated him.

"You didn't think I'd go around fucking any stray mutt, did you? You probably have rabies!" exclaims Seto.

Joey bites back his desire to retort. He takes a deep breath. "Is there any way that I could convince you to change your mind, Mr. Kaiba?"

Seto squints at Joey. "There's one way, but you have too much pride in yourself to ever do it!"

"Tell me what it is. Whatever it is, Mr. Kaiba, I'll do it! I need this job," says Joey, "Tell me what to do."

"Down on all fours, mutt," says Seto. He smirks when Joey quickly does as commanded. "Tell me how worthless you are, mutt!"

"I'm a worthless mutt," says Joey, "I'm nothing! I'm just a worthless mutt!"

"Who's your master?"

"You are, Mr. Kaiba. You are my master!"

"Whenever we are alone, you are to address me as Master," says Seto, "When we are in public, you will call me Mr. Kaiba. Only during school are you ever to address me as Kaiba." He moves around his desk and opens a drawer. He pulls out a pager and tosses it to the floor in front of Joey. "Keep that with you at all times. You will work for me in the afternoons starting right after school and ending at eight pm, but whenever I page you, you will come and do whatever task I require. I demand complete obedience! If I page you at two in the morning to bring me a cup of coffee, I'd better have it within my hand shortly after!"

"Yes… Master," says Joey.

"Now put your clothes on. Then head down to the second floor for your physical. You start work tomorrow after school," says Seto, "Oh, yes. On weekends, you start at seven am and end at nine pm." He sits down and begins working on his computer.

Joey stands and quickly pulls his clothes on. He lifts the pager and attaches it to his waistband. "Thank you, Master. I'll see you tomorrow."

Seto doesn't make a sound as Joey turns and leaves. He lifts the phone and dials an extension. "Hello. This is Kaiba. I'm sending my new assistant down for his medical evaluation. Make sure he gets the standard exam, a test for STDs, and a test for rabies… Yes, rabies! And be sure you tell him that you're testing him for rabies… Yes… Good day!"

Seto hangs up the phone and laughs. 'I had been thinking of getting a sex toy. I just didn't know I'd be getting one so willing to do whatever I wanted! Having Joey as my sex toy… uh, personal assistant, could be quite fun!'

"Into the limo, mutt. Work begins now!" exclaims Seto climbing into the back of his black limousine.

Joey climbs into the back of the limo and closes the door. "What do you want me to do?"

"Pour me a drink," says Seto waving his hand towards a small refrigerator.

Joey opens the refrigerator and pulls out a chilled glass. He looks at the various different drinks within the refrigerator. "What would you like?"

"Something sweet," says Seto, "and red."

Joey nods and pulls out a bottle of sparkling strawberry juice. He opens the bottle and fills the glass. He passes the glass to Seto before closing the bottle and replacing it in the refrigerator. He closes the door and sits down beside Seto again. "Anything else?"

"Hmm… what should I have you do?" asks Seto slowly drinking his juice.

Joey looks down at his feet.

"Oh yes… a mutt like you will be needing proper identification. You've already got all your shots, and the vet informed me that you don't have rabies. Now you need a collar and tags," says Seto, "Run to the pet store and get a collar, a blue collar, and have myself listed as your owner, Jo-Jo."

"Must I pay for it out of my own pocket?" asks Joey.

Seto sighs and pulls out his wallet. He slides a credit card from it and passes it to Joey. "For corporate expenses only. If I ever tell you to buy something for me, use that card."

"Yes, Master. I will buy a blue collar. Do you have a preference for the shape of my tags?" asks Joey.

"A heart… so that no matter how I treat you, you'll know I'll never care for you!" exclaims Seto, and with those words, he forces a kiss to Joey's lips.

Joey tenses, but as per his agreement, he doesn't fight against Seto's kiss, and when Seto pries at his lips forcefully with his tongue, the blonde opens his mouth.

Seto plunges into Joey's mouth with his tongue. He explores every crevice of the hot chamber and keeps expecting the inhabiting tongue to take up a fight against him. He pulls away only when he realizes that he will get no fight.

"Was that to your satisfaction, Master?" asks Joey.

'No! It's no fun when you do nothing at all!' Seto sighs. "Quite. I might have to do it again later. Now, run along and fetch your collar, mutt!"

"Yes, Master," says Joey as the car stops at a red light. He climbs quickly from the limo and closes the door. 'I can't believe I let him kiss me! I must really need money to let him use me like this! How could you do this, Serenity? He wants to humiliate me, ridicule me, break my spirit, and then throw me away… or even worse, he wants to make me love him while he continues to despise me!'

Joey hurries on foot to a pet store. He buys the blue collar and heart-shaped dog tag that lists his name as Jo-Jo and his owner as Seto Kaiba. Then he starts towards the office building that houses Kaiba Corp.


Joey looks at his pager. He quickly finds a payphone and dials the number listed.


"You called, Master," says Joey.

Ah… yes… mutt. You are quick in your response. I like that. On your way back to my office, pick me up some fettuccine al fredo from the restaurant on seventh, says Seto.

"Yes, sir," says Joey, "Anything else?"

I think that will do. Hurry back.

"I will." Joey only hangs up once he hears the click signifying that Seto ended their connection. He runs down the street as quickly as he can to the Italian restaurant. He picks up the food requested by Seto and hurries as fast as he can back to the Kaiba Corp building. He nods to Yukari as he enters Seto's office. "I have brought the food you requested."

"Good," says Seto, "Bring it here, mutt."

Joey carries the bag from the restaurant up to Seto. "I brought you some breadsticks as well, Master."

Seto smiles. "Very good. You are starting to think like my employee, mutt."

Joey closes his eyes. "Yes, Master."

Seto pulls the two items from the bag. 'Hmm… He didn't get anything for himself because I didn't give him permission to.'

"Oh, and I got the collar," says Joey pulling the blue collar from his pants pocket, "I thought you might want to see it before I put it on."

Seto takes the collar and looks at the heart shaped tag dangling from it. He reads the name to himself 'Jo-Jo' before smirking at Joey. "On your knees. Let your master put your pretty new collar on."

"Yes, Master," says Joey kneeling down in front of Seto.

Seto fastens the collar around Joey's neck and pulls the blonde into his lap with a forceful kiss.

Joey submits completely to the kiss.

Seto pushes Joey to the floor. "Mutt…"

Joey nods. "What did I do wrong?"

"When I kiss you, mutt, you will kiss me back!" orders Seto angrily.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master!"

"You will enjoy everything I do to your body, and you will show me how much you like it! If I kiss you, you will kiss me back!" exclaims Seto, "If I fuck you, you will beg me for more! Is this understood, mutt?"

"Yes, Master," says Joey solemnly.

"Now kiss me, mutt!"

Joey stands up and leans towards Seto. He closes his eyes a moment before his lips make contact with Seto's.

Seto keeps his eyes open as Joey kisses him. He watches the tears roll down Joey's cheeks. He wraps his arms around Joey and pulls him into his lap. He strokes the boy gently to comfort him. 'He's crying. He's kissing me like there's no tomorrow, but he's crying. He's only doing this for money. He doesn't care about me… not like I actually want him to. He just wants my money. He's willing to do so much for money.'

Joey fights against Seto's tongue as he kisses him. He tries not to let his tears fall, but they continue to stream down his face. 'I… I wanted,' he thinks sadly, 'I wanted my first kisses to be with someone I liked, not my worst rival!'

Seto pulls away from Joey's kiss and pulls him tighter to his chest.

Joey rests his head against Seto's shoulder and tries to calm his tears.

Seto rubs Joey's back gently. He softly asks, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't want to do this," says Joey, and as an afterthought he adds, "Master."

"Then why would you let me do this to you?" whispers Seto.

"Because I said I'd do anything for this job, Master. I need it for Serenity," says Joey relaxing in Seto's arms and clinging to his chest, "I will do anything you require of me, whether I want to do it or not, and I will try my best to act like I enjoy it. I just can't control my body. I can't tell it not to be hurt by what we're doing. Please, Master, don't ask me to try."

"I won't ask you, puppy," says Seto moving to gently wipe away Joey's tears, "but I must know… would you have sex with me if I told you to?"

"Yes… yes," chokes out Joey, "That was a part of our arrangement. Whenever you want my body, it is yours, Master. I am yours… your slave… your mutt."

'If he's always crying, this won't be fun,' thinks Seto.

"Master, you should eat before your food gets cold," says Joey.

"Fine. We'll eat," says Seto, "Pass it over."

Joey moves slightly and grabs the Styrofoam container and the paper-wrapped breadsticks. He sets them down on his legs. "Now, do you want me to move, Master?"

"No. We will sit here and eat together," says Seto opening the container that holds the fettuccine al fredo. He lifts a noodle and holds it up towards Joey's mouth. "If you want it, take it."

Joey looks at the noodle hungrily. He opens his mouth and takes the noodle from Seto's fingers.

Seto proceeds to feed himself and Joey.

Joey blushes as Seto places the last noodle into his mouth.

Seto caresses Joey's lips while the blonde eats the noodle.


Seto gives Joey a short kiss on the lips. Then he unwraps the breadsticks and gives one to Joey, taking the other for himself. "Now go sit over there, mutt. I have work to do."

Joey climbs off Seto's lap and heads around the desk to sit in a comfortable chair and eat his breadstick.

Seto eats his breadstick and then watches as Joey eats his and licks his fingers tantalizingly, pulling them into his mouth and sucking on them to get off the last of the parmesan-butter flavor. 'That looks good…'

Joey pulls his fingers from his mouth. He looks at Seto and sees the brunette staring at him.

"Here, mutt," says Seto.

Joey stands and hurries around the desk to Seto's side. "Yes, Master?"

Seto points to a refrigerator embedded in the wall. "Fetch me a soda."

Joey hurries to the refrigerator and opens it. He looks in at the various brands and flavors of soda. He turns towards Seto. "Which one?"

"Bring me your favorite," says Seto.

Joey pulls out a can and lets the door swing shut as he returns to Seto's side and passes the can to him.

"I have no further tasks for you at the moment. You may go home," says Seto opening the can, "I will page you if I need anything else."

"Yes, Master," says Joey. He turns to leave.

"Wait! I want a kiss before you leave," says Seto standing and placing his can on the desk. He turns Joey around and gives the boy a passionate kiss.

Joey fights back within their kiss.

Seto pulls away and smiles. "Very nice, puppy. Now go before I change my mind."

Joey nods and hurries out.

'Why did I call him puppy instead of mutt?' thinks Seto as he brings his attention back to his computer, 'And why did I kiss him like that as he was about to leave? I hadn't planned on it, but I just couldn't let him leave without getting that last kiss in. That kiss was nice. It felt right somehow.'

The rest of the week runs smoothly for Joey, running various errands for Seto and only having to kiss him before he leaves work for the day.

Early Saturday morning, Joey arrives at the Kaiba mansion for work, and the maid leads him to Seto's home office. He knocks gently on the door.

"What do you want?" snaps Seto from somewhere on the other side of the door.

"Joey Wheeler, reporting for work, Master," says Joey opening the door a crack.

"Come in, mutt!" exclaims Seto.

Joey opens the door the rest of the way and walks into the large office. He closes the door and approaches the desk where Seto sits. "How long have you been working, Master?"

"Since two this morning. I couldn't sleep," says Seto holding out a paper to Joey, "Here is your work order for today, mutt. Once you've finished it, you can go home. Inform your family that I will be having dinner with you all tomorrow night."

"Yes, Master," says Joey taking the paper and reading over the list. He folds it and sticks it in his pocket. "Is there anything you need before I start?"

Seto sighs. His eyes dart to an open doorway that reveals his bedroom. He turns his monitor off and stands. "No… I'm going to try to get some sleep. Come check on me later."

"I could sing you to sleep," says Joey with a smile as Seto walks into his bedroom.

"No… just go. You have work to do," says Seto, "Obey your master, mutt."

"Yes, Master," says Joey heading out.

Seto lies down on his bed. 'I'm glad he finally left! I didn't want him to know that I couldn't sleep last night because I had a dream of him! It started out nice enough… with us kissing while we undressed. Then he started to eat me, and it felt good to have his lips and tongue on my cock. But my dream turned weird. Just before I would have come in his mouth, he stopped. I ordered him to continue but he rolled me over and penetrated me. I should have been pounding into him, not the other way around! My arousal was painful, and then he grabbed me. He used his hands to send me over the edge while he released into me.'

Seto rolls onto his stomach and closes his eyes as he continues to think. 'I woke up with a hard on. The cold shower didn't help. It just made me freezing cold, so I had to give myself a hand job and think about how good it felt in my dream when Joey was sucking on my head. I would have called him to come over to receive his punishment for my dream, but I didn't want to risk him trying to make the dream come true! He doesn't get the pleasure of penetrating me!'

Seto lies in bed, tossing and turning for over an hour as he tries to get to sleep.

Joey walks into the bedroom just as Seto bolts upright.

"Dammit!" exclaims Seto.

"Master?" asks Joey, "Is something wrong?"

Seto climbs out of bed. He looks at Joey. "Take off your clothes, mutt! You're sleeping with me!"

Joey swallows hard and blushes, but he starts to pull his clothing off.

Seto quickly pulls his clothing off as he watches Joey undress. He stops when all he's wearing are his maroon colored boxers.

Joey removes his pants and reaches for his boxers.

"That's enough. I'm not planning on sex right now," says Seto climbing into bed, "Come, mutt."

Joey climbs into the large, comfortable bed and cuddles up against Seto. "Would you like me to sing you to sleep now?"

"Good night kiss," whispers Seto.

Joey obeys and gives Seto a long and passionate kiss.

Seto rubs his fingertips up and down Joey's sides. He feels Joey jerk slightly.

Joey pulls out of the kiss laughing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! That tickles, Master!"

"Oh? It tickles?" asks Seto stroking Joey's side again.

Joey laughs even harder. "Please…"

"More?" Seto moves to kiss Joey's side and tickles him with his tongue. 'Now this kind of torture I like. No tears. This is fun… and sweet. He tastes like strawberry sauce!'


Seto smirks as he licks all the way up Joey's ticklish side and moves his tongue over a soft nipple. He relaxes against Joey with his head on the blonde boy's chest. "Hold me and sing me to sleep, Joey."

Joey wraps his arms around Seto and slowly begins to sing a soft ballad.

Seto closes his eyes and falls asleep in Joey's arms.

Joey continues to sing until sleep finds him as well.

"Master, wake up. It's time for lunch," whispers Joey blowing his breath into Seto's ear.

Seto yawns as he opens his eyes. He feels the body beneath him. "Where am I?"

"In bed… you've been asleep for hours," says Joey as Seto sits up beside him, "The cook brought lunch up for us."

Seto yawns again. "I'm too tired for lunch."

"If you don't wake up now, you won't be able to sleep tonight, Master," says Joey. His stomach growls hungrily.

"Alright. We'll eat," says Seto leaning against the headboard, "What did she bring?"

Joey gets the plates and passes one to Seto. "I was hoping you could tell me."

Seto chuckles. "You don't want to know, but it's good."

Joey smiles.

The two boys sit side by side and eat their lunches.

Seto climbs from bed with his empty plate. He stretches. "I'm going back to work. You should too once you're finished."

"Yes, Master," says Joey.

Seto places his plate on the nightstand and starts to dress again. He heads into his office while Joey finishes eating.

Joey gets dressed and heads off to do the now seemingly impossible list of tasks appointed to him. He only manages to get a third of the list done before being paged to join Seto and his little brother, Mokuba, at the dinner table.

"So how do you like working for Seto?" asks Mokuba tearing into his pasta.

Joey takes a drink of his juice before answering. He sees Seto's raised eyebrow. "Well, he's very strict and demanding, but I can understand all that. He's a perfectionist in everything that he does from schoolwork to Kaiba Corp, so he expects perfection from everyone around him. I'm trying to please him."

"So do you think you could convince him to spend a little time with me tomorrow?" asks Mokuba.

"I'll see what I can do," says Joey smiling.

"Great! Convince him to take me to the arcade for dinner! We can have pizza there!" exclaims Mokuba.

Joey turns his eyes to Seto.

"We already have plans for dinner, Mokuba. We're having dinner at Joey's house with his family," says Seto.

Mokuba's eyes light up. "Really?"

Seto nods.

"Great!" exclaims Mokuba smiling.

"If he doesn't mind," says Joey turning his eyes from Seto to Mokuba, "we could have pizza at my place, and we have some video games you could play."

"Can we, Seto?" asks Mokuba.

"Pizza will be fine for dinner, mutt," says Seto.

Joey nods and starts to eat. "There's nothing you're allergic to, is there?"

"Seto's allergic to mushrooms, but I'm okay with everything!" exclaims Mokuba.

"Okay, great!" exclaims Joey smiling, "I'll make sure Serenity doesn't put any mushrooms on the pizza then."

"You live with Serenity now?" asks Mokuba.

Joey nods while he eats his food. He grins to himself at his amount of self-control. Normally, he'd have just shoveled all the food into his mouth, but today he's using proper dining etiquette.

"And your dad?" Mokuba places a large forkful of pasta into his mouth.

Joey shakes his head. "Just Serenity and Tristan live with me."

"Tristan? And you leave him alone with your sister?" Seto's eyes widen.

"Why not?" Joey sighs.

Just as Seto's about to press the issue, Mokuba changes the subject.

"What's Mai think of you working for Seto?" The boy smiles as he eats.

"Mai? Oh… Mai and I quit dating last month… on rather bad terms," says Joey, "She wouldn't care unless… well she might care a little if he killed me, but other than that she doesn't care about me anymore."

"No girlfriend? Hmm… Maybe you could take Seto out to pick up chicks some time," says Mokuba.

"Mokuba!" Joey glances at Seto to see if it's acceptable for him to use the younger Kaiba's first name.

Seto nods briskly.

"Oh, come on, Joey! He needs to be laid! He's way too stressed!" exclaims Mokuba.

"Mokuba!" Seto glares at his brother.

"It's true, Seto! You are way too stressed! Look at everything you do! You really do need some form of release!" exclaims Mokuba, "And sex just seems to be the best choice!"

"Mokuba! Take your food and go to your room!" exclaims Seto angrily.

"See! That's what I mean! You are too stressed!" exclaims Mokuba standing up. He takes his plate and his glass and storms out of the dining room.

Joey eats in silence for a moment and watches Seto stabbing his pasta with his fork. He whispers, "Master?"

"What?" snaps Seto.

Joey cringes at the malice in Seto's voice.

Seto takes a deep breath to calm himself. "What is it, mutt?"

"I was just wondering, Master. Is it true what Mokuba said? Are you really stressed?" asks Joey quietly, "Do you need to be laid?"

"Are you offering?" asks Seto calmly.

"Whatever services you require of me, I will, of course, perform," says Joey shaking nervously.

"We'll discuss it up in my room after we finish," says Seto taking a bite of food.

Joey and Seto finish eating in silence and polish off the bottle of juice. Then they head up to Seto's room.

"Lock the door, mutt," says Seto starting to pull off his shirt.

Joey quickly locks the door. He turns to look at Seto removing his house slippers and socks. "Should I undress too?"

"Keep your clothes on, mutt. I'm not going to take you tonight," says Seto dropping his pants and boxers.

"Then what do you wish me to do?" asks Joey looking up and down Seto's body nervously. His eyes fall on the brunette's cock, and he licks his lips subconsciously.

"I am too stressed. Mokuba's right. I do need to be laid," says Seto lying down in the center of his bed, "And you are going to help me with that! You've jerked off before, haven't you?"

Joey blushes and nods. He crawls onto the bed so he's straddling Seto's legs. He slowly reaches out his hands and wraps them around Seto's length.

Seto closes his eyes and relaxes under Joey's touch.

Joey feels himself harden as he pumps Seto. For a moment he thinks of taking one of his hands away to rub himself through his pants, but the second his hand releases, Seto's eyes shoot open.

"What are you doing, mutt?" snaps Seto.

'Think quick, Joey!' Joey smirks. "Well, Master… you don't appear to be enjoying this, so I thought I'd try a different approach. Stop me if I'm out of line…"

"What are you planning, mutt?" asks Seto with wide, almost fearful eyes.

Joey smiles as he quickly lowers his mouth onto Seto's throbbing member keeping one hand at the base where his mouth can't reach.

A moan escapes Seto's mouth as he feels the wet heat envelop him. His hands snake up into the blonde hair as he tries to force the head further onto him. When that fails, he tries to thrust up, but Joey moves away from him.

"Now, now. None of that. If I end up choking, I can't pleasure you," says Joey, "So behave."

Seto closes his eyes and moans as Joey returns to the task of kissing and sucking the hard erection.

Joey slides his free hand down to rub his own erection through his pants. He tries to work them both with a fast rhythm, and he has to use the hand not pleasuring himself to force Seto's hips to quit thrusting.

"Puppy," moans Seto clenching the other boy's hair tightly. He releases into the mouth still trying to satisfy him.

Joey sucks up the fluid until he hits his own release. "Yes!"

Seto opens his eyes and looks at the other's position over him.

Joey's mouth is still poised over Seto's cock, left hand pressed firmly on one hip, Seto's two hands messing up his soft but unruly locks, and his right hand clenching his clothed erection. He gives Seto a half-lidded gaze.

Seto also notices the obvious signs of Joey's release staining his pants. "You were jerking off!"

Joey gives Seto's cock one last tantalizing lick before covering Seto's nude body with his own clothed one. "I'm sorry, Master, but you looked like you were enjoying yourself so much. I couldn't resist the temptation."

Seto wraps his arms around Joey's back.

"Um… Master?" whispers Joey into Seto's ear.

"Yes, puppy?"

"I had never done… um… did I satis… uh… well, did you enjoy that?" whispers Joey turning bright red.

"Yes, puppy. That was just what I needed," whispers Seto, "Thank you."

"That's why I'm here, Master," says Joey.

"How much of your work have you finished?" asks Seto with a content sigh.

Joey sighs. He grumbles, "Maybe a third…"

"A third?" Seto raises an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, but stopping to help you with these special duties has been setting me back from the list you gave me," says Joey, "I'm sorry, Master."

"You'd best get back to work then. You can leave at ten whether you are finished or not," says Seto pushing Joey off him. He climbs from the bed and saunters towards his bathroom. "Now I have to wash your dog drool off me!"

"I'm sorry, Master! I thought it would have been better than the task you requested!" exclaims Joey hanging his head as he climbs from the bed.

Seto flashes a genuine smile at Joey when he isn't looking. 'And it was, my little puppy,' he thinks, 'It was so wonderful I can't even think of anything else!'

"You should have told me I was out of line, Master."

"You were riding the line, but you didn't cross it," says Seto entering his bathroom, "Now, go to work…"

"Yes, Master." Joey hurries out to continue his work.

'He seemed to enjoy it himself,' thinks Seto stepping into a warm shower, 'I wonder if he's gay. Maybe I'll ask him tomorrow.'