I added a little spiciness in this chapter! Yay!

"Hey, Yuck, you wanna sleep over?" Linda asked.

"What?" Yang shouted.

"Umm…yeah…I guess…" Yuck replied.

"Great! I'll get a sleeping bag!" She ran off.

"I can't believe she's making friends with Yuck!" Yang said.

"I know. What if he really IS up to something?" Yin replied, agreeing.

"EHEM." Yuck said.

"Hee-hee hee…" Yin & Yang said, putting their arms behind their backs & inching away from Yuck's table.

"Master Yo! Can I invite a friend over to sleep over?" Linda asked, eagerly.

"Eh, sure. Why not?"

"Yay!" She & Yuck ran into her room to set up, while Yin & Yang walked in, with annoyed faces.

"Master Yo! It's Yuck!" Yin said.

"Yeah, so?"

"SO, he's our enemy!" Yang said.

"Yeah, so?"

"You moron! Do I have to spell it out for you?" Yang yelled.

"YANG! Go to your room, right now! You too, young lady!"

"Ugh! Yang, look what you did!" Yin snapped as they made their way to their room. They walked in to find Linda & Yuck, sitting with there legs crossed & Linda, levitating, talking & laughing.

"Yeah, me, too! I love that band! Oh, Yuck, I can tell we're gonna be great friends!" Linda said.

"Well, I guess since your gonna stay here…" Yin said, referring to Linda. She shot at a corner of the room & a purple bed appeared.

"Ooh, is that for me?" Linda asked, eagerly.

"Yep." Yin said.


"What about me?" Yuck asked, eagerly. Yang threw a pie in his face & laughed hard.

"UUGGH!" Yuck yelled, rearing up to attack.

"Sorry, dude…" Yang said, between laughs, "But, that's just TOO funny!"


"Guys, cut Yuck a break." Linda said, already trying out her new bed.

"Fine…" Yin said.

"Yeah…" Yang paused to pull out a pie. "HA!" He threw it at Yuck & it hit his face. Yuck yelled out in anger. Yang laughed again. Linda rolled her eyes.

As Linda slept, she fell out of her bed.

"Owe!" she said. She looked at yuck, who was sleeping on the ground.

It isn't fair… she thought. Yin made me a nice, fluffy & oh-so comfortable bed…& Yuck has to sleep on the floor…that's mean… She crawled back up on her bed. She leaned over to see if Yuck was awake.

"Yuck?" she asked.

"Huh?" He opened his eyes, slightly.

"You…uh…wanna…sleep with me? I'm sure it's more comfortable than the floor."

"Sure." Yuck stretched & got up into the bed with her.

"Goodnight, Yuck." Linda said, laying down.

"'Night." Yuck replied.

About two hours after that, Linda & Yuck slept soundlessly. Linda twitched at feeling slight pain, after a tiny black sensation flowed into her. Then, after it was over, she smiled & continued to sleep.

"Yuck, I feel strange." Linda pointed out. She & Yuck were in the training area.

"Well, I'm sure it's just from sleeping in the same bed with another rabbit."

"Yeah, maybe, I slept wrong. I'm surprised you didn't."

"Aw, I'm used to sleeping on the ground, anyway."

"You are? Why?"

"Well, considering I'm made from Yin & Yang's bad qualities…"

"You're homeless?"

"You could say that. Don't worry, it's fine."

"No, it's not! I can't believe how mean those two are to you!"

"Heh, heh…well, I did try to destroy them…"

"You didn't attack them once today, you were nice, you never harmed anyone, & yet, they treated you like dirt!"

"Well, I am a little bad at hygiene."

"Yuck! Yin made you sleep on the floor!"

"I know, but, like I said, I'm used to it."

"I know you are, but, still, they should've taken you in or at least tried to help you last night."

"Aw, don't worry. They would never take me in." Yuck turned around.


"Despite my kindness yesterday, I'm their enemy. I've tried to destroy them a multiple of times, I broke Yin's heart. I even tried to kill their Master, insisting he was mine. Who in their right mind would like me?" Yuck felt a tear slide down his cheek. He froze. Was he…crying?

"But, Yuck…" Linda put a furry paw on his shoulder. "I…I like you…" Yuck turned back around.


"Of course. You're so sweet. You must have good in you, somewhere."

"That's impossible. I wasn't meant to be good. I even tried, but, it didn't work out."

"Well…when something doesn't work out…you can always try again…"

"You're right." Yuck smiled at Linda. As he turned to leave, he looked back & said, "Thanks, Linda. I'll be seeing you."

"No problem, Yuck. See ya'." Linda said. They both went home.

Linda squirmed a lot that night, sleeping. She shot up in her bed. She gasped.

"Yuck!" She paused, remembering he'd gone home. "What's going on?" She looked at her fur. It was slightly darker. She figured it was the lighting in the room. She gazed at the clock; 3:28 AM.

"Linda…" she heard Yin ask, "You ok?"

"Oh, uh, yeah…I'm fine." She paused. She knew she wasn't fine. She couldn't be. "Yin?"


"Can I…can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"Do you…I mean, did you…ever feel anything towards Yuck?"

"Hm, not that I remember."

"Because he said he broke your heart. Did you like him?"

"I liked…someone he pretended to be…"

"Oh. Sorry. He cried earlier."


"Yes. He's sad because he thinks no one cares about him. Did you know he sleeps outside, on the streets?"

"Oh, uh…I…actually never thought of it. But…come to think of it, where else would he be?"

"Well…well, why are you & Yang so mean to him?"

"Well, he's our enemy. He was mean to us, first."

"Yeah, I guess…do you think evil can…I mean, do you think it's contagious?"

"Yeah, definitely. It happened to me with Coop."

"Who's Coop?"

"Oh, one of those boys who I only like because they're bad. I'm not sure if I like him, anymore." She paused. "Yeah, I do a little, but, not enough to ignore my duties when we go out, like I did last time."

"Oh…" She didn't know what to say, next. So, she turned & fell asleep. Yin paused, then, she went to sleep as well.

The next morning, Linda woke up to Yuck, waking her up.


"Hi, Linda. I thought I'd wake you up."


"Well, it's 2 in the afternoon." Linda shot up & was now sitting in her bed.


"Heh, heh…I thought I'd let you sleep in."

"Oh… ok."

"And now, I'd like to…"

"LINDA!" they heard Yin yell out, excitedly. "Guess what? Master Yo is taking us all on a picnic, today! And…" She paused. "Umm…why is Yuck here?"

"Oh, he's just waking me up."

"Oh….well, anyway, he's taking us to the lake for a picnic."

"Cool! I'll get ready!" Yin jumped out her bed & ran out of the room to get ready, herself.

"Yuck, you wanna come?" Linda asked Yuck.

"Oh, umm…sure, I guess…what else do I have to do, anyway?"

"Cool. I'll go get ready to go."

"You do that." Yuck said, putting his hand on her shoulder. They both felt a pinch, like strong static electricity.

"Owe!" they both shouted, jumping back.

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" Yang yelled, popping his head through the door.

"J-Just some static electricity…" Linda said.

"Ok." And with that, he left. Linda & yuck giggled, nervously & went into separate bathrooms. As Yuck prepared his fur after waking up, he changed his shirt & walked out. Linda was also preparing herself. She looked in the mirror & brushed her hair. Her reflection began changing. She gasped. In Yuck's bathroom, he was just walking out.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" he heard Linda scream.

"LINDA!" He darted for her bathroom. When he got there, he yelled out, "OH MY GOSH!" Linda was on her knees, trying to get up, with a deep scratch on her back. "WHAT HAPPENED?"

"I…I-I don't know…" Linda replied. Yuck grabbed her arm & tried to help her up. Her bright green shirt was ripped & had blood on it. "I-I was looking in the mirror & my reflection attacked me!"


"I know it sounds stupid…"

"No, I…I-I mean…who…" Yuck touched her wound. "Does this hurt?"

"A little." Yuck looked at his paw, which now had a little blood on it. Yin & Yang rushed in & gasped.

"Linda!" they gasped. Yang gazed at Yuck's hand.

"YUCK!" he yelled. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Yuck paused, but, then understood, gazing at his paw.

"N-No! I didn't do this to her! She…she…I only touched her wound to see if she was hurting badly!"

"Yeah, likely story, Yuck."


"Yang, Yuck didn't do it." Linda explained. "He ran in here after I screamed."


Later, Linda's back had gauze wrapped around it & she was sitting on the couch, explaining.

"…then, I screamed, & Yuck showed up."

"Oh, now, I get it." Yin said.

"Yeah. So, you see? Yuck didn't do this to me."

"Oh, now, I understand…" Master Yo said.

"You know, Linda, I know what will cheer you up!" Yang said, "Trying out your Lin-Cinerate after a long day without fighting."

"Umm…I don't understand why that'll cheer me up…"

"Well, we wanna admire your power." Yin said.

"Umm…ok." She looked at Yuck.

"Go ahead. I don't care if your ahead of me." Yuck said, hugging her.

"Ok." Linda said, suddenly feeling a shock. "What was that?"

"I was rolling on the carpet…"

"Right." She turned & opened her paw. "Lin-Cinerate!" She shot out a bright red Incinerate. Only it wasn't just plain Incinerate…it had yellow flames around it & shot as far as the five could see, destroying everything in its path. She stood up, trying to control her flaming paw. She grabbed it & yanked it out of the fire, almost as if the fire was shocking her & she was trying to escape. It then stopped. "Whoa…"

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" Yang shouted, in excitement.

"I…I don't know…"

"Whoa, Linda, that's un-usual…"

"I know. This never happened in the Woo Foo--AAHH!" She collapsed onto the ground.

"Linda! What's wrong?" Yin asked. Yuck out his hand on her forehead.

"She's burning! Owe!" He then felt another shock.

"OWE!" Linda shouted. Feeling the extreme pain in her chest, she yelped out in pain & could feel tears forming in her eyes.

"Linda! What's wrong?" Yuck asked.

"I…don't know…why am I burning?" Linda asked, then, raising her voice, she shouted, "I feel like my chest is coming apart!"

"Ok-ok…I…Master Yo! What do we do?!"

"I don't know. Get her some ice. Quick!" Linda barely opened her eyes & to see Yuck, over her.

"Linda, listen to me. It'll be alright…" He was the last thing she saw before blacking out.

Yay, suspense! I'll be working on this more, so, stay tuned!!

PS. Ok, I admit it, Gabs' fan fic, "Memories" is SO AWESOME & it's inspiring me. I got the whole "Burning chest" idea from her, BUT, I'm trying hard not to make any copies of anything she is doing. The fan fic drove me to add Yuck to this fic, too. ^^