Wesley had gone to Sunnydale at Tara's request, leaving Gun, Cordelia and Fred to monitor the situation at the Hyperion. He hadn't felt right doing so, leaving his friends to deal with Angelus but he couldn't leave Tara to deal with the situation. It had seemed that the Slayer had derailed more and more after she had returned. Not dealing well with losing both Spike and Dawn.

Now on top of it all it seemed her ex had gone missing, causing her to lash out at her surroundings and abusing the demons around her and not even bothering to put them out of their misery. Instead she simply waited for them to die of their wounds. The most disconcerting of it was the fact that she was dabbling with magic. Nothing good could come of that. So Wesley had gone.

He knocked quietly on Tara's door. The shy girl opened the door cautiously, taking a good look at who was there before opening the door fully. "C-come in." She invited shyly as she took a step back, letting Wesley in past her.

Wesley walked in past her, taking a moment to take in his surroundings. He place was simple but comfortable. It had all the vibrations of a home lovingly and patiently put together from things that truly mattered to the owner. No matter how mismatched it seemed at the surface the place felt comfortable and safe. He sat down when Tara invited him too.

"Thank you for coming." The blonde witch stated quietly as she took her own seat.

"It's no problem I assure you. The situation you described was troubling in the least." Wesley confessed.

"Yes. I-I-I-I found something. I w-wanted you to look at it." She shoved a book at Wesley.

He frowned as he looked it over. "Where did you find this?" He asked as he read it eagerly.

Tara shrugged a little shyly. "At the s-store. It was behind some other books. Anya let me borrow it."

Wesley continued reading. His mind spinning with possibilities.

The blonde nervously shrugged her hair back.

"You know what this book means." He asked, sharp eyes darting up to hers.

Tara looked down. "I thought it might be the answer to getting Buffy back to normal."

"Not only that. But…" He paused, his mind reeling with possibilities. This might be the answer to the prophecy he had been looking at. "We could redeem Angel and Spike."

Tara nodded quietly.

"You think you can convince Buffy to undergo the ritual?"

The blonde witch looked down, her posture unsure. "I-I-I was hoping. That with Giles and the others. She might be willing. I just wanted you to see the book before I brought it to Giles."

Wesley nodded. "You mind if I copy it?"

The blonde shook her head.

Wesley placed his hands on hers before he set to work, causing her eyes to go up to him, startled at his physical gesture. "Thank you."

She blushed shyly and nodded, getting up to make some tea while Wesley worked.