Alvin and his brothers, Simon and Theodore sang as loud as the could, making sure that everyone in the park could hear them. One of the top dance schools in the state had asked them to prefrom with them, and rehearse in the park. Alvin had spent weeks begging his adoptive father Dave to let them preform, with an excuse.
"Dave! It's good publicity!" He whinned. He real reason, as both his brothers knew, was to impress the neighbors daughter, a member of the dance school. Both Simon and Theodore said he'd have no chance, since she was a 14 year old human girl, and he was a 10 year old chipmunks, that could be her pet rather than her boyfriend.

Meanwhile three chipmunk sisters ran wildly towardsthe park from the near-by woods. "Think we got away?"Eleanor, the youngest asked he older sisters Brittany and Jeanette.
"Hope so! I can't run anymore! My feet will fall off. Jeanette, you just had to drop one of the acorns on a sparrow." Brittany whinned"
"It was an accident"
"Ok, fine, what no-HAWK!The one you dropped an acorn on this morning! Run"
"Bag! 4 o'clock"
"But it's only 2:30!"Eleanor said confused. Brittany grabbed her hand and jumped into the yellow beach bag.
"We should be safe here." Jeanette said,"but we should move to another forest"
"Ya think?"Brittany said smugly, as someone opened the yellow bag.
"Hey, who are you guys and what are you hiding from?" A blonde human girl asked, as the girls crawled out of the bag.
"I'm Brittany." Brittany said, brshing her auburn hair from her face."THats Jeanette"She pointed to her brown haired sister, then pointed to her blonde sister"And Eleanor. We're hiding from a hawke, and a sparrow, and sorta need a place to live now"
"WEll, you guys could come live with me, I'm Olivia by the way"
"Yeah, come on, my moms here to pick me up"
"I love this attention!" Alvin said as some of the high school dancers went crazy over how "Adorable" the chipmunks were.
"I'll have to agree."Simon said as a tall brunnet kissed him on the cheek.
"Yeah!" Theodore said as someone gave him half their cookie.
"You know what are group needs?"Alvin said, waving at another girl.
"Toaster waffles?" Theodore suggested, taking a huge bite out of the cookie "Yes, and girl back-up singers, cute ones, that...uh.. are Chipmunks"
"Alvin get real! Their arn't any girl chipmunks with great voices dying to sing back-up for you!" Simon said. He just had to be realistic.
"Yeha, well, i'll try! Dave! I have a great idea"
"Olivia! This is you house!" Brittany asked, pulling herself out of the bag.
"Yep, and your new home"
"Sweet!"Brittany said looking at her flower petal dress. "Moving on to our warbrobe"
"I've got an idea, try theses on. They're my old doll clothes, and if you cut holes for you tails in them, the should work"
"Yeah. they're great." Eleanor said pulling out a spring green dress that matched hers soft lamb's ear leaf dress.
"I like this." Jeanette said taking a purple turtle neck and matching plaid skirt from the pile.
"Figures!" Brittany said, walking out from behind a screen wearing a baby pink halter top and matching pink knee-lenth skirt"Too cute right?"

"But Dave!It's a great idea! Please please please!"Alvin begged after telliong Dave his idea.
"Alvin, if you'll stop, we'll put an ad in the paper and hold a talent search"
"YAY!"Alvin cheered."Told ya he'd cave" He said passing in front of Simon, towards the video game system he'd gotten for chirstmas.
"Think they'll be nice?" Theodore asked as alvin grabbed the steering wheel.
"The girls we pick. What if they're not"
"Theodore, stop acting like Simon, this is the best idea I've ever had and you two want to ruin it! They have to be talented and cute, the only requirments."Alvin said, turning towards the TV."Not this time hotshot!"He yelled at the game, putting on his favorite red baseball hat "Alvin, it's all set. I've even called some of the dancers who would want to audition!" Dave said, putting the phone on the receiver.
"So, it's tommorow? Great! I know someone who would love to!"Olivia was on the phone, while the sisters were in her bedroom, singing a random song in the mirror.
"Wow! You guys are amazing! You'd give 'Alvin and THe Chipmunks' A run for they're money"
"Who?"Jeanette asked, as Olivia put a red cd into the hot-pink stereo. "Witch Doctor blasted through te room.
"This is great music! It's awsome to dance to!"Eleanor said, tapping her paw to the beat.
"Yeah, they're sorta cute too!" Brittany added, looking at the CD case.
"And their having an audition for aback-up group, if you three are interested"
"Will we be famous?"Brittany asked, perking her ears up.
"Duh!" Olivia said, grabbing the phone.
"I'm in, you guys"
"Yeah!"Eleanor and Jeanette said at the same time.
"I'll call"
"Fellas, bed time, you've gotta get up early. The first groups coming at 8 to the studio"
"But Dave! I'm not awake til 9!" Alvin whinned "Not my problem."Dave said as Alvin jumped on the couch.
"They better be worth it. Olivia says they're great"
"Olivia Miller?"Alvin asked. He'd tried to impress her sister Vanessa all last week, but it was hard to impress a 18 year old when your a chipmunk.
"Alvin, go to bed"
"But Dave!"Alvin complained"Spongebobs on"
"Olivia Maria Miller, what did I tell you about bring animals home?" Ivy Miller questioned her 14 year old daughter.
"But, Mom, they're really talented! Girls, show her"
To Ivy's surprise, the girls were just north of amazing. There voices blended togather and it sounded like they had recorded in a profession studio, rather than singing live in Olivia's room.
"They're your responsiblity Olivia, now go to bed, its late"
"THank you thank you thank you"
"Auditions tommorow at 8 am." Olivia told the girls as she made the a bed out a fluffy pillow and soft blankets on the chair in her room.
"Our first audition, Brittany, don't let your ego mess it up!" Eleanor said, but before Brittany could reply, her sister had fallen asleep

"Hey, calling all chipmunks! 7:20, wake up!"Olivia said, shaking the girls awake.
"No, I need more beauty sleep, or I won't be fabulous!"Brittany whinned.
"Not my problem."Olivia said, putting her on the floor.
"Be that way. But hills will roll"
"Ellie, wake up."Jeanette said, still shaking Eleanor to get up "Whats for breakfast?"She asked when she finally woke up.
"Waffles."Olivia said. Eleanor shrugged, then pulled herself off the fluffy pillow.
"Come on, I need to find something cute to wear."Brittany said digging through the pile of dolls clothes, picking a tank top, matching skirt and shrub."Fabulous"
"Owww!"Jeanette cried, crashing into the leg of the chair.
"Jeanette, could you see that?"Olivia asked "No, i can't see very well, i guess, but you can't fix that.
"I can."Olivia said, finding a pair of pink glasses of a chipmunks sized glass doll."Try theses"
"Wow!"Jeanette said putting the glasses on."We made a mess picking out outfits!"She laughed at the scattered clothes around the room.

"Dave!Wake up!!"Alvin cried jumping on Daves bed"It's 7:30. Get up Lazy Bones"
"Alvin, calm down we have half an hour!"Simon said."Just half an hour til you admit I'm right"
"No, just half an hour until you admit I'm right!"Alvin snapped, throwing to waffles into the toaster.
"Sure."Simon said sarcasticly. Like he'd admit he was wrong to Alvin.
"Who's first to audition?"Theodore asked when Dave walked in.
"Um, thoses chipmunks girls staying with the Millers"
"Since when, I though only Olivia her sister and Ivy and John lived there"
"I don't know. But Olivia called a booked an audition time last night."

"Are they nice?"Theodore asked."Never met them yet. You'll fined out soon enough"Let's go and-"ALvin started"Alvin your waff--"Simon said but Alvin cut him off"Simon, don't care"But your waff--""Simon!"Alvin snapped, he should have listened, because just then the smoke detector went off."Alvin!"Dave yelled, turning on the fan to blow the smoke from Alvin's burnt waffles.
"I'll just have a banana."Alvin said, sneaking away towards the door.
"Go to the car, we're late as it is"

"Run, we're late!" Brittany cried, crawling into Olivias yellow beach bag "I know, I know!"Olivia said, dropping into a chair in the waiting room. Jeanette and Eleanor both climbed out of the bag, while Brittany searched for something.
"Have any lipgloss"
"And candy?"Eleanor asked. Brittany gave her a look."I eat when I'm nervous"
"You eat anyway. It's like a hobby for you!"Brittany taunted, and Olivia flicked her."Ow"
"Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor"
"I picked a good day to be Brittany"
"Come on"
"Olivia?Why are you auditioning?"Alvin asked "I'm not,"Olivia said, as the chipmunk girls slid onto the table infront of Alvin.
"THey are."then bent down and whispered something to the girls.
"Hey, I'm Brittany, and these are my sisters, Eleanor and Jeanette.""I'm Alvin, and these are my brothers Theodore and Simon."Alvin said shaking Brittany's hand nervously. Brittany smiled, and made a mental note that she still had a boyfriend...It didn't help.
"Well, let's see what you got!"ALvin said, the three boys taking a seat on the couch.
"Girls,Headstrong"Brittany commanded.

Headstrong crazy days When your mind's made up And the music plays Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?
Meltdown, It's not a crush In a hot hot room, We're in a rush Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?

"Wow!"Alvin's jaw dropped.
"I'll admit it, Alvin for once, you were right, we'd find talented girls"
"So, we were good?"Jeanette asked shyly "Amazing!"Simon said. Jeanette looked at her feet and mubbled something, but no one could here what it was. Brittany giggled. Jeanette hardlygot any compliments, and never got them from boys!
"Well, now what?" Eleanor asked, fiddleing with her green tie.
"We'll discuss it and get back to you. Which shouldn't be to hard, seeing as you live next door."Dave said opening the door.
"Oh, really? We'll have to keep in touch."Alvin said sliding beside Brittany.
"Yeah, how about the 7 of us all go out for ice cream!" Theodore suggested.
"Who's the 7th"
"Pick us up at 7? Brittany asked, still reminding herself she had a boyfriend. But they'd break up if she became a star. He couldn't handly fame, he was a "forest boy" and she was now a "California Girl", it couldn't work... But she wanted it to, she like Jeremy, he was funny, and charming, but sorta ditzy.
"Sounds great! See ya!"Alvin said, as the girls left the room."Dave!We've got to pick them!Their perfect! They've got talent, their charming and cute!All three requirments"
"Yeah Dave! Simon would agree, if he would admit he was wrong for once!