Disclaimer: I do not own twilight!

The Storm

Chapter 5

Edward P.O.V

All of a sudden Bella's arm twitched. Charlie and I both got nervous. We both loved her to death and wanted her to be all right. Then her eye twitched. We both were getting excited. Her eyes slowly opened, and she cringed.

"Bells? Are you all right?" Charlie asked apprehensively. Bella nodded but did not speak.

"What happened? Ugh, I feel horrible. My leg is killing me!" Bella said hoarsely. I didn't blame her.

"Bella you shattered your leg and ankle because of a horrible storm that went through here. Your house is pretty much destroyed, and you had to get surgery on your leg." I told her.

"Bells, I was thinking, once you get out of the hospital, maybe you and I can stay with Billy and Jacob for awhile, till we get our house fixed up. It's probably the only place we can live for awhile." Charlie remarked.

"Dad, can't I stay with Alice for awhile? It would be way more fun, I'd actually have a girl to hang out with" Bella stated.

"I don't know, are you sure? You and Jake have such a great time……."

"Dad I'm sure. The Cullen's will be happy to have me won't they Edward? Besides, Carlisle can watch my leg and ankle for me. Please dad? It would be really good for me."

"It's fine with my family, Chief Swan. We'll be happy to have Bella." I told him

"Fine, I give up. You can stay with them, but I'll be at Billy's and I want you to call me once in awhile. Okay?" Charlie said, dad-like.

"Kay dad," Bella said yawning. She looked tired, and I wanted to give her the get-well present before she went to sleep.

"Bella, you look tired, but before you get to sleep, I want to give you your Get-Well present I bought you." I took out the huge elephant, and gave it to her. She read the card, and smiled.

"Thank you Edward. It's nice, although you really didn't have to buy me anything." She said.

"Well I wanted to buy you something, so there." I said jokingly.

Chief, Swan, my family could probably give you some things, like clothes if you need them. We have lots of extras, and we have extra furniture, and stuff. Do you need anything?

"That would be great Edward, thanks. We probably just need some clothes, including Bella. But that's probably it." He answered.

Bella then yawned and laid down on the uncomfortable hospital beds, and closed her eyes and fell asleep. Charlie left to go to Billy's.

I called Alice, and asked her to buy Bella and Charlie some new clothes, since theirs are all destroyed. Alice was ecstatic. She told me all about the clothes she was going to buy, and all the stuff I don't care about.

I stayed with Bella all night long. I was not going to leave her side all night.

Authors Note: Sorry it took me forever to update, but I just have lots of things to do. This week I'm going on vacation, so I probably won't update. Please review!

Complete now, idk what else to write, so that's it!