A/N: This is my first Fanfic, so please be kind and a few pointers would be nice. Read and Review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar, Mike and Bryan do. How I wish I did. Anyways the story awaits........

      Toph was lying down on the beach with a rather dull expression on her face. Sozin's Comet had passed and Fire Lord Ozai had been defeated. It still surprised her that the former Fire Lord hadn't thought of looking for the Avatar in his own beach house. She was aroused from her thoughts by a rather confident looking Sokka walking towards her.

"Hey Toph, I finally found a place where my boomerang can stay safe yet hidden from any danger." Toph had been feeling sorry for him ever since he had lost his meteor sword saving her.

She had been lost in thought ever since Sozin's Comet and couldn't work up enough courage to tell the person she was thinking about her thoughts, so she just sat there.

"That's nice but why should I care?"

"Because it's important to me."

"Well I don't Snoozles so get over it"

"You know you can be really mean at times Toph."

"Thanks, I try my best to be."

       After that there was a long silence, Sokka finally broke it by saying "What are you going to do now Toph?" "What do you mean" she answered as she turning her head towards his general direction. " Well, Zuko's Fire Lord now so he is going back to the Fire Nation after our vacation, I think Aang is traveling the world to help rebuild damage done by the war. Suki's going back to Kyoshi Island, and Katara's going back to the South Pole, so where are you going?" She really hadn't pondered the question so she said "You know I really hadn't thought about that yet, but where are you going?"

"I really don't know I might go know home to the South Pole or I might just travel around for a while until I find my calling." She sighed." Whats wrong Toph you seem down."

       Toph had been feeling down so she felt she might as well tell him. "Well everyone is going their seprate ways and I don't know what to do. I'm going to miss everyone especially you, Sokka." Sokka turned to look at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I'll miss you to Toph" he said as he enveloped her in a hug. For a girl with such a tiny frame you wouldn't suspect she could kick your butt any day of the week. Toph had wanted to tell Sokka that she loved him but couldn't do it so the next best thing was a kiss. Hey, he was going to leave soon so she might as well.

        She moved her head from his chest to look at him and then with enough courage she captured his lips in a kiss. He stiffened at first but finally relaxed into the kiss. When they finally broke apart she said "I think I just found out who I'm going with."

Sokka smiled and said "I think I did too."

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please Review!